1 (edited by 01oriole 2016-02-03 08:02:37)

Topic: HDSPe not detected in MacPro El Capitan

just installed new HDSPe card in MacPro octo-core 2.8GHz running El Capitan.  Ran 4.05 driver installed which indicated it installed successfully.  after restart, Mac not detecting HDSPe. 

Saw newly posted 4.06 driver available, so dowloaded and ran 4.06 - it says it installed successfully, but after restart, card still not detected. 

Two other things that might indicate conditions:  Sound page lists the HDSPe slot as  "Port 1-2: 64ch" and Hammerfall/TotalMix soft-interface app does not appear in dock.  Also, PCI status indicates there is a card in the slot where HDSPe is, but indicates that no driver is installed, even though driver installation indicated "installed successfully."

Have read about "jumper" issues in past.  also not sure - i have no RME expansion card, so did not know what to do with the flat ribbon cable that came with HDSPe: was i supposed to use cable to connect some part of HDSPe card to logic board?

Help - have HDSP running in a PC from years ago: love it, but am confused what's going on with new HDSPe in MacPro, which was recently upgraded and fully tested.  Any help would be greatly appreciated - thank you very much!!


Re: HDSPe not detected in MacPro El Capitan

What HDSPe card is that? You might need to flash a newer firmware first before putting it into the Mac.

Matthias Carstens

Re: HDSPe not detected in MacPro El Capitan

HDSPe AIO.  how does one flash firmware?  driver is installed "successfully" but does not seem to be getting to card...manual says firmware update can be done after driver is "installed"...will i be able to flash firmware before card is detected?  i do not have another PCIe machine...

Thanks very much for you time and assistance!


Re: HDSPe not detected in MacPro El Capitan

You will need to have it running in a computer - in this case a different computer.

Matthias Carstens

Re: HDSPe not detected in MacPro El Capitan

wow - how's it going to "run" in a computer : it won't "run" in my PCIe MacPro - will it "run" in a different MacPro?  i don't think there's anything wrong with my MacPro.  can i send it to RME in USA so they can fix ?

thanks again.


Re: HDSPe not detected in MacPro El Capitan

It might well 'run' in whatever other computer, including PC. Of course you can send the card in for Synthax US to check it - they will also apply a firmware update if necessary.

Matthias Carstens

Re: HDSPe not detected in MacPro El Capitan

Thank you MC for the suggestion.  I'm not sure what Synthax is.  May I ask - do you think the firmware could be flashed to the card on a MacPro running Mavericks or Yosemite? if so, could i get a link to the appropriate firmware?

Re: HDSPe not detected in MacPro El Capitan

MC - how long will it be before RME has flash update tool that is El Capitan compatible?  El Capitan has been out for many months.


Re: HDSPe not detected in MacPro El Capitan

Synthax is our US distributor, and that is 'RME in the USA'.

You can not flash a firmware when the card is not working at all.

Our flash tools are fully compatible to EC.

Matthias Carstens

Re: HDSPe not detected in MacPro El Capitan

Thanks very much, again, MC.  Current flash tool was downloaded and run this morning by Sweetwater tech operating remotely.  HDSPe pkg 4.06 driver downloaded and "installed successfully."  Mac System Resources indicates the card occupying slot.  And prior to removal to install HDSPe card, my UAD 2 Quad card and Apogee Symphony cards worked properly.  I wonder what the problem might be...

Kind of frustrating...


Re: HDSPe not detected in MacPro El Capitan

> PCI status indicates there is a card in the slot where HDSPe is, but indicates that no driver is installed

Can you post a screenshot, please?

Matthias Carstens

Re: HDSPe not detected in MacPro El Capitan

MC - Have tried repeatedly to paste a "Grab" screenshot into this dialog window but not working.  here is the info that appears in
System  Information.

Slot 1  ATI Radeon HD 2600:

  Name:    ATY,Lamna
  Type:    Display Controller
  Driver Installed:    Yes
  MSI:    Yes
  Bus:    PCI
  Slot:    Slot-1
  Vendor ID:    0x1002
  Device ID:    0x9588
  Subsystem Vendor ID:    0x106b
  Subsystem ID:    0x00a6
  Revision ID:    0x0000
  Link Width:    x16
  Link Speed:    5.0 GT/s

Slot 3 Symphony64:

  Name:    pci19c2,2100
  Type:    Audio
  Driver Installed:    Yes
  MSI:    Yes
  Bus:    PCI
  Slot:    Slot-3
  Vendor ID:    0x19c2
  Device ID:    0x2100
  Subsystem Vendor ID:    0x19c2
  Subsystem ID:    0x2100
  Revision ID:    0x0000
  Link Width:    x1
  Link Speed:    2.5 GT/s

Slot 4  pci10ee,3fc6:

  Type:    Audio
  Driver Installed:    No
  MSI:    No
  Bus:    PCI
  Slot:    Slot-4
  Vendor ID:    0x10ee
  Device ID:    0x3fc6
  Revision ID:    0x00d4
  Link Width:    x1
  Link Speed:    2.5 GT/s


Re: HDSPe not detected in MacPro El Capitan

We organized a Mac Pro 2008 and installed El Capitan and a HDSPe AIO - no problem.

Things you could try:

- temporarily remove the Symphony card

- change the slots of Symphony and HDSPe card

Check that the driver files have been installed correctly and are found in the correct folders:


If you ever had a different RME card with an older driver in that system make sure no other files are present that could interfere with the latest driver:

- in folder /System/Library/Extensions nothing should be found that is named like "Hammerfall DSP" or "HDSP" or "HDSPMADI"

- instead "HDSPMADI.kext" must be found in folder /Library/Extensions (not /System/Library...)
- in Applications "HDSPe Settings" and "Totalmix" must be present. NBot other applications that have "Hammerfall" or "HDSP" in their name
- in folder "/Library/Audio/Midi Drivers" you should find "HDSP MADI MIDI.plugin"
- in folder "/Library/LaunchAgents" you should find "de.rme-audio.hdspAgent.plist"

Matthias Carstens

Re: HDSPe not detected in MacPro El Capitan

I will go through these steps - thanks MC.  I should share with you one other thing: my attempts to run the flash update tool from the RME website result in the following message: Error No HDSP driver or card installed.   I do not know if that helps to clarify the condition of the machine or not - as you know, i ran the 4.06 driver installer and it indicated "installation was successful" at the end of it's sequence.

Re: HDSPe not detected in MacPro El Capitan

MC - thanks again for your time and effort.  I find no files or folders similar to what you describe in the locations you mention.  No RME card has been installed in this MacPro before the HDSPe and the hard drive was wiped clean and El Capitan was installed in November 2015.  None of the Hammerfall or Total Mix files or folders exist on the computer. 

I am somewhat familiar with these files as I have had a HDSP 9632 in a PC i also own - it was always a relatively cooperative system. 

If the 4.06 driver installation package was supposed to install these files, why would they not be there?  after running the installer, it indicated "installation was successful."  also, what do you think the flash update tool Error message might indicate?  Do you still believe i have to flash this card in a different computer, even though the flash update tool runs on EC ?  if that needs to happen, i believe i need to send the card back to Sweetwater Music to let them handle it.  Thank you very much again - i hope your week is going well otherwise.


Re: HDSPe not detected in MacPro El Capitan

Did you check that the driver files exist in the mentioned directories? If Apple's own installer says 'installed' then usually it did copy the files. They are just not started for whatever reason, then there is no communication to the card, and then the firmware updater won't work either.

If the files are there you should get the card exchanged as it might be broken somehow.

Matthias Carstens

Re: HDSPe not detected in MacPro El Capitan

MC - yes, I check in the directories you mentioned and neither the files nor any folder/subfolder were there - the just didn't get created.  i am sending the card to Sweetwater.  the fact that the Mac knows the card is in the slot, but the drivers and flash update tool do not "connect" to it is a mystery...since the machine is aware of the card in the slot and the flash update tool runs in EC, why wouldn't the firmware update be possible...the driver "installation was successful."  if flash depends on driver, then all tools would seem to be in place.  as you suggest - perhaps the card is defective. 

i've purchased two cards from RME...i hope my random sample rate is not 50%.  very frustrating...

thanks you again for your time and insight, MC.  I understand that Jared, the tech at Sweetwater who worked remotely on my machine Saturday has been in contact with RME.  If you like, I will let you know how this gets resolved. 


Re: HDSPe not detected in MacPro El Capitan

MC - just letting you know what's developed in my "test" environment.  I returned HDSPe card to Sweetwater last week: they told me they successfully flashed the firmware update.  I received it yesterday, removed the UAD and Apogee cards and installed HDSPe in my MacPro this morning - so it is the only card in the MacPro other than video card. 

There is no change in my El Capitan MacPro. System reports in 'hardware overview':


  Type:    Audio
  Driver Installed:    No
  MSI:    No
  Bus:    PCI
  Slot:    Slot-2
  Vendor ID:    0x10ee
  Device ID:    0x3fc6
  Revision ID:    0x00d4
  Link Width:    x1
  Link Speed:    2.5 GT/s

i ran the RME HDSPe driver pkg 4.06, then restarted : no change: System reports hardware as listed above.  This is enormously time consuming and very disappointing to me, but it seemed worth it to let RME know. 

Thank you for your time.


Re: HDSPe not detected in MacPro El Capitan

Sorry, but there is nothing we can do then. This combination works in our lab, it seems to work for Sweetwater, so it looks like there is something special in your system causing this. I would grab a blank hard drive and install the OS to see if the problem persists.

Matthias Carstens

Re: HDSPe not detected in MacPro El Capitan

MC - Sweetwater did not put the card into an EC machine, so if you've gotten the HDSPe card to work in an EC machine, you're the only one.  If the card works in an EC machine, which i have not yet seen, and the flash update tool runs on EC, then why wouldn't the flash update work on this card in my EC machine...?  What other "part" of the puzzle exists in a Mav or Yos environment that does not exist in EC...? 

My MacPro is running nothing special: as mentioned, i removed the two cards other than the video card, and the machine consistently performs with and without those other cards and in every other way.  Thanks again for your time.

Re: HDSPe not detected in MacPro El Capitan

The problem seems to be the driver installation, not the hardware or the driver itself. The flash update is a separate thing and requires a working driver to be able to access the card. So whatever the Sweetwater tech did, it was not the flash update.

If the installation routine runs and says it's done its job, but no files end up on your hard drive, then you have some kind of permissions problem or the like, not something that is in any way related to RME driver, software or hardware compatibility with EC. Make sure you are logged on with an admin account. Ye aulde "repair system permissions" advice no longer seems to be part of EC, though. (http://www.howtogeek.com/230424/how-to- … -shouldnt/)

This may not be something we can fix for you. Instead of buying a new blank disk, you could also create a new partition onto which you can install a fresh system to test - settings and programs can be migrated later.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: HDSPe not detected in MacPro El Capitan

MC - i really appreciate the insight, but ... i read the howtogeek page you forwarded and i'm trying to imagine how - after i run the driver pkg and provide my password during the installation, which results in a message "installation was successful"...

...after that, what you're saying now, that the driver files might not be written to the hard drive...on one hand, if files not written, then obviously, they can't "work" and neither would flash tool be able to access card...but then the message "installation was successful" should absolutely not appear...and some error message SHOULD appear...

this is a top of the line in the PCIe Macintosh world - older, but still very powerful and popular among people who have been working for more than 5 years in this area...you may very well be right, but gee wiz - this is an enormous "chase" and if you're correct, the "install successful" msg should not appear and an error msg indicating the "blockage" and permission conflict should appear...wouldn't you agree?  we've been in the dark now for several weeks...

Has this card been tested in a MacPro PCIe desktop running EC? just curious...or are you testing in some other EC environment...?

Re: HDSPe not detected in MacPro El Capitan

MC - do you know: has this card been tested in a MacPro PCIe desktop running EC? just curious...or are you testing in some other EC environment...?

Also, please understand my previous post: what you've suggested about files not getting written to hard drive due to some permissions issue - if that's possible, it would certainly seem to explain some things failing to "work."  i am not trying to question it but am frustrated that, if this is actually what is (not) going on, then i really really would have hoped the "messages" from the driver pkg install would have indicated there was a permissions problem rather than indicating "install was successful."  i hope you understand.  thank you again for your time and insight. 


Re: HDSPe not detected in MacPro El Capitan

RME Support wrote:

Ye aulde "repair system permissions" advice no longer seems to be part of EC, though.

It's still around. You need to start up from the recovery partition to use it. And you use it in the Terminal.

http://osxdaily.com/2015/11/04/verify-r … -mac-os-x/

IIUC, it was moved because it had become a religious fix-all that produced more problems than it solved.


Have you had a look in the Console for errors around the time you installed the drivers?

MB Pro - 2 X FireFace 400, FF800 & DigiFace USB
ADAT gear: Korg, Behri, Fostex, Alesis...

Re: HDSPe not detected in MacPro El Capitan

@cyrano - have not looked at "console" - don't know how/where to access...thanks for the suggestion : what/where is "console"...?  thank you for your time and insight!