Just confirming I upgraded my system today which went like a dream
upgraded from Asus p5k-se with intel Q6600 2.4ghz 8gb
Asus Z170-A with intel skylake 6700k CPu and 16gb corsair vengeance ddr4 3000mhz.
I was half expecting to need to rebuild windows, but it booted up first time from my SSD, just needed to install chipset/graphics driver & reactivate windows 10. Everything works perfectly cubase pro 8.5 elicenser/ilok and more importantly the HDSP9652, running like a dream.
All my drive letters and everything exactly as they were. Amazed, I had resided myself to a day or two getting back up and running!
Some projects i was mixing while maxxed out at 4096 buffer on my old board/cpu, I have loaded up now and down to 64buffer with cpu to spare, no glitches or any issues. I reccomend this combo if you need a modern cpu/chipset with a native old pci slot!
RME HDSP9652 | | RME Digiface USB