Topic: FR: Remote of Micstasy from TotalmixFX
Hi all,
since long years we use some Micstasys for our recordings.
Now we just added a Octamic XTC. The ability to control the new Octamic over Totalmix FX is great. Could this functionality be added for the Micstasys as well? Would be great.
Esspecially since old interfaces (The old Madiface) are equipped with TotalmixFX that would make perfect sence.
If this is not possible, we have a very old wish:
Please update the MIDIRemote software, that it could controll several Micstasys in one instance of the software. To open the software several times to be able to control all Micstasys is really cumbersome.
By the way: The new Octamic is a great "swiss army knive" :-)
RME - thanks for your great work.