Topic: RME 9652 PCI mono to stereo Loopback?

Hello I recently asked in the forum how to convert a mono microphone signal to a stereo signal using my RME802 and got the advice to use loopback. That works nice. So I thought I could use the same thing my RME 9652, but there is no Loopback for it beacuse it is not an FX version of the 9652 card. I got the 802 because  I like RME for the excellent driver support and features that you have added to totalmix in the past, can you please add one more for me? Add the Loopback or a "mono to stereo" input button for 9652 in totalmix? That would really make it a whole lot better for podcasting.

Re: RME 9652 PCI mono to stereo Loopback?

If not used otherwise, just create a physical loopback with the SPDIF I/O (RCA cable) or one of the ADATs (Toslink).

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: RME 9652 PCI mono to stereo Loopback?

RME Support wrote:

If not used otherwise, just create a physical loopback with the SPDIF I/O (RCA cable) or one of the ADATs (Toslink).

Daniel Fuchs

A bit more complicated, but if it will work I can try it here. Can you describe how to do that? Do you simply mean to attach an ADAT cable from say ADATout 32 to ADATin 3?

Re: RME 9652 PCI mono to stereo Loopback?

Yes, or RCA to RCA on the breakout for SPDIF.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

5 (edited by naturligasteg 2016-07-22 09:39:35)

Re: RME 9652 PCI mono to stereo Loopback?

Ok, at first I did not understand what you meant by the RCA connectors, but now I realize that you mean the serial breakout. After all these years not ever using that port I doubt I can find the breakout cable any more. The box is long gone and if I have that cable it is somewhere with  all hundreds of other miscellaneous cables. Can I make it work with a ADAT ins and outs instead?

Re: RME 9652 PCI mono to stereo Loopback?

Yes, as Daniel already said.

One TosLink cable from in to out ADAT ports will give you 8 loopback channels @48 kHz, or 4 @ 96 kHz.

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