Some on gearslutz are saying its not just the TI chipset - although I trust what am reading here.
Anyway, an off topic question. I have a 2.2 128GPU TI LED MBP I bought in July and was offered $1530 or so for it. I can then get one a 2.4 that has TI (I checked them out today) for the same price (apple friend will use his discount) and was wondering the following:
I use it mostly for music, some editing. Is it worth the update? I still use tiger and have a NFS Leopard disc, and I can use my restore dics to install TIGER onto the New Macbook pro, or will the performance (TIGER vs LEOPARD from 2.2 to 2.4) be more noticable?
Second, and I really need your advice, my 400 FW interface works fine but herein lies the problem (and seek advice), I was going to get an iMAC, then a MAC PRO to load in WINDOWS XP and my thousands of dollars worth of plug ins for audio so I could have both on the iMAC (1st) then Mac Pro, but after reading about all the problems, should I sell the MBP, get another MBP 2.4 and install TIGER? or keep what I have and buy a firmteck esata card and then have two hard drives that would be MORE than enough HOLD all my windows software? Would I be able to book/partition bootcamp onto those external drives so I could use ORCHESTRAL SAMPLES and FXEXTREME and so on and run windows on it?
Not sure what to do. Keep what I have and try out an iMAC, sell and buy a faster MACBOOK PRO (some say APPLE went to PCI-E in OCT and that might be the problem, if so, getting a new MBP with TI is still going to be a problem).
I guess I am all over the map = not sure if I should sell and trade up for another MBP and if I do (or not) what the best way to install a esata card and run bootcampe (double edge sword as LOGIC runs better in TIGER) and somehow access all my windows programs (NUENDO, Plug-INS) and run it off the MBP 2.2. On the other hand, I read at the EWQL forum that for something like SD2, (Storm Drum 2) you need a 2.5 core duo 2 or better? If so, then I would have to buy a better machine, the 2.4, just not sure if the firewire problem is the issue that some are having or is it a PCI-E problem that took the PC industry a few years to solve.
NUTSHELL RECAP~=tired as well.
? Keep what I have 2.2, hope that Storm Drum works. Purchase a external FW HD and install Leopard, then bootcamp and then my windows programs. Buy larger external monitor. Down the road buy another HD then e-sata card.
? Take a chance with iMAC and see what happens.
? Sell MACBOOK PRO, get new one. Would get larger HD, fresh LEOPARD install, faster CPU and more VRAM. Then add external HD for bootcamp, windows XP..
Thanks for listening to the ramble.