Topic: Multiple Asio Direct Monitoring with RME HDSPe MADI and Cubase/Nuendo
Can someone please confirm that Multiple Asio Direct Monitoring with RME HDSPe MADI works with Nuendo 7?
I'm considering an upgrade for my studio and MADI seems to be the way to go because of the required cable length.
With my present MOTU setup (which has served me well for many years), I can only get one mix of Direct Monitoring
working at a time, but I need at least four simultaneously. Apparently the MOTU/Nuendo combo does not support MADM,
and I'm forced to use the MOTU Cuemix software which is time consuming and not very convenient.
I know Totlamix is available with the RME cards in question but I do not want to move between software, but instead keep it all in Nuendo for convenience if possible. So, if there is someone with first hand experience of a working RME HDSPe MADI (FX)/Nuendo (or Cubase) setup, please share your insights.