Topic: new owner of RME Fireface UCX just a Question

Hi Guys

i just purchased today an interface RME Fireface UCX  and  i wanted to connect it with the power Supply i did remark that the power supply input ( by the Fireface Ucx )  is not really stable it moves  ( it looks like if the connection of the power  Cable hasn't the same size like the power supply input of the Fireface UCX )is that normal and by every other  Fireface UCX ? the interface works fine but for me this unstable power supply input makes me afraid . maybe it could be an issue in the future . what do you think Guys ?  i did buy a motu 624 AVB since one month and i did bringt it today back and took the Fireface Ucx . i hope i will not regret my choice . thanks Guys for the help .


Re: new owner of RME Fireface UCX just a Question

Is that an original RME supplied power suppy? The connector wiggles a bit, but not extremely. To fix it wind the cable around the hook on the rear.

Matthias Carstens

Re: new owner of RME Fireface UCX just a Question

Thanks for the reply.  Yes the Power supply was delivred with the RME soundcard . Please i like to ask another question.  Ist  it okay to connect the cables of my monitoring speakers to any 6 Balanced Output ( without to care About wihch speaker is in the left  or the right ? )  ?  And i Like that the Signal go direcktly to the Main out 1-2 . I m Not looking to use much complicated Routing . There re some turorials About the setting in YouTube or hier in Forum ?
Much Thanks for the help.

Re: new owner of RME Fireface UCX just a Question

> Is it okay to connect the cables of my monitoring speakers to any 6 Balanced Output
>( without to care About wihch speaker is in the left  or the right ? )

It doesn't matter, but for the panning (Left/Center/Right) to work correctly in TotalMix FX,
you should take care and plug correctly. 1L, 2R, 3L, 4R etc ...

> And i Like that the Signal go direcktly to the Main out 1-2.
1. Assign a channel for Main Out, i.e. Analog 1/2 in TotalMix FX (Control Room Section lower right, assign button).
2. Then Reset TotalMix by this default routing which is being offered by TotalMix very user friendly.
3. Then store this basic setting as Snapshot 1, you can also give it a name if you like by double clicking to its standard name.
4. Then position the TM FX Window as you prefer and then store the settings
    File -> Save Snapshot As ...
    File -> Save Workspace As ...
5. I would also recommend to store this routing permanently to the device
    Options -> Store Current State Into Device -> Setup 1 (of 6 stand-alone profiles)
6. Then I would set in preferences, that TotalMix settings override / preconfigure the UCX on every new boot of computer,
    then you have always a defined starting point and correct volume etc.
    Options -> Preferences (F2) -> Always init DSP device with TotalMix FX settings

> I m Not looking to use much complicated Routing.
Its all easier than you think and can know at this point.

> There re some turorials About the setting in YouTube or hier in Forum ?
Yes, I have in my Blogs a collection of extremely good RME Youtube Videos explaining TotalMix
and I wrote an article about the 1st steps with TotalMix FX as kind of a "Primer" in German and English. … al-Videos/ … teps-DE-E/

> Much Thanks for the help.
You're welcome.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: new owner of RME Fireface UCX just a Question

thanks for the answer it did help me a lot .  now the new Setting   did  improve the sound quality when i listen to music from youtube because yesterday it was sounding  like an old Radio  . now i can hear  every instrument separately and also with grooving Bass and Drums like it was before with my Motu 624 . thanks again .