Topic: Issue with ADI-2 PRO and Genelec 8351s connected via AES on ADI-2 Pro
Hi, I have been succesfully using in the past few years my UAD Apollo 8P where I send my toslink SPDIF into a Hosa SPDIF to AES converter and then to my Genelecs.
Yesterday I bought RME ADI-2 Pro to replace Hosa converter and as well use its ADC and DAC to use it as well for my mastering analog chain. Today I am really struggling for it to work for my monitoring.
If I set the to DIg Through or AD/DC mode, with enabled SPDIF - optical, and SRC disabled, I can only get a normal signal when the sample rate is set to 88kHz and 192kHz, while I am getting weird noises at 44.1kHz and 48kHz (with these two sample rates the LED indicator on my Genelecs is still red which marks that they cannot decode the signal, but they produce some clicking noise). It doesn't matter whether I clock everything with ADI-2 Pro or with UAD Apollo it remains the same. While when set to 88kHz or 192kHz I can get a normal signal even when both interfaces are set to their internal clocks (but they must still have enabled the same sample rate)
The only way I can use lower sample rates now with ADI-2 Pro is if I enable the SRC and set it to SPDIF, then set my Apollo to 44.1 or 48kHz and set ADI independently to 88kHz or 192kHz. But I would really like to used both interfaces clocked and synchronised. And as it looks like ADI-2 Pro cannot synchronize with my Apollo with lower sample rates...but successfully with higher on the other way which doesn't make any logical sense to me.
Has anyone experienced this same issue? I have tried all possible options and have spend the whole, but simply cannot get Genelecs to accept AES signal from ADI-2 Pro with 44.1 and 48kHz. I would like to mention that I am absolutely familiar with ADI-2 Pro operation, have gone through the manual 2 times from start to end and never experienced any issue with my Genelecs before as they readily accepted any sample rate from 44.1 to 96kHz with AES converted from SPDIF from Hosa.
I also have the latest firmware. I am using 1m long toslink cables from Klotz that I have been using all the time now.
I would really like to use ADI-2 Pro but as it is now it is not usable in my case and will need to return it if I don't find a solution or answer why it this happening. Is it possible that I have a defective unit?
Thanks in advance for your help.