Topic: RME Multichannel WAV File Batch Processor - Update, release 1.0


version 0.92 is now available for public testing. Note that this is a pre-release. Do not delete your source files unless you are 100% sure that the converter worked correctly!

The software is available for Mac and Windows. It is nearly identical on both platforms. You load the typical UFX DURec start file (UFXxx_00.wav) into the left pane, then set all the options you prefer on the right side. The software will split multichannel wav files into stereo or single channel files. Recordings consisting of multiple files will be combined into one stereo or single channel file, making import and alignment within a DAW very easy.

It is possible to convert several wav files (different recordings) one (task) after the other, therefore 'batch processor'.

The software is fairly simple at this time, we know that it lacks some comfort/features/details, but it does what all users of the UFX DURec feature have waited for, so it was time to let you try it!

Download: on our website, section download/software, or

!!!! Update 09/01/2011 - public release version 1.0 !!!! More details see post #13 below.



Thanks for any feedback.

Matthias Carstens


Re: RME Multichannel WAV File Batch Processor - Update, release 1.0



Matthias Carstens

Re: RME Multichannel WAV File Batch Processor - Update, release 1.0

Great, I just did 2 hours of location recording, just stereo, on Cruizer 4GB stick.
Zero errors at 24/44.2 ! Will try this beta tonight !

Re: RME Multichannel WAV File Batch Processor - Update, release 1.0

It simply worked! Just a simple suggestion: Quit or Exit button?

Re: RME Multichannel WAV File Batch Processor - Update, release 1.0

Hi, MC, and thanks for a useful utility.  For those who record an assortment of 2-channel and mono tracks, what about the possibility of defining pairs and singles in succession?  For example, an 8-channel interleave might contain 1,2 stereo, 3 mono, 4 mono, 5,6 stereo, etc., i.e. 5.1, 7.1, or assorted main (stereo) and spot mics.

Re: RME Multichannel WAV File Batch Processor - Update, release 1.0

RMiller wrote:

... what about the possibility of defining pairs and singles in succession?  For example, an 8-channel interleave might contain 1,2 stereo, 3 mono, 4 mono, 5,6 stereo, etc., i.e. 5.1, 7.1, or assorted main (stereo) and spot mics.

Yes, good idea! Would help me, too.
Thanks, Matthias, for the great UFX an its software!

7 (edited by Schubertriad 2011-08-19 13:15:37)

Re: RME Multichannel WAV File Batch Processor - Update, release 1.0


Think about multimono interleaved program too
In my case, for ambisonic recordings I do have to export four interleaved channels WXYZ

Question to MC

Does this UFX feature also works with channels recorded by Digirecorder (FFUC) ?
If no, can we expect a DC upgrade of that sense ?


HDSP9632, HDSP9652, ADI-8QS, FFUC, Quadmic II

8 (edited by RMiller 2011-08-20 15:56:50)

Re: RME Multichannel WAV File Batch Processor - Update, release 1.0

A freeware (for your e-mail address) that allows selecting assorted stereo and mono output files is available as a "Beta v1.16" from Sound Devices at http://www.sounddevices.com/download/waveagent.html.  Includes metadata editor, monitor/mixer (with time-code display) and multi-mono file combiner, but unfortunately it cannot combine stereo source channels, but can make WXYZ files into a 4-channel Ambisonic file and vv.

Re: RME Multichannel WAV File Batch Processor - Update, release 1.0

thanks :-)

I'll give it a try

HDSP9632, HDSP9652, ADI-8QS, FFUC, Quadmic II

Re: RME Multichannel WAV File Batch Processor - Update, release 1.0


I tried the Multichannel WAV File Batch Processor R0.92 and it works perfectly for me on a PC / W7 / 64bits.

Good job and thank you (I also tested the waveagent freeware mentionned above, but I prefer MC's version for its simplicity).

The only wish I would like to submit (but still it is perfect as it is) : Could we have a way to give a name to the various WAV files produced. For example the file UFX01_00.WAV could be split into  "Desafinado_UfxOutput01.Wav" "Desafinado_UfxOutput10.Wav" Desafinado_UfxOutput11.Wav" ...
assuming we would type "Desafinado" in a field to replace the text UFX01, the system would gess the "_UfxOutputXX" that would be the number of the output. As we often know for example that the preamp of the lead singer is on Output 1, the guitar is always on Output 10, the back singer has is mike on Output11 ... That would help a little for the workflow in the Daw to import each track.

Thanks again and have a excellent Week-End,



Re: RME Multichannel WAV File Batch Processor - Update, release 1.0

Doesn't that happen if you type the name 'Desafinado_UfxOutput'? Or you want the original channel number? But that one is not present in the recorded file...

Matthias Carstens

Re: RME Multichannel WAV File Batch Processor - Update, release 1.0

Oh, I thought the output number used by the UFX for each track was somewhere written in the WAV file tags, so it would have been easy to add it in the file name. But if it is not the case, no problem, I'll type it myself :-)
Thanks for the answer,


Re: RME Multichannel WAV File Batch Processor - Update, release 1.0

The release version 1.0 is now available, see updated link in first post. You get:

- several small bug fixes

- installer for Mac, setup for Win

- help included, with feature overview and how to

- Mac version now compatible to Lion

Hope you like it!

Matthias Carstens

Re: RME Multichannel WAV File Batch Processor - Update, release 1.0

Cool! Thanks Matthias smile

Re: RME Multichannel WAV File Batch Processor - Update, release 1.0


I tried the Multichannel WAV File Batch Processor 1.0 and it does not works for me on a PC / W7 / 32 bits.
The resulting interleaved AND splitted stereo files are a bit larger then 2 GB and therefore coded as R64 files.
I recorded 3 stereo channels at 88.2 on a Sandisk Cruzer stick (8 GB) without errors. The stick is formatted as fat32 with 32KB blocks.

As you stated "Fully compatible wave files can not be bigger than 2 GByte" I seem to have "the rare case that these again exceed the 2 GByte limit the tool automatically writes RF64 files. "
These file are not accepted bij Soundforge nor by Reaper.
The original multichannel files are also not accepted.

Durec recording, one of the reasons I bought the UFX for, makes no sense for me when the files are not accepted by my software.
Would it be possible to limit the resulting files sizes to 2GB?

Regards, Han Leentvaar

28-09-2011  23:07     2.251.785.596 AfterSplit_01.wav
28-09-2011  23:07     2.251.785.596 AfterSplit_03.wav
28-09-2011  23:07     2.251.785.596 AfterSplit_05.wav
28-09-2011  22:57     2.144.576.528 UFX01_00.WAV
28-09-2011  22:59     2.144.576.528 UFX01_01.WAV
28-09-2011  23:00     2.144.576.528 UFX01_02.WAV
28-09-2011  23:01       321.627.140 UFX01_03.WAV

FF Ufx / BF / FF 800 / MF


Re: RME Multichannel WAV File Batch Processor - Update, release 1.0

What prevents you from exporting single channel files?

Matthias Carstens

Re: RME Multichannel WAV File Batch Processor - Update, release 1.0

Well, I always use stereo files, thought it would be not too difficult to keep the resulting files files below 2GB.
It's an option anyway... thanks...

The UFX is a great piece of hardware, I like it very much!

FF Ufx / BF / FF 800 / MF

Re: RME Multichannel WAV File Batch Processor - Update, release 1.0

Likewise doing due diligence on my new UFX before taking it out on a serious job.

My requirements are usually 8 to 10 mics, a mix of stereo and mono (say 2 stereo and 4 or 4 mono sports, 3 stereo and 2 mono spots).  It is easy to set up these configurations in REAPER, but I am hoping to rely on DirectUSB Recording as my primary source, with backup (REAPER or DCGR) on an attached laptop. 

I am also hoping to standardise on 24/96K as an operating mode, in which eight channel recording should easily be supported by a selection of 2.5" portable HDDs.  At 1GB per track-hour, and an average concert half less than one hour, the 2GB file limit should not be an issue for stereo channels.  But there will be several splits in the multitrack file so the "stitching" facility of this utility will be necessary.

Currently, it is not really convenient to deal with a multi file with a mix of stereo and mono sources.  (The matrix feature of the Sound Devices utility is quite convenient in this regard - but it doesn't have the ability to "stitch" multi-part multichannel files.)

Therefore I am keen to see further development of this program move in the direction of more flexibility in track breakdown.

De gustibus - et sonus - non est disputandum

19 (edited by panatrope 2011-11-13 06:54:28)

Re: RME Multichannel WAV File Batch Processor - Update, release 1.0

Some practical experience.

Yesterday I completed an orchestral recording with main and alternate stereo mains and 3 mono spots.  7 channels at 96K recorded by DiRec, also recorded by FW into REAPER with two stereo and three mono tracks.  All very good.

Now, using WAV_FBP my aim would be to run two passes, producing two breakdowns (1-channel and 2-channel outputs respectively), then deleting the un-wanted files to end up with the required 2 2-channel and 3 1-channel files.  The 1-channel file pass is fine; I cannot do the 2-channel pass because "Mismatch: 2-channel format/odd channel count".

Lesson 1: If you are going to record a mix of mono and stereo components, always record an even number of channels!

Lesson 2: Use Wave Agent* until channel breakdown flexibility is improved ... please!

*Edit: After some empirical research (ie., playing around), currently the most efficient approach seems to be - split all files to mono using WAV_FBP. then use Wave Agent to convert the required concatenated mono files to stereo.  But a one-stop shop would be more elegant.

De gustibus - et sonus - non est disputandum

Re: RME Multichannel WAV File Batch Processor - Update, release 1.0

panatrope wrote:

Some practical experience.

More info from the coal face. Again recording an orchestral concert, 2 stereo and 2 mono channels, 24/96K.  (Note from previous post - even number of channels!) The first half ran over one hour (which will result in a stereo file greater than 2GB).  Running the first half multi through the Batch Processor resulted in the two stereo files being greater than 2GB, no information re bit depth and sample rate in the 'Explorer' listing, cannot be opened by any of my programs.  Noted the default "Files greater than 2GB written in RF64 format".   No program I have supports the RF64 format.  (Also recorded direct in REAPER, no problem there due to automatic file split at 2GB.)

There appears to be three possible ways to handle this:

1) Use only mono files - most inconvenient;

2) Batch Processor automatically does file split for output files greater than 2GB;

3) Add feature to DURec on the UFX so that, if the REC button is operated while recording is in progress; it will seamlessly split the multi (as now) but with a new number as the start of a new multi series.  In this case, splitting it between the first and second works in the first half would have prevented any file exceeding one hour and hence over the 2GB limit.  (Of course it would be possible to stop the recording briefly and restart it which would have the same renumbering effect, but this would only work if there was a suitable pause in which to do the split).

Perhaps this feature could be added to V2.0, along with previously requested features such as greater flexibility in breakdown into mono and stereo channels.

De gustibus - et sonus - non est disputandum

Re: RME Multichannel WAV File Batch Processor - Update, release 1.0

FYI, tried a test m-chan recording ~50GB and Batch Processor gave error message that the file was too small.  At ~60Gb all worked well.

Re: RME Multichannel WAV File Batch Processor - Update, release 1.0

In my setup i have both mono and stereo files recorded, and after RMEWavprocessor, it is all mono.
So i've been using SoX to convert mono files to stereo files and it works great and fast.
SoX homepage
It's Win/Mac/Linux compatible !
Some may say it only works in terminal... but you can script it in a batch or shell...
Well it was usefull to me to manage recorded tracks from that sublime ufx gear wink
I think it's worth sharing.
Cheers !

http://rmouneyres.free.fr     http://www.excellvoice.fr

Re: RME Multichannel WAV File Batch Processor - Update, release 1.0

It is possible to output stereo files as well - check the drop-down menu.

Convert to both stereo and mono files (make sure when recording stereo files are on odd/even channel not even/odd) - you need to use a different prefix for converted stereo and mono files - and throw away the files you don't need.

For more hints see my previous post number 13.

Thanks for the tip on SoX - it may be faster and avoid problems with stereo files greater than 2GB.

De gustibus - et sonus - non est disputandum

Re: RME Multichannel WAV File Batch Processor - Update, release 1.0

panatrope wrote:

It is possible to output stereo files as well - check the drop-down menu.

Convert to both stereo and mono files (make sure when recording stereo files are on odd/even channel not even/odd) - you need to use a different prefix for converted stereo and mono files - and throw away the files you don't need.

For more hints see my previous post number 13.

Thanks for the tip on SoX - it may be faster and avoid problems with stereo files greater than 2GB.

you probably wanted to mention your post #19...  understood that's a way to do it.

on another hand, i share your interest for this functionnality : 3) Add feature to DURec on the UFX so that, if the REC button is operated while recording is in progress; it will seamlessly split the multi (as now) but with a new number as the start of a new multi series.

And i'd like another one : add totalmix track names in the header of the recorded multichannel wav files so that the RMEWavprocessor could add the track names to the respective exported tracks, doable isn't it ?

http://rmouneyres.free.fr     http://www.excellvoice.fr


Re: RME Multichannel WAV File Batch Processor - Update, release 1.0

1. Not possible. You have to close all files and store them, then generate newly named files and start recording again (normal file handling procedure). This process will interrupt the record-streaming and therefore is a potential trouble maker, even impossibe at higher load/track counts.

2. Track names can not be written as the resources for such an action are limited within the UFX. I mentioned that before...

Matthias Carstens

Re: RME Multichannel WAV File Batch Processor - Update, release 1.0

MC wrote:

1. Not possible. You have to close all files and store them, then generate newly named files and start recording again (normal file handling procedure). This process will interrupt the record-streaming and therefore is a potential trouble maker, even impossibe at higher load/track counts.

Thanks for the background on this process. 

However, I have difficulty seeing the difference between seamlessly splitting the file and starting a new file (with an increment in the file name) when the 2GB limit is reached (as is presently successfully managed without interruption), and doing the same on command (eg., by pressing the record button while record is active).

De gustibus - et sonus - non est disputandum


Re: RME Multichannel WAV File Batch Processor - Update, release 1.0

The former is highly optimized to work as it does. We can not start this process from the 'surface' and especially by reading a button state without screwing it. And again even if, the method itself can not be implemented anymore due to missing resources. While we will have more updates with TM FX and the unit's firmware, some things are simply not possible anymore.

Matthias Carstens

Re: RME Multichannel WAV File Batch Processor - Update, release 1.0

Thanks for the explanation. 

You must write some pretty tight code.  (But of course ... it's RME!)

De gustibus - et sonus - non est disputandum

Re: RME Multichannel WAV File Batch Processor - Update, release 1.0

panatrope wrote:

Thanks for the explanation. 

You must write some pretty tight code.  (But of course ... it's RME!)

FPGA are tight by nature wink
Thank you too for these explanation, I love sincerity

http://rmouneyres.free.fr     http://www.excellvoice.fr

Re: RME Multichannel WAV File Batch Processor - Update, release 1.0


would it be possible to have the software usable from the commandline ?
It would help scripting recurrent tasks without the GUI. (A weekly recurrent recording setup in my case)

http://rmouneyres.free.fr     http://www.excellvoice.fr

Re: RME Multichannel WAV File Batch Processor - Update, release 1.0


is there a way to do the opposite than for recording process?

i need a multichannel file to playback on the UFX on different outputs.

all i have is 20 single channels mono WAV 16 bit with the same length.

how do i convert that with RMEWAVprocessor from 20 mono file to 1 multi WAV file?



32 (edited by all 2013-03-21 10:21:48)

Re: RME Multichannel WAV File Batch Processor - Update, release 1.0

auxi wrote:


is there a way to do the opposite than for recording process?

i need a multichannel file to playback on the UFX on different outputs.

all i have is 20 single channels mono WAV 16 bit with the same length.

how do i convert that with RMEWAVprocessor from 20 mono file to 1 multi WAV file?



with the free SOUND DEVICE "wave agent" software (pc mac) // best way IMHO. or with the free cantar majax software (pc or mac but not for intel mac)

or by playing it and recording it on the ufx (with each tracks assigned to corresponding inputs)

nb : the right term is poly, not multi. :-)

33 (edited by auxi 2013-03-21 18:32:12)

Re: RME Multichannel WAV File Batch Processor - Update, release 1.0

Thanks for the interesting software infomation.

"Majax" on MacOS is just up to 10.6.8. because of need of Rosetta

the app is not running on OSX 10.7 nor 10.8 (no Rosetta in OSX anylonger)

The "Wave Agent" App seems to do the job pretty good!!

in the first place, i thought the "RMEWAVprcessor" would do the conversion from mono tracks into poly/multi file, too.

Sure, there is a "record with UFX" option, but this is no a good workflow option in my case. the guy doing the  studio mono tracks is too far away from the UFX on tour.


Re: RME Multichannel WAV File Batch Processor - Update, release 1.0

Hi, just wondering if this is planned to be updated anytime?
Working fine as is now 100% stable, the only feature i'd really love to see added is to be able to define which channels get exported as mono and which channels export as stereo.



RME HDSP9652 | | RME Digiface USB

35 (edited by Dandruff 2016-05-08 18:43:41)

Re: RME Multichannel WAV File Batch Processor - Update, release 1.0

hleen wrote:

As you stated "Fully compatible wave files can not be bigger than 2 GByte" I seem to have "the rare case that these again exceed the 2 GByte limit the tool automatically writes RF64 files. "
These file are not accepted bij Soundforge nor by Reaper.

Latest REAPER version (5.18) should accept them.

Re: RME Multichannel WAV File Batch Processor - Update, release 1.0

I've just seen on the website that version 1.1 is downloadable...
is there anything new of note or a changelog?



RME HDSP9652 | | RME Digiface USB


Re: RME Multichannel WAV File Batch Processor - Update, release 1.0

It was extended to handle the up to 80 channels produced by the UFX+, and signed. Else no changes.

Matthias Carstens

38 (edited by marcobarbaro 2017-11-30 19:40:22)

Re: RME Multichannel WAV File Batch Processor - Update, release 1.0

Hi, I have two questions regarding this software.

1) I tried splitting one recording. One session, three files, 7 channels recorded 24-44. I assumed to get 7 mono files (one per channel) but got 3 sets of them = 21. That's not a problem, but I thought it would stick them together.

2) Cubase 5.1 open the interleaved files correctly. It recognised them (channels and samplerate) and convert them into a new project (creating new mono files in the Audio folder). But then crashes, all vst plugins stop working.
Tried with the mono files created by the RME software and got no problems at all.

Rme Multichannel PRocessor v1.2
Windows 8.1 x64 on Intel i7 7700


Re: RME Multichannel WAV File Batch Processor - Update, release 1.0

Did you change the source file names? If one session then you should have got 7 files. For Cubase 5.1 you won't get support anywhere, IMHO.

Matthias Carstens

40 (edited by marcobarbaro 2017-12-01 19:42:10)

Re: RME Multichannel WAV File Batch Processor - Update, release 1.0

MC wrote:

Did you change the source file names? If one session then you should have got 7 files. For Cubase 5.1 you won't get support anywhere, IMHO.

Do you mean the source files from the ufx? no.
but maybe I put different output names... in the destination option.

how should I compile the "output" section?


Re: RME Multichannel WAV File Batch Processor - Update, release 1.0

my fault. I put all the files into the program while I should put only the first one.


Re: RME Multichannel WAV File Batch Processor - Update, release 1.0

what is it doing? what does multitask do? Is there a sample?
please think about those who do not speak english sad

Re: RME Multichannel WAV File Batch Processor - Update, release 1.0

I'm interested in finding out how I could use this with the Fireface UCX. Can I be recording inputs and software outputs consistently with macOS Mojave directly to the harddrive?

RME Fireface UCX (macOS Mojave, Mid-2015 MBP)<-in use
RME Multiface (XP, PCG-GRX690) <-in a closet

Re: RME Multichannel WAV File Batch Processor - Update, release 1.0

Its only applicable for a recording device with Durec (UFX, UFX II, UFX+).

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10