Topic: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 193 / 93 and DAC 26 / 28

With the summer holidays upcoming it is time to release a new firmware for ADI-2 DAC and Pro, bringing some fixes, improvements and new functions. We hope you like it as much as we do!

Identical Changes for all ADI-2 DAC and Pro models

- Improved AutoDark behaviour. The Dark mode is now interrupted when any phones is plugged-in, by pushing the volume knob and when warning messages are shown.

- Quickly turning the encoder 1 to change the current channel in the I/O menu caused invalid screen content

- Reduced encoder acceleration in various modes (frequency, Q…) for easier adjustment

- Copying empty PEQ presets over saved ones now causes a reset of the saved preset which is then marked with 'lin' as 'linear'. Additionally EQ Preset 21, Clear,  has been added as fixed linear preset for comparison and to reset others by copying it onto those.

- Additional level meter color 'Amber' (Setup – Options – Display – Meter Color).

- New option in Setup – Options – Display: Hor.(izontal) Meter. Choices are Pre-FX, Post-FX and Dual, affecting the stereo level meter below the Analyzer. Pre-FX shows the level before all DSP processing and the volume control, which equals the 'input' level. Pre-FX can be useful to show a missing input signal, overloads of the source etc. Post-FX is the way it worked so far, after FX and volume, to show the real output level and overloads by processing. Dual combines the best of both: Pre-FX is shown as thin bar on the outside of the meters, Post-FX as thicker bar in the middle. Note that the numbers shown in Dual mode on the right side are Post-FX.

- Active Mono mode is now shown in the lower taskbar

- Added Crossfeed 1-5 and all DA filters to Remap Keys (Setup – Options – Hardware/Diagnosis). The total number of available commands is now 40 for the Pro and 31 for the DAC.

Changes for ADI-2 DAC only

- Bugfix: since V24 changing VOL no longer deactivated DIM and Mute

- DIM is now a fully supported function and therefore available in the I/O menu and remembered by the unit over power-off and -on.

- New Details Top screen. This version of the Dark Volume screen lists all currently active DSP functions, including the currently loaded PEQ Preset name. It is therefore very easy to check if any of the numerous audio processing functions are activated.

- New option Mute Line – Toggle Plugged (Setup – Options – Device Mode). Having plugged-in Phones and IEM, switching via long press of the Volume knob now toggles between Line (rear), Phones, IEM, back to Line (rear) and so on.

- A short press on the Volume knob mutes the outputs. This new Mute function is only disabled in the EQ screen where the push switches EQ bands.

Changes for ADI-2 Pro series only

- Fixed DA path for proper playback of low level signals (LSB offset as discovered by KSTR)

- Show Vol Screen Off did not work in Dual Phones mode

- Improved behaviour when a channel is in OFF mode

- Improved behaviour when Phones states change during power-off

- Channel select marker behaviour improved in certain cases

Firmware downloads

https://archiv.rme-audio.de/download/fu … ce_win.zip

https://archiv.rme-audio.de/download/fu … ce_mac.zip

Windows: If you need to install the driver for the flash process and uninstall it again:
https://www.forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopi … 81#p135881

As always updated manuals are available for download on our website:



Have fun!

Matthias Carstens


Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 193 / 93 and DAC 26 / 28

Note: there is a small quirk in the Pro firmware that is not critical and will be fixed in the next regular update. In the Global Level Meter screen the analog input level meters react on the new Hor. Meter setting (they should not), and will show the Post-FX level when Pre-FX or Dual has been selected. This meter should display the highest level of Pre and Post as one bar instead, so that reductions via the digital EQ can not cause unnoticed overloads. When Post-FX is selected the meters still behave like that.

Note 2: The new Dual Pre/Post level meters might cause some confusion on the analog input at higher sample rates. As mentioned in the manual the meters include a digital low pass of around 40 kHz to show meaningful audio levels. At sample rates above 192 kHz the out-of-band high frequency noise will otherwise show up as a constant level, rendering the lower area of the meters unusable.

This is now the case when selecting Pre-FX or Dual, as the level is taken before the whole digital processing. This is a really nice feature in Dual meter mode as you can see high frequency stuff up to more than 180 kHz in the thinner pre meter, while the post meter continues to show the relevant stuff in the audio area.

Matthias Carstens

3 (edited by ramses 2019-06-08 15:13:05)

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 193 / 93 and DAC 26 / 28

Wow, amber looks very nice in contrast to the black case of ADI-2 Pro FS BE / DAC.

Little proposal: would be cool if amber would also be used for the "State Overview" then it would look more consistent in terms of colors when toggling through the different screens.

The new dual display mode is killer, looks really great and gives a very clear overview.

Also in regards to the other features and details: big thanks for the efforts && very well done !

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 193 / 93 and DAC 26 / 28

DAC only:
- New Details Top screen. This version of the Dark Volume screen lists all currently active DSP functions, including the currently loaded PEQ Preset name. It is therefore very easy to check if any of the numerous audio processing functions are activated.

Thanks a lot for this feature! Unfortunately PEQ Preset No. and Name get's lost after a restart of the DAC and shows always "EQ Preset select: Manual". Or do I miss something?

Mac Mini 2018, macOS 12.7, ADI-2 DAC V.1, Hifiman Arya V.1


Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 193 / 93 and DAC 26 / 28

Only a little bit. If you go into the PEQ screen and check the currently loaded Preset it is indeed 'Manual', so the display is correct. We will check why it changes over a reboot (the ADI-2 Pro doesn't do that).

Matthias Carstens

6 (edited by jiw 2019-06-08 22:44:48)

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 193 / 93 and DAC 26 / 28

MC wrote:

Identical Changes for all ADI-2 DAC and Pro models

- Improved AutoDark behaviour. The Dark mode is now interrupted when any phones is plugged-in, by pushing the volume knob and when warning messages are shown.

The Dark Mode is sometimes also interrupted when unplugging phones even when that does not change the output (eg. Mute Line - Toggle X).
However, the Dark Mode is sometimes not interrupted when unplugging phones when that changes the output (eg. Mute Line vs. Phones).

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 193 / 93 and DAC 26 / 28

You know what color would be nice to add....Purple! Seriously please make this happen!

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 193 / 93 and DAC 26 / 28

...is the Pre-FX meters maxing out a good or bad thing?

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 193 / 93 and DAC 26 / 28

Darthpool wrote:

You know what color would be nice to add....Purple! Seriously please make this happen!

I wonder if an RGB adjustment is possible so users can pick whatever they want.

10 (edited by jiw 2019-06-09 03:17:42)

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 193 / 93 and DAC 26 / 28

bitfidelity wrote:

...is the Pre-FX meters maxing out a good or bad thing?

If the Post-FX meters show peaks no higher than 0, there is no problem. If the Post-FX meters show OVR (red), you should reduce the volume.

However, that cannot simply be deduced from the Pre-FX meters.

For the DAC, using only the Pre-FX meters, the only way to see if the Post-FX signal peaks above 0 dB is seeing the volume setting in the Dark Volume top screen turn red. Maybe it is possible to turn the volume setting in the bottom bar red in case of post-FX signal peaks above 0 dB.

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 193 / 93 and DAC 26 / 28

Something changed with AutoDark mode. In the previous firmware version, when AutoDark is on, I could tap the power button to wake up the unit and it would go back to whatever screen was active when autodark activated. Now the power button does nothing when tapped. The old behavior was pretty handy.

Was this an intentional change? If so, why? If not, could you please restore the old behavior?


Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 193 / 93 and DAC 26 / 28

gepardcv wrote:

[...] In the previous firmware version, when AutoDark is on, I could tap the power button to wake up the unit and it would go back to whatever screen was active when autodark activated. Now the power button does nothing when tapped. [...]

My DAC behaves the same way.

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 193 / 93 and DAC 26 / 28

Fantastic update - I'm really amazed at how you guys are totally committed to supporting your products, unlike some other manufacturers in the audio space who I won't name.

Finally a press of the volume encoder does something obvious, intuitive, and expected. Dare I say it that this should have been there from the beginning.

I honestly spent my first couple of hours with the DAC thinking the volume encoder was defective and was about to organise a return until I realised you used it to step through the PEQ bands. Even then I came away thinking that it can't be all it does.

MC wrote:

- New Details Top screen. This version of the Dark Volume screen lists all currently active DSP functions, including the currently loaded PEQ Preset name. It is therefore very easy to check if any of the numerous audio processing functions are activated.

Great to have, but I can't help thinking that the original version of the "Dark Volume" screen is now redundant and therefore not needed. Perhaps it would be as well to get rid of it entirely and just have the more detailed version, or replace it with something even simpler - for example just displaying the volume level in very large text, along with just the source and output.

Anyway thanks for the continued support and improvement of your products.


Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 193 / 93 and DAC 26 / 28

Slappy wrote:

Finally a press of the volume encoder does something obvious, intuitive, and expected. Dare I say it that this should have been there from the beginning.

As you see (and enjoy) operating the unit and the accompanying feature set is still evolving, partly on our own ideas/lists, partly on the very valuable user feedback. The DAC is extracted from the Pro, where this button switches operation over the outputs. With the DAC we had to wait until everything is mature and final enough so we could be sure the button will not get a different, more useful function (remember, Mute is available in different places and directly on the remote). But now we were sure, and thus added it.

Nice feedback so far in this thread, once again thanks all for contributing!

Matthias Carstens

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 193 / 93 and DAC 26 / 28

Thank you for the update. Appreciate all the hard work you and your team are doing.

I feel selfish now asking for more but it is all about making a fantastic product.

Option to buy a remote with SIX buttons instead of four would be good : )

My top request would be computer software to control the DAC settings. Especially the EQ.

I believe it would take an already fantastic device into the stratosphere : ) Ease of workflow is a top priority for me.

More remote control options.

I use DIM, Mono, Toggle Lin/Phones, and Polarity.

Would love to see Mid/Side option added to remote keys. May be Mid to L or something. Very popular as lots of EQ plugins now have mid and side eq settings.

Anyway! Big thank you for what you have achieved.



Rme Ucx + Rme Adi-2 Dac Fs

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 193 / 93 and DAC 26 / 28

Excellent work, congratulations. I wanted to have the ability to display the same large font size as db  well as sampling on one screen. When you are at a listening distance using speakers [about 2.5-3 m], the sampling is not visible

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 193 / 93 and DAC 26 / 28

This is flippin amazing, almost everything that bugged me is fixed big_smile
If only we could remap bass and treble encoders to different functions that would be ace.

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 193 / 93 and DAC 26 / 28

Thanks a lot for that nice update!
The dual horizontal meter is very clever and useful and so is the New Details Top screen! And amber colour is nice. Thanks!

The possibility to have DAC filters and crossfeed settings on the Remap Key is nice; but because of the 4 buttons only on the remote, I would have preferred to have "Toggle DAC filter" and "Toggle crossfeed parameter", but I understand that some people prefer the possibility to switch directly between the 2 settings they want to compare.

Nevertheless, thanks a lot for all of these improvements! The dual horizontal meter will always be activated on mine. smile

ADI-2 DAC (with stock PSU) - Neumann KH 310 A monitors - Cheap USB and XLR cables

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 193 / 93 and DAC 26 / 28

Sure wink


BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

20 (edited by Sebastian.Athea 2019-06-10 17:43:11)

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 193 / 93 and DAC 26 / 28

N00b wrote:

I would have preferred to have "Toggle DAC filter" and "Toggle crossfeed parameter"

This, or map some functions to bass and treble encoders.

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 193 / 93 and DAC 26 / 28

Lowering the tint makes it look more orange and even nicer. smile

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 193 / 93 and DAC 26 / 28

Sebastian.Athea wrote:
N00b wrote:

I would have preferred to have "Toggle DAC filter" and "Toggle crossfeed parameter"

This, or map some functions to bass and treble encoders.

I would like to see the possibility of remapping bass or treble rotation knob to adjust crossfeed. Remapping the 4 buttons for this is unintuitive.

23 (edited by Sebastian.Athea 2019-06-13 02:17:15)

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 193 / 93 and DAC 26 / 28

Oh yeah, I just remembered about a feature that I wanted to request for a while. It would be great if there was a function that listed all the settings and state of the device, so we could just scroll thru it at a glance and make sure it's configured for thing we want to do at the time.

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 193 / 93 and DAC 26 / 28

Sebastian.Athea wrote:

Oh yeah, I just remembered about a feature that I wanted to request for a while. It would be great if there was a function that listed all the settings and state of the device, so we could just scroll thru it at a glance and make sure it's configured for thing we want to do at the time.

I was too, and for my need, the new detailed top screen does the job: at a glance you have volume, sample rate, hardware level, source, EQ, B/T, Loudness and crossfeed. What do you miss?

ADI-2 DAC (with stock PSU) - Neumann KH 310 A monitors - Cheap USB and XLR cables

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 193 / 93 and DAC 26 / 28

N00b wrote:
Sebastian.Athea wrote:

Oh yeah, I just remembered about a feature that I wanted to request for a while. It would be great if there was a function that listed all the settings and state of the device, so we could just scroll thru it at a glance and make sure it's configured for thing we want to do at the time.

I was too, and for my need, the new detailed top screen does the job: at a glance you have volume, sample rate, hardware level, source, EQ, B/T, Loudness and crossfeed. What do you miss?

DA filter and balance.


Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 193 / 93 and DAC 26 / 28

Balance is on the VOL screen. DA filter is not critical. The reason for the details screen is easily explained. There were customers that touched button 1 on the DAC remote and later complained about limited stage width, low instrument separation etc, not aware they had changed the unit to mono operation (the main reason we added Mono indication also to the status bar). Others complain about Bass and Treble not being aware these were adjusted as such. Someone had M/S Proc. on and didn't manage to find the reason for the strange unbalanced representation (looking in the wrong channel's menu).

Therefore all DSP FX are now listed in the DAC's Details screen, including M/S Proc and Polarity (the names will be shorted automatically when space is no longer sufficient - try it!).

DA filters are not FX and absolutely not critical like my other examples.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 193 / 93 and DAC 26 / 28

Sebastian.Athea wrote:

Oh yeah, I just remembered about a feature that I wanted to request for a while. It would be great if there was a function that listed all the settings and state of the device, so we could just scroll thru it at a glance and make sure it's configured for thing we want to do at the time.

This feature would also be great for a backup of settings, or to transfer all settings to a second unit.

Maybe there is a trick to backup all settings, i do not know.

Adi-2 Pro, Adi-2 Dac Fs


Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 193 / 93 and DAC 26 / 28

MC wrote:

New Details Top screen. This version of the Dark Volume screen lists all currently active DSP functions, including the currently loaded PEQ Preset name. It is therefore very easy to check if any of the numerous audio processing functions are activated.

While using the Dark Volume Details top screen, changing the volume and bass and treble using the encoders is displayed using the Volume/B/T screen. The manual (v1.6 p. 28) does not mention this difference compared to the regular Dark Volume top screen.


Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 193 / 93 and DAC 26 / 28

Well, the question is how should it behave? Details screen as a Details screen (current behavior), or as a second Dark Volume screen? Feedback, please...

Matthias Carstens

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 193 / 93 and DAC 26 / 28

MC wrote:

Well, the question is how should it behave? Details screen as a Details screen (current behavior), or as a second Dark Volume screen? Feedback, please...

I like the current setup, where you can see the VU meter when you change the volume.


Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 193 / 93 and DAC 26 / 28

MC wrote:

Well, the question is how should it behave? Details screen as a Details screen (current behavior), or as a second Dark Volume screen? Feedback, please...

The original post and the manual refer to the Details screen as a version of the Dark Volume screen. Should it thus not be expected to behave in the same way as the regular Dark Volume screen apart from the specified differences?

Anyways, maybe using the additional screens for volume/B/T can be made optional for the Details screen.


Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 193 / 93 and DAC 26 / 28

That is the case already. The option 'Show Vol Screen' off would make the Details screen react like the Dark Volume Screen.

Matthias Carstens


Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 193 / 93 and DAC 26 / 28

MC wrote:

That is the case already. The option 'Show Vol Screen' off would make the Details screen react like the Dark Volume Screen.

Only for the volume. B/T adjustments are still shown on additional screens.

34 (edited by justins 2019-06-17 15:06:38)

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 193 / 93 and DAC 26 / 28

This is a great firmware update. Thanks. It is exciting to see the evolution. I have one thought about the next iteration. When I remap polarity to a remote key, it will cycle between left and right when the key is pressed. It would be very useful if it would cycle between off, both, left, right. I hope this might be possible for the next release.

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 193 / 93 and DAC 26 / 28

Speaking of the Dark Volume and Details screens, they would look better if fonts were white and backlight automatically lowered when dark mode is selected. Gray fonts with high backlight make the screen look like it has really low contrast.


Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 193 / 93 and DAC 26 / 28

justins wrote:

When I remap polarity to a remote key, it will cycle between left and right when the key is pressed. It would be very useful if it would cycle between off, both, left, right. I hope this might be possible for the next release.

You can select the desired mode. If you manually select Polarity Left in the I/O menu, the remote button will switch between Polarity Left and Polarity Right (that's what you did). IMHO nobody needs that on a remote. Set Polarity in the I/O menu to Off or Both and the remote will switch Polarity only.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 193 / 93 and DAC 26 / 28

Sebastian.Athea wrote:

Speaking of the Dark Volume and Details screens, they would look better if fonts were white and backlight automatically lowered when dark mode is selected. Gray fonts with high backlight make the screen look like it has really low contrast.

Dark Mode puts the screen off... And personnaly I like the Dark volume and Details mode to be discrete, with the grey fonts...

ADI-2 DAC (with stock PSU) - Neumann KH 310 A monitors - Cheap USB and XLR cables

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 193 / 93 and DAC 26 / 28

N00b wrote:
Sebastian.Athea wrote:

Speaking of the Dark Volume and Details screens, they would look better if fonts were white and backlight automatically lowered when dark mode is selected. Gray fonts with high backlight make the screen look like it has really low contrast.

Dark Mode puts the screen off... And personnaly I like the Dark volume and Details mode to be discrete, with the grey fonts...

I like the Dark volume and Details mode to be discrete too, I'm saying that the screen would look better if the fonts where white and backlight would automatically dim, it would make the black background look deeper black and less grayish.

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 193 / 93 and DAC 26 / 28

MC wrote:

IMHO nobody needs that on a remote.

I'm saying that it would be useful to me :-)

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 193 / 93 and DAC 26 / 28

since I updated the firmware to V28, the relays on the ADI2-DAC click about 10 times each time it is powered on.
Anyone knows what could have caused this?

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 193 / 93 and DAC 26 / 28

Just clicked flash all and update, and the the flash process seemed to complete normally, with programming status up to date.
When starting the unit, it clicks for actually around 16 times, not 10, and then firmware version (28) shows on the LCD display.
Very odd behaviour.
Not sure if there is a way to reset the settings to factory defaults.

42 (edited by ning 2019-06-20 19:27:17)

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 193 / 93 and DAC 26 / 28

louear wrote:

Just clicked flash all and update, and the the flash process seemed to complete normally, with programming status up to date.
When starting the unit, it clicks for actually around 16 times, not 10, and then firmware version (28) shows on the LCD display.
Very odd behaviour.
Not sure if there is a way to reset the settings to factory defaults.

I had this issue when using it with a bad power supply. Once I switched to the official one the problem disappeared.
So it may not be firmware related.

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 193 / 93 and DAC 26 / 28

ning wrote:
louear wrote:

Just clicked flash all and update, and the the flash process seemed to complete normally, with programming status up to date.
When starting the unit, it clicks for actually around 16 times, not 10, and then firmware version (28) shows on the LCD display.
Very odd behaviour.
Not sure if there is a way to reset the settings to factory defaults.

I had this issue when using it with a bad power supply. Once I switched to the official one the problem disappeared.
So it may not be firmware related.

I was using an external linear power supply, rated at 15W, but it looks like it wasn't beefy enough.
Reverting to the official power supply fixed the issue.
It took the combination of the firmware update (maybe changing the power consumption pattern at startup?) and that other supply (which appeared to be working consistently fine with the old firmware).

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 193 / 93 and DAC 26 / 28

It will be grate if the power light turn off when shutdown, instead of the red light.


Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 193 / 93 and DAC 26 / 28

Thank you all for the continued feedback! The new firmware versions  DSP 94 and DSP 29 are finished and address some of the feedback, but also include some serious fixes. Some things slipped through in the last firmware, some things were newly reported but had been there from the beginning. I hope we can release it on Monday - stay tuned!

Matthias Carstens