Topic: TotalMix volume lever not in sync with volume changes made on Babyface

I was under the impression that the volume faders on RME Totalmix are in sync and move with volume changes made on the hardware unit. However, when I make volume changes using the rotary encoder on the Babyface Pro, the volume changes but the fader remains in the same position on the RME software. If I change the fader on the RME software, the volume will jump to the position of the fader. Likewise, if for example my volume on the Babyface Pro was last set to -inf or all the way down using the rotary encoder, if I change the output fader to -9 using Totalmix, if I then try to make further changes using the rotary encoder on the Babyface Pro, the volume will change will occur from the last position it was set on the hardware, not from the current position where the volume's at.

Did anything change? I recently updated to 3.18 USB driver and 1.63 Totalmix. I'm on Mac OSX 10.13.6.

Re: TotalMix volume lever not in sync with volume changes made on Babyface

I have temporary cleared the issue by rebooting. Now my volume pot in TotalMix and the babyface are in sync. When I move the physical knob, I see it moving in the RME Totalmix software. I'll see if I can reproduce. It may be an issue with the driver post sleep mode. I'll update the thread accordingly.


Re: TotalMix volume lever not in sync with volume changes made on Babyface

In case this error shows up again: please make a screenshot from the TotalMix FX top, showing the device name and sample rate.

Matthias Carstens

4 (edited by rdm 2019-11-09 03:41:43)

Re: TotalMix volume lever not in sync with volume changes made on Babyface

Oh Sorry I did not see the reply after. I was able to reproduce consistently after waking up the computer from sleep mode (on first attempt) while on the Fireface usb driver 3.18 , I have downgraded to usb driver 2.2 and no longer see the issue. My sample rate is 44.1k according to total mix. … -20-PM.png


Re: TotalMix volume lever not in sync with volume changes made on Babyface

Important is that after wake from sleep the serial number and correct (!) sample rate are still shown.

If driver 2.22 fixes the issue you might stil try the latest TM FX as 'legacy build' from here: …

Matthias Carstens

Re: TotalMix volume lever not in sync with volume changes made on Babyface

Just to provide an update, I believe the issue was isolated to the PC (Hackintosh running Mac OSX) I was using. After reproducing the issue across different USB driver versions, I tested on a Macbook running the same Mac OSX version and don't experience the issue. I suspect there's a delay issue in the system coming out of sleep where something may not be available for the RME driver or software to properly sync with the interface. When I did encountered the issue waking the machine from sleep, If I quit TotalFX and re-open it it worked ok (physical volume pot was in sync with the software).