Topic: RME Fireface UC with TotalMixFX bug: 100% volume 100% left suddently
(i'm french sorry for my english)
I'm new here ! I bought a Fireface UC like 2 years ago and never used it except to listen sound from my computer via usb (never plugged a mic on it by exemple). When I listen music on my computer or any random internet source (Yt or streaming), sometimes, it suddently goes 100% panned on the left with 100% volume which is very scary because it's very loud! It happens more and more often theses days I don't know why. Everything is updated...
I'm on win7 64bit, i7 4790k 16go ram ddr3, ga-h97m-hd3, nvidia gtx970 4go, yamaha hs5 x2 + hs10w
All the wires are stock wires.
Please help me !