Topic: Fireface driver 3.39 and Catalina 10.15.5

Hi all,

I've just upgraded my Catalina 10.15.4 to 10.15.5 (shame on me).

My Fireface 400 just stopped working after the upgrade so I searched a bit to try solve the problem.
I was using driver 3.36 found on the RME Download section.

Here's what I did:

I followed this thread:

Than I installed driver 3.39 found on this site:

I got no apple security warning and the install went "fine", then reboot.
The audio interface still doesn't work.

So I followed this thread:

The result of the kextutil command from terminal is this:

Defaulting to kernel file '/System/Library/Kernels/kernel'
/Library/Extensions/FirefaceAudioDriver.kext appears to be loadable (not including linkage for on-disk libraries).
Loading /Library/Extensions/FirefaceAudioDriver.kext.
KextAudit initialized: audit=T
/Library/Extensions/FirefaceAudioDriver.kext successfully loaded (or already loaded).

In system preferences I get this:


  Versione:    3.39
  Ultima modifica:    05/11/19, 13:47
  ID bundle:    com.RME.driver.FirefaceAudioDriver
  Autenticata:    Sì
  Caricata:    No
  Informazioni:    Version 3.39
  Ottenuta da:    Sviluppatore identificato
  Tipo:    Intel
  Architetture:    x86_64
  64 bit (Intel):    Sì
  Posizione:    /Library/Extensions/FirefaceAudioDriver.kext
  Versione kext:    3.39
  Caricabile:    Sì
  Dipendenze:    Soddisfatte
  Firmata da:    Developer ID Application: RME GmbH (67AK2U2X7M), Developer ID Certification Authority, Apple Root CA

"Sviluppatore identificato" stand for "Identified developer".

Please help me with that!

Re: Fireface driver 3.39 and Catalina 10.15.5

I just discovered that in /Users/marcosaloni/Library/Preferences I have no fireface or RME .plist

Hope that help.

I'm trying to reinstall everything.