Topic: Plans for UCX update or a new USB C interface

Just curious if RME have any plans to release a USB C version of the UCX or some kind of equivalent.
If no - how come? Is it not possible or something else.



Re: Plans for UCX update or a new USB C interface

You can use a cheap USB-C to USB-B cable...

Matthias Carstens

3 (edited by nateandrews 2020-06-12 20:08:48)

Re: Plans for UCX update or a new USB C interface

The USB C connector thing on devices has fooled some reviewers into thinking the device itself is super speedy on the bus.  This pertains to the CLARETT range that has USB C connector.

USB C spec is V E R Y fast (well, it can be).  But just having the USB C physical connector itself on a device does not mean it is SUPER SPEEDY just that it has the C connector but is still likely at the original USB 2.0 speeds.  I was originally looking at upgrading and assumed anything with the C connector meant latest and greatest USB spec 3.1 or whateverr, but nope, they still all operate at 2.0

I say all of this because I just built a new rig using the MSI CARBON PRO board which has a USB C port right on board and I thought about getting a USB C interface but then realized that none of them are actuallyt aht fast, nor to they really need to be.

4 (edited by Maddcow 2020-06-13 01:13:35)

Re: Plans for UCX update or a new USB C interface

nateandrews wrote:

The USB C connector thing on devices has fooled some reviewers into thinking the device itself is super speedy on the bus.  This pertains to the CLARETT range that has USB C connector.

Exactly! When I was looking for a new interface last year to go with my new 2019 MacBook Pro”, I wanted to get something that could take full advantage of the USB C connection. I was a bit surprised at the number of devices which now have USB C but only run at USB 2 speeds.