Topic: Fireface UFX Passing only 9 and 10 to DAW

Neither Vegas nor Sonar receive input from 11 and 12. They both receive it fine from 9 and 10. Cables all work, UFX displays the input signal from 11 and 12, TotalMix displays the input from 11 and 12, and DUREC can record all of the channels. Yet, I cannot record into Vegas or Sonar on 11 and 12.

To rule out an issue with my UFX, I connected it to an older computer and 11 and 12 work! I went as far as installing the driver version from the working computer to the non-working one with no change. I also installed Vegas 12 on both machines, and 11 and 12 also worked on the old computer (but not the new) so that wasn't a factor. Both computers are running Windows 10 1909.

Any advice? Please let me know if you need more detail.


Re: Fireface UFX Passing only 9 and 10 to DAW

Are you using ASIO or WDM drivers in the DAWs?

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: Fireface UFX Passing only 9 and 10 to DAW

I use ASIO.

Re: Fireface UFX Passing only 9 and 10 to DAW

Check the audio configuration in the DAWs. These channels can't be blocked from the RME side, but you may only have Sonar set up for inputs 1-8.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

5 (edited by dam4742 2020-07-22 21:48:19)

Re: Fireface UFX Passing only 9 and 10 to DAW

All of the inputs are selectable in both programs. My problem specifically is that the four front XLR inputs are not *all* passing sound to the DAW.

Input 09 and 10 (front XLR inputs) can be set as inputs. When record is armed, I see the meters respond to the mics. Recording works as expected.

Input 10 and 11 (front XLR inputs) can be set as inputs. When record is armed, there is nothing in the meters. Recording also just records, but there is no sound.

Re: Fireface UFX Passing only 9 and 10 to DAW

Here's what it looks like in TotalMix (see - 11 works there!), plus the similar areas of Vegas:

7 (edited by dam4742 2020-07-23 05:17:12)

Re: Fireface UFX Passing only 9 and 10 to DAW

I finally fixed it. I'm not sure why what I did made channels 11 and 12 work, but it did. Maybe it reset something in the ASIO driver?

Digging into the ASIO control panel in Vegas (Options -> Preferences -> Audio Device -> Advanced -> Configure) I saw that:

  • ADAT 2 Output was set to AES

  • AES Input was set to ADAT 2

I changed them to:

  • ADAT 2 Output set to ADAT

  • AES Input was set to AES

Pressed OK to close each dialog box, and when I armed the track with input 11 again, it just worked.

I'm glad that did it, because my old computer is on its last legs and this new one is dedicated to audio production. No idea what the AES and ADAT settings have to do with Analog 11 and 12, but whatever works!