1 (edited by BA 2020-08-12 09:27:13)

Topic: UFX+ Orion32 record latency issues

I am using a UFX+ with an Orion32 via MADI connection into Cubase 10.5

I noticed that Cubase is recording signals directly from the UFX+ ahead of time.

I am using a printed metronome track to measure latency

via headphones out direct  into the RME pres measures @ +11 samples.

recorded directly from speakers out with a microphone into cubase at @ +7 samples

If I was only use the RME this is not a major issue as I can easily offset the recording inside of cubase to shift the recording back in time so it records properly. 

the problem comes into place when using both the RME and Orion tracking multi mic sources such as drums.

The Orion32 via headphones out direct measures @ -23 samples.
recorded directly from the speakers with a mic measures at -20 samples.

I understand that each unit has a native round-trip latency as all units have different measurements.

As of now.  If i offset Cubase to record the UFX+ to record at the correct time I have to use a setting of -7 samples.

In doing so all my hardware Preamps connected to my Orion32 are recording @ -27 samples. 

Does anyone have any advice or creative ways I can fix these units in order to makes that record and print at the correct time?

any advice of thoughts would be greatly appreciated. 



Re: UFX+ Orion32 record latency issues


Is your sample difference always the same? I had the same setup and the Orion sample latency was between +10 and +20 samples, changed everytime when powering up.
I „solved“ it by recording multi mic stuff like drums only on inputs of the same box.

Changed the Orion to rme m-32 pros not long ago and the latency is always +5 samples compared to the UFX+ now.

Your solution with manually correcting in cubase seems to be the best way to go.


Happy Fireface UFX+, Octamic XTC and M-32 Pro user.


Re: UFX+ Orion32 record latency issues

The sample rate differential is consistent.  it is always the same for me on boot.  it is just an issue between the two units.  i guess manual it is. hmm

When my input list is more limited I do generally ran all inputs from one box.  But in bigger live sessions it is no possible....I need both units.  regardless, thanks for the input!


Re: UFX+ Orion32 record latency issues

Possibly its a RME feature to get latency compensation over MADI.

I know that the option Auto-CA for an Octamic XTC provides latency compensation for 1 or more XTC on one MADI bus.
But I am not sure whether it compensates the latency only between the XTCs on the bus or also latencies between the recording interface and the MADI devices connected to the bus.
The other question to me is, whether this is a RME unique feature, whether latency compensation is possible with 3rd party devices like the Orion or not...

This can only be answered by RME.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: UFX+ Orion32 record latency issues

Short answer is no, you can only give one latency value via the driver and that is based on the Analog IO. Latency compensation in the Octamic XTC (for instance) is handled inside each Octamic unit.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.