1 (edited by klimperguy 2020-10-29 09:34:56)

Topic: Help me chose an audio interface please

Dear all,

I am no audio pro but the guy who does everything (audio, video, graphics etc.) for low/no budget projects.

I have the orignal (blue) babyface and understand TotalmixFX and Digicheck (at least I think so). I am able to use the Loopback function (e.g. for mix minus).

As the projects start to get more complex (hopefully the budgets will to) it is time to get an interface with more inputs / channels.

I think the UFX II is what I need, but would like to crosscheck with you specialists here.
Please have a look into the graphic. It shows the "worst" scenario that I can think of at the moment.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/qjgju3zxeizpr … .png?raw=1

- as I understood it, the UFX II has enough inputs for the shown scenario, right?
- at 48 kHz the max. number of channels is available, right?
- gain is digitally controlled = it can be stored and recalled (is confirmed already).
- it can record each channel separately to a usb storage device on its own (no PC required), right? (nice backup in case everything else fails)

Not important:
- I don't need any of the audio over ethernet implementations for now.

My mobile PC has
- 3x USB 3.2 Gen1 (Type-A)
- 1x Thunderbolt 3 (Type-C)
- OS is Windows 10 PRO

Mobility ?:
I know it is not meant as a mobile device, but I need to use it like that. The Babyface was ok with getting abused on the road all the time, but I am not sure about UFX II ?

Why RME?
I like TotalmixFX and can't invest the time to learn something new (and I don't see the requirement as it just works for me)
The babyface never had an issue and it worked always with any OS updates under any circumstances. Hope the same is true for the UFX II.

2 (edited by ramses 2020-10-29 11:36:08)

Re: Help me chose an audio interface please

Good choice, sounds like a plan. BTW, very nice detailed and structured overview, many thanks.

To your questions:

> as I understood it, the UFX II has enough inputs for the shown scenario, right?
   Yes, you will use two out of four mic inputs and 4 balanced/unbalanced mono inputs out of 8.
   Monitors and dual phones output.
   DURec for backup or stand-alone recording
   MADIface driver allows creation of WDM devices, to support non-ASIO aware applications (Windows, ...)

> at 48 kHz the max. number of channels is available, right?
The number of channels only change on the digital links like ADAT or MADI.
The Analog Inputs and Outputs are "fix" up to 192 kHz.

> gain is digitally controlled = it can be stored and recalled (is confirmed already).
Yes and this works very nicely
- standalone (you have 6 slots to store routing on the device)
- otherwise via TM Snapshots
- and also the 30 Workspace Quick Select Slots are very useful to quickly recall Snapshot and Workspace by i.e. ALT-1

> it can record each channel separately to a usb storage device on its own
You select the channels for DURec recording and playback in TM FX under "Record View".

Windows 10 20H2 works like a charm, see my last message: https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.php?id=31749

My only remark / recommendation to you is to think about, whether it wouldn't be worth to spend a few bucks more for the UFX+. The price difference is only 2137-1833=€304.

For this you would get the flexibility, to connect the recording interface either by USB3 or by Thunderbolt which is external PCIe. Should there be issues with the one or other you would still have a plan B. You can even use the UFX+ with USB2 as a normal 30ch interface (without MADI).

MADI looks on the 1st glimpse like an overkill, but I made the personal experience, that the two ADAT ports in my rig get quickly "eaten" by connections to other devices in the rig, be it an Amp emulation or the connection to my HiFi to use it as Monitor B.

In such cases you will be thankful to have the possibility to expand via MADI if such a demand would arise.
Especially if you intend to use double speed (recording at 88.2/96 kHz). Then two ADAT ports melt quickly down to only one (by the channel multiplexing).

Also nice is to have some spare channels if you perform loopback recording or certain routing tricks to get i.e. an unmodified submix and one EQ'd for phones... There are many use cases / reasons why it is good to have some space channels.
And only €300 bucks for USB3 and Thunderbolt and MADI is IMHO worth the money.

Here links to a few blog articles that I wrote, that could also be of interest to you:

About UFX+ and UFX II, features compared to each other and former flagship interface:
https://www.tonstudio-forum.de/blog/ind … 8-RME-UFX/

About combination of UFX+ and Octamic XTC:
https://www.tonstudio-forum.de/blog/ind … Cber-MADI/

The "evolution" of my recording environment towards a RME based solution:
https://www.tonstudio-forum.de/blog/ind … -DURec-DE/
This contains a few very nicely worked out ideas, how to make best use of this rig.
- Tape Deck mode (DURec)
- Reamping (also uses DURec)
- Parallel Effect Loop for a Marshall to get better more punchier / transparant sound (routing "tricks")
With two sound examples old- and new style with RME.

For an overview about USB based recording interfaces look the Excel herein, where I collected and condensed from different sources (manual, forum): https://www.tonstudio-forum.de/blog/ind … B-MADIfac/
In the Excel you get an overview in German and in English in different TABs.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

3 (edited by klimperguy 2020-10-29 18:36:27)

Re: Help me chose an audio interface please

Thanks for your reply.

I think the drawing was not detailed enough regarding the TRS connections.

The mic receiver and the cameras output a stereo signal via TRS. I need to split them via splitter cable.

Receiver 1 left channel / right channel
Receiver 2 left channel / right channel
= 4 line inputs on the UFX

same for the cameras
= 8 line inputs in total

But as I understood it this is still fine as there are anyway 8 line inputs at the back.

UFX+ maybe. I am anyway above the planned budget. But there is one more argument - the resale value of the UFX+ might be better in the future (if I am going to sell it at all).

And: nice articles in the blog.