Topic: Using the setup and remote key assign functions properly!
Hi RME users,
I have been using the key assign function for my remote successfully since getting to grips with my ADI-2, however since starting to tinker with EQ I now want to save EQ settings to a series of setups so that I can access different EQ profiles from the remote control.
I thought I knew what I was doing, having set three profiles to buttons 1,2&3, and it works but only ONCE! Then the Keys revert to their previous settings, which happened to be choosing between three different DAC filters!
I note that when the keys are assigned to my three EQ profiles and I select one, it asks me to press again to load setup.
I have read the manual and watched the video on YouTube but I think I may be missing a step.
I would appreciate your help please as it would be nice to select an EQ profile from the remote. :0)