Topic: Why does my analog mic input only record as mono?

I'm trying to get my mic to record as stereo, on Windows. I've tried various configurations, but the audio always only comes in on one channel, or in one ear of my headphones.

At the most ground level, the Windows recording device seems to always be for analog inputs 1 + 2. So, the recording device is always stereo, as far as I can tell. Which means at the minimum, I can only select 2 input channels - not 1.

Because of the above, software that uses my Windows default mic will only pic up the mic on one channel, or in one headphone ear. Some software automatically converts mic audio to stereo, but other software does not. I've got some software that I have to use but people complain that they only hear me in one ear - so it must not be converting to stereo. Another example piece of software that does not convert to stereo, and comes with Windows, is the Voice Recorder program - you can try that program to see what I'm talking about.

So, I tried getting TotalMix FX to do this for me, but I can't seem to make it work. Can TotalMix do this?

Here's some things I tried ...

1. I tried setting the Analog 1 & 2 inputs to stereo. Great, it's now stereo which more naturally mirrors the Windows recording device, but the mic on analog input 1 still only occupies the left channel.

2. With analog 1 & 2 as stereo, I tried fading the input between left and right. I can hear a difference in my headphones, which are plugged right into my Babyface Pro, but I hear no difference through my DAW / Voice Recorder, and also see no difference in the analog 1 & 2 input channel indicators.

3. Again, with analog 1 & 2 as stereo, I set the channel Width to 0 to disable full stereo, which again makes it sound fine through the headphones but still only comes through as mono in the DAW / softwares.

Is there a way to resolve this, so that the mic comes through that Windows recording device as stereo?

I realize I can fix this in a DAW, but my issues lies with just using my mic as a standard day-to-day mic for work, where I don't have control over the applications and how they handle the audio from the Windows recording device.


2 (edited by vinark 2020-07-31 20:33:56)

Re: Why does my analog mic input only record as mono?

Totalmix can not really do this. It is a mixer for the RME outputs, not for what's recorded. That is up to the programs you use.
There are some workarounds that might be possible but you don't mention which device you have.
The workaround is that you loop back the mic output coming out of the RME back to an input. So output the mic to a unused stereo  output and loop back that output to a stereo input. Then set that stereo output as your recording channels. Not the mic channel.
Depending on your device this can be done in totalmix with the loopback option if available or must be done with an audio cable.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632


Re: Why does my analog mic input only record as mono?

The next firmware update for the BF Pro and the next TotalMix will have an option to set input channel 1 to mono, so the audio signal reaches both inputs 1 and 2.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Why does my analog mic input only record as mono?

MC wrote:

The next firmware update for the BF Pro and the next TotalMix will have an option to set input channel 1 to mono, so the audio signal reaches both inputs 1 and 2.

Oh awesome. Is there a version number for it already, so that I can be on the lookout? Or a release date, even? Thanks!

Re: Why does my analog mic input only record as mono?

vinark wrote:

Totalmix can not really do this. It is a mixer for the RME outputs, not for what's recorded. That is up to the programs you use.
There are some workarounds that might be possible but you don't mention which device you have.
The workaround is that you loop back the mic output coming out of the RME back to an input. So output the mic to a unused stereo  output and loop back that output to a stereo input. Then set that stereo output as your recording channels. Not the mic channel.
Depending on your device this can be done in totalmix with the loopback option if available or must be done with an audio cable.

Just wanted to let you know that the loopback has solved the issue for me. I look forward to the next firmware update, as mentioned by @MC, though. At least until then this loopback works!

Re: Why does my analog mic input only record as mono?

Looking forward to this firmware update.  Will be nice for nVIDIA GEForce Experience screen recording.


Re: Why does my analog mic input only record as mono?

Looking forward to something that is already available?

Matthias Carstens

Re: Why does my analog mic input only record as mono?

MC wrote:

Looking forward to something that is already available?

When I make a screen recording with nVIDIA Geforce, the mic is only on the left side.  This is because it sees Babyface as 'Analog (1+2) (RME Babyface Pro)'.  If I use nVIDIA Broadcast, then the mic becomes mono centered. 

I was under the impression that a new driver would make it so Windows would see simply 'Analog 1' as an input. 

I see that in TMFX, you can link channels into stereo.  Maybe this was what you made available.  I've only had the device for less than a year so maybe that's a new feature. 

Can someone explain to me how RME releases TMFX updates and firmware?  I see that there's a 1.72 version of TMFX but it seems like a beta.  Is there an email that goes out when stable versions are available? 



Re: Why does my analog mic input only record as mono?

TM FX 1.72 is not a beta. From the firmware readme:

Update 09/17/2020: Updates Babyface Pro and Babyface Pro FS to version 127. New function 'Mic Input 1 Copy to Mic Input 2' to avoid one-sided record with stereo based record software. Requires TotalMix FX version 1.66 or higher.

Matthias Carstens

10 (edited by Hexspa 2021-02-03 05:51:04)

Re: Why does my analog mic input only record as mono?

Ok thank you.  Please allow me to see whether I understand.

1. There is no notification for updates of TotalMix FX, Drivers, or firmware other than this forum.
2. Drivers need to be installed prior to firmware since firmware depends on a current driver.
3. Firmware is known as a 'hardware revision' and the current version for Babyface Pro FS is 127.
4. Driver executables include a version of TotalMixFX. 
5. The current driver for Babyface Pro FS is 1.200 and included TotalMix FX version 1.67.  To install this, I needed to be sure that TotalMix FX was at least on version 1.66 on my machine.
6. The hierarchy of things needing to be up-to-date is TotalMix FX, drivers, firmware.  Successive entities depend on the prior.
7. TotalMix FX can be updated independently of the driver.

That last one is a new concept to me.  I thought that TotalMix FX was only updated via the driver.  Apparently this is incorrect - TotalMix FX is an independent application that can be updated as RME releases revisions. 

RME seems very smart.  I simply wish to understand my device as much as possible.  RME should be deeply gratified that I don't understand how updates work.  This means they work perfectly and I never have problems.

Thanks for your patience, Matthias.

EDIT (Disregrard): It finally dawned on me what you're saying about the new feature.  I misunderstood what it did.  Unfortunately, I don't understand how to do it.  I tried right clicking on AN1 input and pasting into AN2 in TMFX but no change was made in my recording software.  I also looked in preferences but didn't see anything.  My function menu just has mixer view and matrix view.  Can you please tell me how to check out this feature?  Thanks again.

EDIT2: Ok I got it.  I actually did try this when I first installed TMFX 1.66 but, like I said, didn't understand what was happening.  I just checked by recording with Geforce and, indeed, the mic is centered even with Analog (1+2) (RME Babyface Pro) selected.  Fantastic.

For anyone else, here's a link to the TotalMix FX 1.66 thread:

and the instructions given to make your mic appear centered:
- Mono Mic to Stereo for Babyface Pro/FS. This function copies the left mic input channel's audio to the right input channel so audio is available on both channels for the record path. To activate set the inputs AN1/2 into Stereo mode, then in the Tool panel click the new lowest button labelled AN1->2. Requires firmware 127 to work.


Re: Why does my analog mic input only record as mono?

Hexspa wrote:

Ok thank you.  Please allow me to see whether I understand.

1. There is no notification for updates of TotalMix FX, Drivers, or firmware other than this forum.

They always show up on our website's front page (column to the right).  And sometimes also in the Forum's driver update threads.

Hexspa wrote:

2. Drivers need to be installed prior to firmware since firmware depends on a current driver.


Hexspa wrote:

3. Firmware is known as a 'hardware revision' and the current version for Babyface Pro FS is 127.

Yes. In fact it is 129, will be released soon.

Hexspa wrote:

4. Driver executables include a version of TotalMixFX.

Yes, but not always the latest version, as compiling and testing driver packages is cumbersome. So you can get the latest TM FX in the forum more quickly. If you need it.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Why does my analog mic input only record as mono?

Ok, I understand, thanks.  I see that you've written in the 'TotalMix FX 1.72 available...' thread:

While originally our plans on what TM FX 1.7 should include were different, 1.72 adresses several issues and comes with multiple under-the-hood improvements, so a release was in order. As usual it is available here as direct download, and will be part of upcoming driver package updates as well.

Regarding my question "drivers need to be installed prior to firmware...", I ask because the readme in fut_usb from 9/17/20 says: "Requires driver 1.09 or higher"  Maybe this was written not because this is an ordinary consideration but precisely because it's unusual that someone would currently have such an old driver installed.  I guess as long as I read the requirements, I should be fine. 

Thank you for taking the time.  I appreciate it.  Glad to have purchased RME.


Re: Why does my analog mic input only record as mono?

3. From the context I was at 'driver updates' and 'firmware updates'. The FUTs do not work if no driver is installed at all.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Why does my analog mic input only record as mono?

MC wrote:

Update 09/17/2020: Updates Babyface Pro and Babyface Pro FS to version 127. New function 'Mic Input 1 Copy to Mic Input 2' to avoid one-sided record with stereo based record software. Requires TotalMix FX version 1.66 or higher.

Sorry to bump and old thread, but would this feature ever make it into a MADIface Pro update?

MADIface Pro / Ferrofish Pulse 16MX

15 (edited by spookyblack 2022-09-02 21:15:56)

Re: Why does my analog mic input only record as mono?

retrorack wrote:
MC wrote:

Update 09/17/2020: Updates Babyface Pro and Babyface Pro FS to version 127. New function 'Mic Input 1 Copy to Mic Input 2' to avoid one-sided record with stereo based record software. Requires TotalMix FX version 1.66 or higher.

Sorry to bump and old thread, but would this feature ever make it into a MADIface Pro update?

And the Fireface UCX II? Seems like it would be useful for any RME products. Lots of software I use only records the audio in the left channel and there are no options to duplicate it. Sometimes I just want to quickly share something without having to edit it first.