51 (edited by harmaes 2020-12-12 11:28:02)

Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware

AndrewHall wrote:
awdwon wrote:

Would anyone be able to confirm if a Fireface (400 or 800) is working with a USB C port on M1 Mac (through use of a dongle/adapter parade)? Looks like it will work with a Thunderbolt port from what I gather but I've got a dock and all my Thunderbolt ports are used up.

Ordered an M1 Macbook Air to replace my 10 yr old iMac that will be here next week and I actually had a Fireface 800 that I recently sold after reading some comments on here from RME about Firewire devices not being supported on M1 Macs (should have known better I guess with their history of driver updates). I'd pick one up again if it's confirmed working.

Hello awdwon, I can confirm that a Fireface 400 will work via adapters to the M1 mac. You will need to to change the security settings on your mac to get the kernel extensions working properly. It took me a few driver re-installs, but it is working now. I've tried two signal chains and they both work:

1. M1 Mac TB3 Port -> TB3 to TB2 adapter -> TB2 to Apple TB display -> Display FW800 port to FF400
2. M2 Mac TB3 Port -> TB3 to TB2 adapter -> TB2 to FW800 adapter -> FW800 to FW400

All the adapters listed above are Apple-branded. I can't confirm if other adapters work.

Which cable are you using between FW800 to FW400?
Is there any order of connecting or any risk of power issues (blowing up ports) when connecting the FF400 to the M1 TB3/USB-C port?

Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware

FW400 to 800 is actually just a cable. No electronics. So any one should work.

MB Pro - 2 X FireFace 400, FF800 & DigiFace USB
ADAT gear: Korg, Behri, Fostex, Alesis...

Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware

cyrano wrote:

FW400 to 800 is actually just a cable. No electronics. So any one should work.

Great, thanks. Already found one.
So is the connection safe to do and do you practice connecting everything when there's no power to the Macbook and FF400?

Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware

It's often advised to connect everything with power off. I feel that's mostly because of less than ideal connections on some PC hardware. Mostly PCI FW cards where the shielding tin is so weak you can plugin the cable the wrong way around. That's deadly for the hardware, as power is reversed.

I've personally hot-plugged my FF400 hundreds of times and dozens of harddisks probably thousands of times without any problem on a Mac.

MB Pro - 2 X FireFace 400, FF800 & DigiFace USB
ADAT gear: Korg, Behri, Fostex, Alesis...

Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware

Problems with Big Sur and the new drivers 3.24
Hello everyone.
I installed Big Sur 30 days ago, and upgraded to version 11.1. I downloaded 3.24 drivers as usual (I have a UFX and a UCX connected in USB), but the card is not responding, there is no sign of life. Following the suggestions I checked that Security and Privacy on my MAC, but it does not ask me to authorize any third party software. I went into recovery mode and disabled secure and external drive boot, but nothing has changed.
I checked that the UFX was not in Class Compliant mode, it was turned off. I don't want to downgrade to Catalina (it worked perfectly with that system).
I also uninstalled the Fireface USB settings and Total Mix software and reloaded from scratch.
The card receives the USB signal because I see the blue light that turns on regularly, but it is not recognized by the MAC.

Please give me some suggestions I have tried them all ... or almost ... Thanks!

Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware

Impressive as always Matthias! RME simply are the best.

Happy user since late 90s now. Leave a trail of RME audio wherever I do work.
Current workplace has 16 rooms RME equipped.

Will be waiting for next iteration of Mx silicone before we make that leap though.


Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware

cizzico wrote:

Problems with Big Sur and the new drivers 3.24
Hello everyone.
I installed Big Sur 30 days ago, and upgraded to version 11.1. I downloaded 3.24 drivers as usual (I have a UFX and a UCX connected in USB), but the card is not responding, there is no sign of life. Following the suggestions I checked that Security and Privacy on my MAC, but it does not ask me to authorize any third party software. I went into recovery mode and disabled secure and external drive boot, but nothing has changed.
I checked that the UFX was not in Class Compliant mode, it was turned off. I don't want to downgrade to Catalina (it worked perfectly with that system).
I also uninstalled the Fireface USB settings and Total Mix software and reloaded from scratch.
The card receives the USB signal because I see the blue light that turns on regularly, but it is not recognized by the MAC.

Please give me some suggestions I have tried them all ... or almost ... Thanks!

Have you also checked System preferences/Security & privacy for programs allowed to get audio input (represented by a mic icon)?

MB Pro - 2 X FireFace 400, FF800 & DigiFace USB
ADAT gear: Korg, Behri, Fostex, Alesis...

Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware

Apologies if this is not the place to post this, but I've just got a Mac mini M1 and I've installed the drivers without issue. The problem I'm having is updating the firmware to 2.77 - the flash update seems restricted to up to the Mojave OS. Is there a new update on the way or a work around... at the moment I get audio through the Fireface 800 but it sounds bitcrushed. Thanks in advance for your help.


Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware

The FireWire FUT will not be updated quickly because no one needs it. You run a Fireface 800 that has not been updated to that firmware (2.77) since November 2009 ?

Check your adapters. FW users so far did not report that problem nor did we see it.

Matthias Carstens

60 (edited by frspp 2020-12-26 14:53:56)

Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware

Hi! Can someone confirm that loopback works on M1?

I cannot get loopback signal to DAW on M1. Works fine on older Intel Mac. I tried to double check for human error.
Macbook Pro M1,
macOS Big Sur 11.1,
Babyface fw 2.25,
RME USB driver 3.24.
Reaper 6.19 beta macOS-arm64

edit: "Have you also checked System preferences/Security & privacy for programs allowed to get audio input (represented by a mic icon)?"

That might be the problem. I have no apps in there. But there is no add button! Wonder how to add an app there.

edit2: Seems like this is Reaper bug

Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware

Sometimes, Macos doesn't "see" Reaper as an audio app and doesn't add it as it should. Happens with other setups too. It's a Big Sur bug.

Removing Reaper, installing a portable version, opening it once and then checking if Reaper appears in the dialog box has fixed it for a few people.

If that works, you can reinstall your "normal" Reaper and it will have access to audio. You could also keep the portable install, of course. Or even both. In that case, I use the portable one for experimenting. Doesn't disrupt the "normal" Reaper.

MB Pro - 2 X FireFace 400, FF800 & DigiFace USB
ADAT gear: Korg, Behri, Fostex, Alesis...

Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware


I'm trying to run a Fireface 400 into a silicon Mac Mini on Big Sur 11.1 but all I get is flashing lights.

I've upgraded to the new driver and it doesn't crash the machine any more smile

Is this a power issue? I'm bus powering at the moment, using a TB3 to TB2 -> TB2 to FW800 -> FW800 to FW400 chain of adapters. Will an NTRME2 solve my issues?


Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware

rockscottage wrote:

Is this a power issue? I'm bus powering at the moment, using a TB3 to TB2 -> TB2 to FW800 -> FW800 to FW400 chain of adapters. Will an NTRME2 solve my issues?

Yes, to both questions. Thunderbolt does not provide enough power on the bus.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware

Thanks Jeff.

Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware

I just got my M1 a few days ago and installed the driver for the RME Babyface Pro.   So far it has been really solid, but I did have one issue I had on installation and I thought I would share the solution.

After changing security settings, I rebooted and installed the driver.   It is at that point I had the issue.  On the restart it would just reboot to a blank screen.   To solve all I did was boot in to recovery mode and choose my Macintosh HD and have had not issues since.   Just a little weird.

Also of note, that was on Big Sur 11.0.   I had not updated to 11.1 yet, I was just a little too excited getting everything set up.

66 (edited by karaghenan 2021-01-17 23:10:24)

Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware


i've purchase an mini mac M1, (hope i'm in the right thread)

i finally (after a little bit of anxious sweating smile )   succed in installing
Total mix, and got my baby face pro (usb)  working well...
except for the midi in/out 
it was working perfectly well before, on a mini mac intel , but now, it seem like nothing goes in whatever i'm trying to do ( i connect a yamaha P_35 to the midi "in"  doesn't work with the "out" either

i connected a small usb keyboard to the mac directly, and that way midi's fine...but i wish my main keyboard would have work...any body got the same problem ? or an idea ? or ...THE answer ? big_smile  thx

Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware


I am working with a Fireface UC on an 2019 Intel Macbook Pro running MacOS Big Sur 11.1.
Regrettably, my none of the offered drivers is working sad
Even the newest version of the MacOS 11 driver does not work (the device is never detected).
When running the setup, I never have the chance to approve loading the driver, neither in a popup, nor under system preferences - security (if this should happen, as it was the case in older MacOS versions).

When I try to force loading the installed kernel extension as follows (as the root user):
kmutil load --bundle-path /Library/Extensions/RMEFirefaceUSB.kext

the only thing I get is the following error message:
Error Domain=KMErrorDomain Code=31 "Error occurred while building a collection: in '/Library/Extensions/spl.kext/Contents/PlugIns/KernelExports.kext/KernelExports' missing __TEXT segment" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Error occurred while building a collection: in '/Library/Extensions/spl.kext/Contents/PlugIns/KernelExports.kext/KernelExports' missing __TEXT segment}

I googled this error and it seems that there exist drivers by other vendors for their products, that seem to produce the same error.
However, the only information that I can find in all of those cases is that the driver is not compatible with the current version of MacOS and that the vendor needs to deliver a new one.

Any ideas? Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks and best,

68 (edited by breun 2021-01-19 00:06:22)

Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware


You don't mention which version of the driver you have installed. Did you get version 3.24 for macOS Big Sur from https://www.rme-audio.de/downloads.html? I use a Babyface Pro on macOS Big Sur 11.1 myself and the 3.24 driver, which is the same driver download as for the Fireface UC, works for me.

The /Library/Extensions/spl.kext path mentioned in the error message you posted does not look like an RME kernel extension to me, and I also don't have it on my system. Googling for it looks like it might be part of ZFS, or maybe something else you installed. Maybe you could try to uninstall that or at least temporarily move that kernel extension somewhere else to see if that helps?

69 (edited by Dew00d 2021-01-18 12:03:08)

Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware


sorry, it was a copy paste error, the correct path is:
kmutil load --bundle-path /Library/Extensions/RMEFirefaceUSB.kext

I tried it with the zfs extension to verify that the command is correct.

Yes, I am using the version 3.24 from the rme website.

Thanks for your support! Any further ideas?



Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware

Is the UC in AP mode or in PC mode?

Matthias Carstens

Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware

In AP Mode. I also used the device with a Win 10 PC (device in PC mode) to verify that the device is working, but switched back to AP mode.

Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware

The power supply arrived today and everything seems to be working.

Thanks again.

Jeff wrote:
rockscottage wrote:

Is this a power issue? I'm bus powering at the moment, using a TB3 to TB2 -> TB2 to FW800 -> FW800 to FW400 chain of adapters. Will an NTRME2 solve my issues?

Yes, to both questions. Thunderbolt does not provide enough power on the bus.

Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware

Has anyone tested the 3.24 driver with Mac OS 11.1 ?

Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware

hello everyone, i have opened a topic yesterday regarding an issue i have with the FF400, os 11.1 and my M1 mbp, but i figured that its probably better to ask here, so the other thread can be deleted. https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.ph … 60#p164260

the ff400 is working great, except the midi ports are not detected, (not in the system nor in the daw), im using the latest driver for M1, and i checked, the Fireface MIDI.plugin is properly installed at /Library/Audio/MIDI Drivers but is somehow not detected / recognized. anyone ever encountered that / have an advice?

Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware

francis1661 wrote:

hello everyone, i have opened a topic yesterday regarding an issue i have with the FF400, os 11.1 and my M1 mbp, but i figured that its probably better to ask here, so the other thread can be deleted. https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.ph … 60#p164260

the ff400 is working great, except the midi ports are not detected, (not in the system nor in the daw), im using the latest driver for M1, and i checked, the Fireface MIDI.plugin is properly installed at /Library/Audio/MIDI Drivers but is somehow not detected / recognized. anyone ever encountered that / have an advice?

so not sure how it happened but the midi ports appeared today and everything seems fine tongue oh well!

76 (edited by breun 2021-01-22 21:30:29)

Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware

Dew00d wrote:

Has anyone tested the 3.24 driver with Mac OS 11.1 ?

Works fine for me. I use a Babyface Pro with driver version 3.24 on macOS 11.1.

Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware

Hey Guys, could someone walk me through how I make my Fireface Ucx work again? I just got a new Macbook Pro, with big sur and it stopped to work. It doesn't even seen as a midi input in Garage Band for example. I read all the suggestions, downloaded the new driver, I was already in this reboot panel deep down my computer smile - but it's unable to install it on my drive - and I can not get through it myself. I just afraid I make a disaster here... I mean, it can not be that complicated? This is not the first program I try tho install, and I never had any issue... Anyone could assist me?
Would be so grateful. Thank you!

Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware

Hey there

Got a new MacBook Pro M1 (with usb c ports) and followed the instructions below for the setup of Total Mix for my babyface. Unfortunately, the only thing I hear is a huge beep when connecting the usb cable and the the lights on my babyface go to red.

Any ideas what this could be?

Thanks for any advice!


Procedure is as follows:

- Boot the M1 computer in Recovery mode (turn it on with the power button pressed until the screen shows the startup options are loaded)

- Select Options, then your language

- In the top menu go to Utilities -> Startup Security Utility. Select the system where the RME drivers will be installed

- Continue with -> Security Policy -> Reduced Security -> Allow user management of kernel extensions from identified developers.

- Reboot

- Install the RME driver.  Before the reboot for finishing the driver installation open System Preferences, Security & Privacy, tab General. There should be a grey Allow button in the right lower area. Click the unlock symbol first, then confirm using the RME kernel extension. Finally reboot.

Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware

karaghenan wrote:


i've purchase an mini mac M1, (hope i'm in the right thread)

i finally (after a little bit of anxious sweating smile )   succed in installing
Total mix, and got my baby face pro (usb)  working well...
except for the midi in/out 
it was working perfectly well before, on a mini mac intel , but now, it seem like nothing goes in whatever i'm trying to do ( i connect a yamaha P_35 to the midi "in"  doesn't work with the "out" either

i connected a small usb keyboard to the mac directly, and that way midi's fine...but i wish my main keyboard would have work...any body got the same problem ? or an idea ? or ...THE answer ? big_smile  thx

still no one's got a midi in / out problems with mac M1 and baby face pro ?

Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware

Hi, I am new to the RMW world. Thanks for adding me here. I recently purchased a RME Babyface Pro FS. So far, it runs fine with my MacBook M1 Air. The only issue is that everytime I plug it in I have to
1. restart the Mac so that the Babyface can even bee seen in the audio settings
2. than change the security settings after a pop-up message appears
3. reboot the Mac once more.

So, is there a possibility that my Mac remembers the RME even when it is plugged off for a while? At least my security settings should remember that I trust RME as a third-party provider. What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for your support,

best regards

Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware

Just to help other users :

If, like me, you spent HOURS (I mean... days...) to try to solve your Fireface UC compatibility with Big Sur (on M1 and not M1 Macs) :

I did re-install 20 times the drivers, I managed security things like well explained here. I did that a lot of time.
My Mac saw the interface (in audio devices) but I was unable to use it, and TotalMix and FirefaceUSB didn't work (no seen device).

There is ONE thing, I never read clearly in any forum (I know it's in the manual, but I missed it while reading it...)

YOU HAVE TO SWITCH YOUR FIREFACE in APPLE MODE !!!! (by default it's in windows mode).
To do that : unplug USB cable, keep it Powered ON. And just press 2 times quickly the encoder rotating button.

And VOILA ! Magical trick : my RME softwares instantly WORK.

I feel so stupid to not find that before... I Want to share it with you smile


82 (edited by Cud68 2021-02-04 15:26:57)

Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware

Hi I wonder if anyone can help please. I’m trying to install OS11 driver on a late 2015 Intel IMac to run a UC. I have followed all instructions over many hours and have never seen the ‘allow’ button in Security and Privacy. App Store and identified developers seems to be sufficient. After restart, the total mix window does not appear, when opening the apps manually there’s no communication with the UC. The Fireface doesn’t come up in the sound prefs or Logic. I’ve tried plugging in UC usb at different points and made sure it’s set to Apple not PC. This is the first time I’ve had a problem in about 12 years and my UC has always been rock solid. I desperately need to finish some work, any help gratefully received. Paul Cuddeford

P.s. just finally seen that my firmware is at version 116, the flash update goes from 126-138. I’ve gone through driver archives and no such luck finding a linking update. Happy to accept defeat (and buy a new box) as I’ve had many trouble free years with UC or is there a flash update that would fix this pls? I think I bought it in 2015

Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware

Full instructions are at rme.to/mace
Have you gone through all that?

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware

RME Support wrote:

Full instructions are at rme.to/mace
Have you gone through all that?

Hi yes I’ve been through all of it. I think because my UC is 7 years old, the flash firmware update won’t get me up to date. I can’t find one to get me from version 116 up to 126-138 so might have to buy a new box?


Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware

v117 is from 2012. Nevertheless, you might have access to another computer that would be able to update the unit's firmware. Any Windows or older Mac should do, with the current drivers and FUT. No need to buy a new interface.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware

MC wrote:

v117 is from 2012. Nevertheless, you might have access to another computer that would be able to update the unit's firmware. Any Windows or older Mac should do, with the current drivers and FUT. No need to buy a new interface.

Ok thanks I’ll try doing that Paul

Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware

Cud68 wrote:
MC wrote:

v117 is from 2012. Nevertheless, you might have access to another computer that would be able to update the unit's firmware. Any Windows or older Mac should do, with the current drivers and FUT. No need to buy a new interface.

Ok thanks I’ll try doing that Paul

Hi Mathias, please can you point me towards 117 from 2012, I can’t find it on your site on Driver archive, only 111 from 2009. Thanks Paul

Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware

Why would you need 117? Just update straight to the latest version on any available Windows or Mac computer.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware

Hi Daniel, that was as suggested above. It won’t update from 116 to the new one on my Mac. I’ve also tried using a PC this morning as suggested above. I’ve now bought a new interface as I’ve lost a couple of days work so no worries now. Cheers Paul


Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware

There was no such suggestion, just a typo and information. I clearly wrote 'with the current drivers and FUT'.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware

I tried the driver installation for m1 MBP, but it does not work.

I can't install anything else that requires a reboot either.

I did the power button thing and allow unsigned drivers but when the desktop start it say the computer shut down because of a problem but no driver there.

Even disabled it, but every time the machine starts it says there was a problem. This means that other drivers fail to install also.

It looks like shutting down is an issue, the dock get stuck before its animation to remove from screen elegantly completes.

If there is no solution, how do it remove everything from the RME driver?

Thanks Dude, still love this interface for the sound quality and routing abilities.

92 (edited by SpeezyBoy 2021-02-16 18:50:59)

Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware

MC wrote:

v117 is from 2012. Nevertheless, you might have access to another computer that would be able to update the unit's firmware. Any Windows or older Mac should do, with the current drivers and FUT. No need to buy a new interface.

Thanks for the help , it solved some problems.


Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware

johndude wrote:

I did the power button thing and allow unsigned drivers

That sounds like you did NOT follow the instructions in the driver readme. This procedure is not about unsigned drivers - they are signed.

In case you did allow kernel extensions from third parties in that precedure then you might need to contact Apple support and ask why the reboot kills the change.

Matthias Carstens

94 (edited by harmamusic 2021-02-19 11:14:10)

Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware

I've been using the Babyface Pro FS for about 2 months now with my M1 Pro.
It's working and sounding great in general, the only thing I notice is that the volume of the main output seems to be reset often to max volume? The headphone out doesn't seem to have this problem or I might have it set to 0Db volume often so I don't notice it. smile

I noticed today that starting Cubase Pro 10.5 the volume of AN 1/2 was reset twice during startup after I manually lowered it directly when I noticed the volume modified. I had to lower it twice. BTW, this was during the loading of Garritan CFX samples which is rather strange?

I also downloaded a trial of Sonarworks reference HP edition which seems to have problems during the selection of the Babyface channels notifying it can't access the device and also Sonarworks sometimes overrides the audio output where I must Quit it completely to get output from the Babyface again?

EDIT: I just started Foobar with an audio file (WAV) and the volume on my AN out 1/2 was again reset to 0db!
Maybe it's good to know that the BabyFace Pro FS is connected to an Anker PowerExpand Elite via USB-C and the Anker is connected via Thunderbolt to the Macbook Pro M1. Just to rule out any issues related to the Anker which has some issues as well with networks dissapearing and hangs.

95 (edited by ramses 2021-02-19 11:40:24)

Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware

In TM FX Preferences (F2)

1. Did you set under "Snapshots"
Do not load: "--"
Instead of e.g.: "Main Volume" or "Main/Phones Volume"

2. Did you enable under "Device Handling"
[x] Always init DSP devices with TotalMix FX settings

By this the recording interface is being initialized with the settings stored in the last active TM FX snapshot.

Could be the case that you also need TM FX v1.72. I do not remember exactly. whether it was a windows specific bug/fix (or not), that the last settings file is being properly written to disk, when shutting down the system. Maybe on Mac needed as well.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

96 (edited by harmamusic 2021-02-19 11:41:24)

Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware

ramses wrote:

In TM FX Preferences (F2)

1. Did you set under "Snapshots"
Do not load: "--"
Instead of e.g.: "Main Volume" or "Main/Phones Volume"

2. Did you enable under "Device Handling"
[x] Always init DSP devices with TotalMix FX settings

By this the recording interface is being initialized with the settings stored in the last active TM FX snapshot.

Thanks for your quick reply!

- I didn't modify the Snapshots setting AFAIR - it's set to Do not load: Main Volume which I now see that could be an issue when loading the snapshot. I've set it to --
- The Always Init DSP devices with TotalMix FX settings was off as well. I've set that to on to test.

I'll check if everything works after those modifications!
Thanks again.

Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware

xenic wrote:

Just dropping by to say thanks. It works on my M1 Mac Mini running MacOS 11.0.1.

If you’re having trouble, make sure you lower the security level in the recovery mode to allow user managed custom kernel.

Having trouble lowering the security level in the recovery mode . At the end of the procedure says

com.apple.boot policy.update tag error 11

And does not change to lower security to allow kernel accessibility. On new MacBook m1

Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware

Hi MC/RME! First, let me thank you for the brilliant products and excellent support throughout the years. Second, are you currently considering rewriting the drivers in a way where it won't use kernel extensions? Unfortunately I'm not able to allow it on my main computer due to the sensitive nature of work I do on it. Any chance this year?


Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware

Not likely.

Matthias Carstens

100 (edited by Andreydramma 2021-03-04 14:16:16)

Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware

MC wrote:

Info: RME offered a public preview of its USB series driver for macOS 11 Big Sur, Intel and M1 (Apple Silicon), already in October 2020. Since then this thread has been the sole resource for all the updates and further development, including the other driver platforms. So don't get confused if you still read about 'public preview', 'beta driver' or USB only - all the drivers are officially released meanwhile.


USB 3 / 2.0 Driver for macOS 11 Big Sur, Intel / M1 (Apple Silicon)

Notes on public beta driver version 3.23*

*See below, 3.24 is available on our website.

!!!This driver only supports macOS 11 (Big Sur)!!!

The whole driver package is a universal binary to support Intel and ARM natively.

Notes on M1 Driver Installation

With M1 computers (Apple Silicon) Apple has globally disabled the use of third party kernel extensions. To enable their usage one has to boot the computer into Recovery mode and allow the use of those extensions per partition. Apple calls this 'Reduced Security'. After that the procedure is the same as under High Sierra - after the driver installation it has to be 'allowed' in the dialog that comes up automatically, or if not then manually in Security & Privacy. We also noticed a difference to earlier OS: the 'Allow' process around Security & Privacy has to be repeated after every driver update!

Procedure is as follows:

- Boot the M1 computer in Recovery mode (turn it on with the power button pressed until the screen shows the startup options are loaded)

- Select Options, then your language

- In the top menu go to Utilities -> Startup Security Utility. Select the system where the RME drivers will be installed

- Continue with -> Security Policy -> Reduced Security -> Allow user management of kernel extensions from identified developers.

- Reboot

- Install the RME driver.  Before the reboot for finishing the driver installation open System Preferences, Security & Privacy, tab General. There should be a grey Allow button in the right lower area. Click the unlock symbol first, then confirm using the RME kernel extension. Finally reboot.

Update: Meanwhile I found the original Apple article on this procedure (nearly impossble to find via Google):

https://support.apple.com/en-lk/guide/m … 8f7291/mac

Didi not find the German version, but all the right names are now in the readmes of our driver packages.

Driver download link:

http://www.rme-audio.de/downloads/drive … ac_324.zip

Update on M1 operation, 2020/11/24

We now received an M1 computer with Thunderbolt port. These are our first observations:

- USB driver: driverless (CC) MIDI did not work. This issue vanished after updating the machine to macOS 11.0.1.

- After that update we had to 'allow' the RME driver once again. Conclusion: USB driver version 3.23 seems to work with no obvious issues under 11.0.1.

- Thunderbolt: The Thunderbolt driver for the UFX+ can be installed, Settings dialog works, but audio I/O is not working. We are investigating this issue.

Update 2020/11/26

- The Thunderbolt driver (for UFX+, v1.21) now works for Intel and M1 and has been released on our website.

Update 2020/11/27

- The Thunderbolt driver (for UFX+, v1.21) has been re-uploaded. The package now includes TM FX 1.70 which is a Universal Binary (runs natively on M1).

- The HDSPe Series driver and the MADI FX driver (HDSPe MADI FX and MADIface XT) have been updated, tested on M1,  and also include Universal Binary TM FX 1.70. Available on our website.

- The USB driver 3.24 supports macOS 11, Intel and M1, and now also has TM FX 1.70 on board.

Update 2020/11/30

- The FireWire driver 3.40 supports macOS 11, Intel and M1, and has TM FX 1.70 on board.

Update 2020/12/02, fixed 12/03

As you might have seen on our website we now feel that we have all our hardware working correctly on Big Sur, both Intel and M1. There is a small disclaimer about Digiface Dante and Digiface AVB getting support later. Here are the details.

Digiface Dante: can indeed be used with the current driver 3.24. But as Big Sur dropped support for the network functionality that we provide (internal ethernet port to save one external ethernet cable) an external ethernet cable has to be used to control the Dante module. The even bigger issue is that the Dante Controller does not work on M1 machines, so you are forced to control the DF Dante from a different computer within the Dante network.

Digiface AVB: the loss of the internal ethernet driver under macOS 11 unfortunately means complete loss of functionality.

For both devices we are working on a new internal network driver that works under Big Sur, on Intel and M1. If that one passes all tests it would save the external cable for the DF Dante, and bring the DF AVB back to life. But the Dante Controller would still need an update from Audinate for M1 machines, obviously.

Update 2021/01/12

A new network driver for Digiface AVB and Dante restoring full functionality under macOS 11 is now available. Note that the Dante Controller from Audinate is not yet available as M1 version.


See readme for details.

Important Comment on M1 support 2020/11/27

If you have read the above you might think that now everything is perfect and you can change your whole production to an M1 system. It's not that easy. Apart from most DAW companies still advising not to do that change, our new M1 drivers are more like a public beta or pre-release than drivers that are matured and expected to work in any and all cases. There is still not enough testing done (remember the number of available machines is limited for us similar to the small number of users already using such a setup). Additionally the whole M1 universe is still very new. Apple will have to further optimize it, kick out some bugs, improve performance here and there. The same is true for us as well, this is a new platform, and we are busy keeping track of the constant Xcode updates that Apple releases regularly (which, basically, is a good thing, of course).

An example: the new TotalMix FX 1.70 is now included as Universal Binary. Fact is that it worked with less CPU load via Rosetta 2, means emulated - ouch.  Not the first time we saw this effect. But TM FX behaves similar to Logic, producing more graphics dependent CPU load than one would expect. Even more confusing, the native TM FX runs on the so called 'efficiency cores', so how is that comparable to not using such cores?

We also experienced strange effects with the LaunchAgent where we sometimes had to start the Settings dialog manually. After that it got started automatically after each reboot. Some hidden rights problem maybe? Things like that need time to research.

That said the M1 platform is still very promising. Under the hood audio performance and stability reach new levels that excite everyone who is able to try it.

I did everything that is spelled out in this paragraph, but I do not open TotalMix Fs
MacBook Pro M1, macOS Big Sur 11.2.2
Babyface Pro FS