Hello Mr. Neubronner,
apart from problems maybe caused by the usage of multiple cards (where several reasons can be given for(Mainboard,Chipset, setup ..etc.)), I would like to give some comments/suggestions to your "setup".
As I understand your description, you like to connect 1 (or 2, or more) Micstasy(with MADI-Option-Board) to your Sequoia-PC, equiped with the HDSP-MADI card.
Also you like to record the Micstasy`s signal on your Tascam MX2424 for Security-BackUp.
(Therefore the MX2424 should receive the Micstasy`s signal direct)
Once you need to monitor the signal you get from Micstasy`s, and also you maybe need to monitor the Sequoia (Playback) mixer-output. Your ADI-8DS is needed as DAC for your monitoring.
Your entire setup should be connected in this way:
1. Connect HDSP-MADI-Output to Micstasy-MADI-Input.
This allows you to send the (Midi)remote signals from DAW, via MADI, to the Micstasy.
2. Connect Micstasy`s MADI-Output to ADI-648-MADI-Input.
(In case of more than one Micstasy, first connect the Micstasy Daisy-chain, than to ADI-648)
This sends the audio signals, but also the remote feedback of Micstasy to the ADI-648.
3. On ADI-648 the audio signals received from Micstasy via MADI, once need to be routed to (desired) MADI-Outputs of the ADI-648 , and also needs to be routed to the (desired) ADAT-Outputs of the ADI-648.
(This can be done very flexible by the 16x16 Routing-Matrix of the ADI-648)
4. Connect the MADI-Output of ADI-648 to the HDSP-MADI, this way you get the Micstasy audio signals into the Sequoia DAW.
5. !!! Connect the MIDI-Output of the ADI-648 to MIDI-Input of the ADI-648, by a standard MIDI-cable. Now you also receive the remote feedback of the Micstasy at the DAW (via HDSP-MADI)
This is neccessary because the ADI-648 does not send the "MADI-embedded-MIDI" signals received on its MADI-Input to its MADI-Output!
6. Connect the desired ADAT-Outputs of the ADI-648 to the MX2424, to receive the Micstasy`s output signal.
7. Route the Sequoia Mixer-Output to HDSP-MADI-Outputs e.g. Channel 49 to 56.
Now the Sequoia mixer outputs are going first to Micstasy`s MADI-Input, on Micstasy`s MADI-Output you get these channels unaffected and so they will be received on the ADI-648 MADI-Input. Route these MADI-Input channels of the ADI-648 to a desired ADAT-Output of the ADI-648 and connect the ADI-8DS for DAC (Monitoring).
(Remark: here the MADI-channels 49 to 56 are unaffected since those MADI-Channels are not used by a Micstasy (says no Micstasy is configured to Id 07 = Channel 49 to56)see Micstasy manual > Id configuration)
Now you can use all the Sequoia monitoring functions!
(Routing the channels this way, adds only 3 (three) samples delay by each Micstasy in the chain)
!! There are good chances to run the entire described setup with no additional separate wordclock cable connections! Just select the "correct" sync-setting on each single device.
This all should "run" also with Micstasy Firmware 1.3.
There is one issue in Firmware 1.3 . The "Bank-setting" of Mictasy needs to be Bank 01, other Banks will not work. (This is fixed in Firmware 2.0)
(So you maybe could (should) send the Micstasy for Firmware-Update while your next holiday, to get the new great features)
BTW: since beginning of April latest Driver version 3.04 for HDSP-Cards is available. Download drivers and firmware from the RME web-site.
As you remarked to Frank Fabian "still miss the redlight"; with the RME MADI-embedded-MIDI you can send MIDI events from your HDSP-MADI DAW to the MIDI-Out of the Micstasy, why not using this to switch a redlight?
Joram Ludwig
Product Management
Synthax Audio AG