1 (edited by ixian 2020-03-17 14:46:02)

Topic: HDSPe Multiface 2: Disconnect Mode only works when PC powered on.

Hi there!

I searched this forum for a post with a similar problem, but didnt find anything.

Here is my problem:
My Multiface works in disconnect mode, as long as the PC is powered on.
DSP Settings says "Disconnected" and TotalMix sliders dont change volume level. When I then disable the "Disconnect" checkbox, the sliders work again. At both times audio is routed, and everything is as expected.
But when I'm in "Disconnect" mode and I shut down my PC - as soon as the PC power supply turns off, the Multiface host LED starts blinking and audio is not routed anymore.

I did some tests:
- As soon as there is power from the PC, the Multiface works. So even when I enter the BIOS, it works (I was looking if there was a way to keep power on the PCIe bus..)
- The Multiface doesnt work when I disconnect the power supply (nothing blinks, no signal)
- The Multiface doesnt work when I disconnect the Firewire cable (HOST blinks)

Hardware: Multiface 2 with Firmware 20 and Driver 4.29 using a PCIe HDSPe Card. Power Supply is 12VDC, 2A.
I am using Windows 10, if that matters..

Has anyone got any idea what is going on?


Edit: Ich war mir nicht sicher in welcher Sprache ich schreiben soll. Wir können auch gerne deutsch schreiben..


Re: HDSPe Multiface 2: Disconnect Mode only works when PC powered on.

Erst Disconnect aktivieren, dann das FireWirekabel abziehen. Das sollte funktionieren.

Matthias Carstens

Re: HDSPe Multiface 2: Disconnect Mode only works when PC powered on.

Danke für die Antwort.

Das habe ich bereits versucht.

Wenn ich im Disconnect Mode bin und das Firewire Kabel ausstecke fängt die Host LED an zu blinken und Audio wird unterbrochen.
DSP Settings Panel wechselt dann von "Disconnected" zu "Error".
Externe Stromzufuhr habe ich angeschlossen.


Re: HDSPe Multiface 2: Disconnect Mode only works when PC powered on.

Beim Herunterfahren des Computers kommt es zu einem Reset des Gerätes, die TM Mischereinstellung wird dabei gelöscht.

Disconnect und Kabel ab funktioniert bei mir (Blinken ist dann normal).

Matthias Carstens

Re: HDSPe Multiface 2: Disconnect Mode only works when PC powered on.

I have the same issue with the multiface 2, once I disconnect the firewire cable the host LED turns on red.

I couldnt find the checkbox to enable disconnect mode in TotalMix. Can somebody give me a hint or screen shot where to find it? thanks a lot.

Re: HDSPe Multiface 2: Disconnect Mode only works when PC powered on.

oh I was too quick asking my question. now I found it myself in the Hammerfall DSP Settings and it worked right away. my issue was that the settings window opened on a screen thats turned off and I had to SHIFT+WIN+arrow to bring it to the front