Topic: TotalMix not starting after update to OSX 11.6 (Fireface 802 via FW)


i just updated to OSX 11.6 on my IMac (late 2020).

After the update TotalMix is not starting at all (occasionally it is starting but with a long delay).

My Fireface 802 is connected via Firewire and I have flashed the interface with the latest available Firmware.

The Problem occured for the first time after updating to OSX 11.5 but could be solved by checking the 'load on startup' option for TotalMix in the OSX settings. But with v11.6 this does not not fix the problem anymore.

Thank's in advance for your advice.
Best Regards, Berti


Re: TotalMix not starting after update to OSX 11.6 (Fireface 802 via FW)

Long delays in boot are usually caused by blocked/hanging MIDI servers. TM FX tries to initialize its MIDI on start. See here for former fixes (pre M1):

Matthias Carstens

Re: TotalMix not starting after update to OSX 11.6 (Fireface 802 via FW)

Hello Matthias,

thanks for the very fast reply!

I went through the information posted above, but i do not have a HAL folder on my maschine.
(-> looked into MachintoshHD>user>home>library>audio>plugins, but also
Macintosh HD > Library > Audio > Plug-Ins > HAL) and I can't change the mode from PC to MAC on my Fireface 802 (as far as I know..?).

So I can't apply these fixes. (..or did I miss something?)

You mentioned possible problems with MIDI servers. Any way to unblock/fix that?

I have connected the following MIDI Controllers:
- UC-33 (evolution U-control)
- akai APC40
- NI Kontrol S49
- NI Maschine MK1
- NI RigKontrol 3

And a second (usb) audio interface
- tascam us 2x2

Best Regards, Berti

4 (edited by Rorysound 2021-09-30 19:56:15)

Re: TotalMix not starting after update to OSX 11.6 (Fireface 802 via FW)

Hi all,
After uninstalling MADIface USB Settings and TM FX and reinstalling with v3.26 drivers with v25 Firmware (Yes; I got the "Allow" button and pressed it in the Privacy&Security/System Preferences immediaely fter install and before reboot) I was so very happy that it stopped all of the noise/digital artifact issues I was having. Reset everything for tomorrows vocal session and saved, shutdown, went out to work, came back rebooted everything just to check all info had been retained aaaaaand - nothing!!

I'm having the same issues as above - I am running a mid 2015 MBP, Intel i7, 16gb ram with a MADIface USB and TM FX and Logic X.
Audio/Midi Setup on the MBP no longer sees the MADIface even though the Fireface USB Settings app sees it initially... it seems to drop out after a certain amount of time!

Anyone out there that can help - vocal session tomorrow evening!

Intel Big Sur, Burl B80 MADI, RME MADIface USB, Universal Audio 4-710d, TLA 5052, Tube-Tech SMC 2B

Re: TotalMix not starting after update to OSX 11.6 (Fireface 802 via FW)

I would try, use original RME USB cable and connect only the Madiface to the MBP without anything else, no hub, no midi-keyboard etc.
Try all available ports.
Also connect the MBP to the power supply, maybe the akku of the MBP is old and weak ?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: TotalMix not starting after update to OSX 11.6 (Fireface 802 via FW)

Currently the MADIface goes straight to the MBP's USB, MBP is always on PSU.

I tried again this evening uninstalling TM FX and Fireface USB Settings. Bin'd them, emptied bin, reboot, re install drivers, reboot and TM FX & Fireface ran as normal - session back up and running!

Did the shut down and reboot to make sure it will work again tomorrow - but no... back to square 1!

Audio Midi Setup not seeing the MADIface, no TM FX and still the Fireface USB Settings app can see and comm with it!

Gonna redo the above to see if it will do as a workaround!

Intel Big Sur, Burl B80 MADI, RME MADIface USB, Universal Audio 4-710d, TLA 5052, Tube-Tech SMC 2B

Re: TotalMix not starting after update to OSX 11.6 (Fireface 802 via FW)

Re did it all again and same result!

Once the drivers are newly installed everything works perfectly. I did note that "Security & Privacy" in System Preferences did not show the "allow" button during the last two attempts and I was ready and waiting for it with the tab unlocked.
Seems to just have accepted the software!


Intel Big Sur, Burl B80 MADI, RME MADIface USB, Universal Audio 4-710d, TLA 5052, Tube-Tech SMC 2B

8 (edited by Rorysound 2021-10-01 15:22:02)

Re: TotalMix not starting after update to OSX 11.6 (Fireface 802 via FW)

Did the same again today and was watching a 45 min video on you tube... the MADIface dropped.... or got kicked off audio output duty.

I'm at my wits end at this stage! Vocal session hours away!

Intel Big Sur, Burl B80 MADI, RME MADIface USB, Universal Audio 4-710d, TLA 5052, Tube-Tech SMC 2B

Re: TotalMix not starting after update to OSX 11.6 (Fireface 802 via FW)

Apple don't like people working with old computers.
They want you to buy the new model.
In the band room we run the old iMac on 10.7.5 no internet there no updates it works.
In your case I would downgrade the OS to i don't know, maybe Catalina ?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: TotalMix not starting after update to OSX 11.6 (Fireface 802 via FW)

So just got off the phone with RME UK distributer and their lead tech guy, Mark. Mark guided me through what I assume is the Terminal command put forward on this forum in another thread... though I'm not sure it's the same command!

This was the command to be typed once the MBP was rebooted, in recovery mode and using terminal....

kmutil trigger-panic-medic --volume-root /Volumes/MacintoshHD

I had put the drivers in the bin and emptied it prior to doing the above. I then reinstalled the drivers, had security&privacy open and ready (the "allow" button did not appear), rebooted and it's back to SQ1!

Mark gave me another command for terminal (while running)

sudo kextutil -v 2 /Library/Extensions/RMEFirefaceUSB.kext

He found under system report/extensions that RMEFirefaceUSB wasn't loaded - the above command makes it load.

I am expecting after a certain amount of time that the MADIface will just disconnect for no reason again and though the original issue was noise which was taken care of by Driver update v3.26 - that has now lead to the current issues... so out of the frying pan and into the fire!

Give me a console and a tape machine any day!!

Thanks Waedi - I will have to try and go back to Catalina but that's not going to happen in less than two hrs when my vocal session "was" starting and I wonder will it then reintroduce the noise issue?!

Intel Big Sur, Burl B80 MADI, RME MADIface USB, Universal Audio 4-710d, TLA 5052, Tube-Tech SMC 2B

Re: TotalMix not starting after update to OSX 11.6 (Fireface 802 via FW)

Not sure if the issue comes back and to be honest I am also not sure if the tip with Catalina is good, there was never a outstanding good OSX for sound studio. Every OSX had it's issues and BigSur is the worst.
Wish you good luck for the vocal session and let's hope the system works so you can let it be.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: TotalMix not starting after update to OSX 11.6 (Fireface 802 via FW)

Sooooo! Vocal session happened with a few drops outs, luckily only during playback!

More tomorrow...

Intel Big Sur, Burl B80 MADI, RME MADIface USB, Universal Audio 4-710d, TLA 5052, Tube-Tech SMC 2B

13 (edited by Rorysound 2021-10-20 17:21:44)

Re: TotalMix not starting after update to OSX 11.6 (Fireface 802 via FW)

Hi all,
So I still have to use the Terminal app to open TM for the Mac to see the MADIface so no change there unfortunately. I guess we will all have to wait until apple get their shit together on that one!

I have just put a powered USB hub into the set up to provide adequate power to the MADIface as I wasn't sure if the Mac's own USB port is capable (if I'm not mistaken the MADIface required up to 2 Amps of power and I think there is only 1.2A available at the USB ports) so I am hoping this will stop the constant "Initialising Audio" drop outs that keep occuring. I have the rig on soak recording two hours of DeBussey from the internet... we shall see!!

Good news!

No "Initialising Audio" drop out and I have had 16 tracks recording, though only two are being fed with actual signal, since 15.30 today.

So the power issue is a "thing" for bus powered RME devices attached to certain MBP's... could be the age of my MBP - mid 2015!

Intel Big Sur, Burl B80 MADI, RME MADIface USB, Universal Audio 4-710d, TLA 5052, Tube-Tech SMC 2B


Re: TotalMix not starting after update to OSX 11.6 (Fireface 802 via FW)

> (if I'm not mistaken the MADIface required up to 2 Amps of power and I think there is only 1.2A available at the USB ports)

You are. From the manual:

•    Power supply: USB bus power
•    Typical power consumption: 2 Watts

That equals only  0.4 A. Nothing unusual or high.

Matthias Carstens