Topic: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

Here comes Santa and brings the latest firmware updates for ADI-2 Pro (259/111) and ADI-2 DAC (66/47), with lots of improvements, additions, new features and some fixes. If reading the detailed news takes too long wink  then just jump down to the download links.

This list is an extended version of the short list found in the readme, with additional explanations and background info. All changes and news have been added to the manuals, so they are up to date.

Fixes and improvements, Pro and DAC

Horizontal Level Meter Pre FX: shows OVR again. Detection is based on full scale level 24 bit. At 16 bit (CD...) an OVR therefore only appears if the full range of values for a full scale level signal is reached. This compromise avoids a too frequent display of OVR at full scale level and overdriven music.

PEQ Presets: The display (lin) after a reset with Clear now disappears also if only High/Low Pass is activated.

Setups: Display 'Invalid!' when loading empty setups has been changed to 'Empty'.

Improved display and adjustment of Balance via remote. New screen for Balance to make it easy to see the setting remotely. Stop time on <C> has been doubled.

Display Mode Dark: Inactive settings, e.g. filter at >192 kHz, are now easier to see because the color of the red marker and the field background have been adjusted.

Encoder jumping and direction errors: This firmware includes a new logic unit that intelligently detects and eliminates encoder switching contact errors. In addition, there is a variable filter with levels 1 to 5. Default is 1, which is largely similar in feel to the previously used filter. Higher values lead to an attenuation of very fast changes. Strongly jumping or backward running encoders can in most cases be used normally again with the setting 3. Very fast, short rotations can be replaced by medium-fast rotations after a short period of familiarization.

Pro only
Horizontal Level Meter Analog Input, Post FX: removed the former mixed pre/post scheme of the Post FX meter. Not needed anymore since the Dual meter was added

New functions and features, Pro and DAC

Digital DC Protection. The discrete hardware DC protection has been supplemented by DC detection in the digital domain, detecting potentially harmful DC in the digital source signal. It includes the current volume setting, i.e. the possible output level. If the DC content is unusually high, at higher volume settings a warning message corresponding to the respective output appears: DC detected. XLR/RCA, Phones 1/2, 3/4 or IEM deactivated. Check source / remove erroneous signal to recover. The message disappears when no more DC is detected. During the warning message the headphone outputs are switched off.

Thanks to optimized DC detection the detection thresholds are even lower than with hardware protection. For example, the IEM output switches off already at 20 mV DC. The additional DC Protection even responds to out-of-phase DC, also provides protection of the Line XLR/TRS/RCA outputs, the IEM output on the DAC, and the Balanced Phones mode on the Pro. It works with both PCM and DSD source signals, and with all sample rates.

In applications such as measurements, DC is both part of the test signal and harmless because it is not applied to speakers/headphones. For such applications Digital DC Protection can be deactivated in the channel Settings menu. With OFF a brief warning message appears without mute activation.

Level meter in dBu. The analog output horizontal level meter can now also be used as a level meter in dBu: SETUP - Options - Display - Horizontal Meter - Post FX dBu. Note: the level meters are peak meters, not RMS, but scaled as common so that a 1 kHz sine wave results in a correct level indication.

B/T setting storage. The current Bass and Treble setting is now always stored in the PEQ Preset. With the new option 'Load B/T with Preset', B/T are automatically loaded as well, and also considered in the Bode Plot. Phones EQ presets from e.g. Oratory1990, who includes B/T as band 6/7, are thus easily manageable. The 5-band PEQ effectively becomes a 7-band EQ.

Notes: In this mode, EQ Off also turns off B/T. However, only these two can be deactivated via B/T Off. If the PEQ is not used (all bands at 0 dB, linear), the PEQ presets can also be used as pure B/T presets.

Swapping PEQ Presets. The new option 'Swap with Preset x' allows a comfortable change of the order of stored PEQ presets. Select a preset with Preset select (e.g. 2), move the cursor down to Save to (push 1 second)' turn encoder 2 until the text changes to Swap with Preset (p. 1s) and the desired number (e.g. 5) appears. The two memory locations (here 2 and 5) now swap their contents and names.

Selection of PEQ presets via remote and keys on the device. The option Remap Keys now also contains the PEQ presets 1 to 9 as selection.

Additional display colors for the analyzer. Monochrome (black / white), orange and red. As usual the color is stored in the Setup, which makes it possible e.g. to recognize the selected EQ by the color of the analyzer from a distance (loaded via SETUP).

Lock Keys. The option Lock UI in the menu SETUP - Options - Display allows to lock the keys on the device (Keys), on the remote control (Remote) or both (Keys+Remote). Only VOLUME remains operable. To unlock, press and hold Encoder 1.

Auto Standby. If this option is activated in the menu SETUP - Options - Device Mode (Pro) or SETUP - Options - SPDIF/DSD/Power (DAC), the unit monitors all outputs for audio. After 30 minutes without audio (defined as less than -70 dBFS) and user interaction the device enters standby mode.

Setups - Do not load volume. Setups stored in the unit can now be loaded without changing the current volume setting. To disregard the stored volume activate Do not load volume in the menu Setups - Load/Store all Settings.

DAC only

Loopback to USB Post FX -6 dB. Loopback Post FX is provided regardless of volume setting. To reduce clipping when EQ is active with Post FX, the -6 dB option has been added, which lowers the USB recording signal by 6 dB.

Loopback to USB Polarity. Loopback now includes Polarity settings.

More notes about Loopback: The signal includes all FX available in the Line Out, Phones and IEM - Settings menu: Mono, Width, M/S-Proc, Polarity and Crossfeed, as well as EQ, B/T and Loudness. However, the latter is still dependent on the output level setting and VOL-Ref, although the level of the USB recording signal is not changed by the VOLUME setting. On the one hand, this is correct, since the current sound of the analog path is recorded 1:1. However, unlike all other quasi-fixed settings, Loudness can go unnoticed in this case and change the recording unintentionally. It is recommended to deactivate Loudness in such cases.

Pro only

New option Toggle Ph/Line Plugged. Toggles between Line 1/2, Phones 1/2 and Phones 3/4 outputs depending on a plugged headphone.

New option Toggle Ph/Line - Line/Digital. Switches between the analog output 1/2 and the digital outputs. Allows e.g. switching between analog and digitally connected speakers. A plugged headphone results in a change between headphone and digital output. Note: Continuous switching between the three outputs XLR Analog, Digital and Phones is not possible.

Digital Out Mute in Balanced Phones Mode. In DAC mode with Phones Balanced and the option 'Digital Out Source - Main Out' active, the digital outputs are no longer muted. This means that the entire Source Select functionality is also available for the digital outputs (as was already the case with Phones Unbalanced).

Loopback Analog Out to USB: Internal routing of outputs 1/2 and 3/4 to USB Record 1/2, 3/4 and 5/6, e.g. to send playback data to DIGICheck Mac. I/O - Settings, at the bottom.

These were only two lines, but they have far reaching consequences:

- 3/4 and 5/6 are available as destination only in Basic Mode Multi-channel

- Unavailable settings (already used in the other output) are shown in brackets

- The signal is available Pre FX and Post FX, where Post FX does not include the volume setting. To reduce clipping when EQ is active with Post FX, -6 dB options have been added to Post FX, which lowers the USB record signal by 6 dB.

- When Loopback 1/2 is active, the analog input is disabled for USB. This is made clear via a note in both the Analog In analyzer screen and the Status Overview.

- Loopback includes all FX available in the Main Output 1/2 and Phones 3/4 - Settings menu: Mono, Width, M/S-Proc, Phase Invert and Crossfeed, as well as EQ, B/T and Loudness. However, the latter is still dependent on the output level setting and VOL Ref, although the level of the USB recording signal is not changed by the VOLUME setting. On the one hand, this is correct, since the current sound of the analog path is recorded 1:1. However, unlike all other ‘fixed’ settings, Loudness can go unnoticed here and change the recording unintentionally. It is recommended to deactivate Loudness in such cases.

Permanent Dual Volume Screen. After selection, the Dual Volume mode remains active if the VOL key is not pressed to exit the Dual Volume screen, but either another key is used, or the change occurs automatically (timeout 30 s). Active Dual Volume can always be recognized by the marker over both volume indicators in the status bar. To leave the Dual Volume mode briefly press VOLUME. This new function simplifies the use of the Dual Phones mode as well as a common setting of the rear and front outputs.

Dual Volume Screen/Dual Phones Mode, AutoRef display at 1/2. Referred previously to a reference level (+24 dBu) that was not available here at all. With the change to +19 dBu the display is the same for both headphones.

AES/SPDIF Mute on Power-Down. The AES/SPDIF digital output is muted on power-down the moment the display is turned off.

DAC filter change, mute time shortened. The mute on filter change, which is unavoidable for phase synchronization, has been reduced to the technically required minimum. The mute time is reduced to half for Single Speed (176 ms instead of 344 ms), and further reduced for Double and Quad Speed (44 ms @ 192 kHz).

ADC DC Filter Selection. New menu option in I/O - Analog Input - Settings to select the DC filter: Auto (default), ADC, RME, None. ADC is the 1 Hz high pass in the ADC chip, which is inactive at SR >192 kHz. RME is a < 0.1 Hz filter in the FPGA with minimal phase error, which is available at all sample rates. Auto uses ADC up to 192 kHz, RME above (this is the way it worked before). Note: In DSD recording mode none of the filters are active. With None the DC offset compensation of the hardware remains active, so good values around -90 dBFS are still achieved. The remaining high pass is the AC-coupling of the analog input at 0.3 Hz -3 dB corner frequency.

Reset indication in the display after restart, as confirmation that the reset has been executed (added to the DAC already in firmware 41).

Software control of the input reference levels. The 4 hardware Ref Levels of the analog inputs can now be set via I/O Control on the software side. This allows e.g. measurement software to directly control the input level range to automatically avoid too low levels or overload.

The firmware update tools:

Win: https://www.rme-audio.de/downloads/fut_madiface_win.zip

Mac: https://www.rme-audio.de/downloads/fut_madiface_mac.zip

Updated manuals Pro, v 3.4:

German: https://www.rme-audio.de/downloads/adi2profsr_d.pdf

English: https://www.rme-audio.de/downloads/adi2profsr_e.pdf

Updated manuals DAC, v 2.9:

German: https://www.rme-audio.de/downloads/adi2dacr_d.pdf

English: https://www.rme-audio.de/downloads/adi2dacr_e.pdf

Update - Known Bugs

Pro DSP v111: In Multi-channel mode the USB record path of channels 3 to 6 (SPDIF/AES) is muted. if you need this functionality go back to v102.

v102 Win: https://www.rme-audio.de/downloads/fut_ … in_102.zip

v102 Mac: https://www.rme-audio.de/downloads/fut_ … ac_102.zip

Matthias Carstens


Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

This plot shows the effect of the different DC filter settings of the ADI-2 Pro's Analog Input section. With None selected all that's left is the AC coupling at the input socket, at a corner frequency of 0.3 Hz (- 3 dB).


This small table by KSTR is valid for both Pro and DAC, and shows that the new Digital DC Protection has a very steep low pass to limit detection to real DC. At 5 Hz it needs the full input level and max output volume (+2.5 dB) for protection to kick in. Even more above 5 Hz, so that will never happen. Below 5 Hz it's getting nearer to DC and sensitivity naturally rises.


The updated manuals include a new chapter that explains the new Digital DC Protection in detail, including two music tracks taken as examples.

Matthias Carstens


Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

In the next firmware version we will try to add what we could not finish now due to time reasons.

- Adding BB and BT as band 0 and 6 to the graphical EQ screen, making it possible to adjust these two right there.

- dBu for the Pro's analog input level meter

- Optimizing the DC Detected message on DAC when toggling from Line to Phones

- Fixing all quircks that so far no one found or reported

Regarding further feature suggestions and changed functionality I have to explain that the DSP resources are fully in use, so nothing will change anymore with regard to audio processing. The other part is management, which does not need DSP calculation power but memory. We optimized the whole code several times, freed memory for further code and actions, but are now at the absolute limit. So I have to make a clear statement to prevent you from expecting that the firmware updates of Pro and DAC will continue like this - they won't. The next firmware might be the last one for these two models...

Matthias Carstens

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

Matthias, Thank you very much indeed !

Pacifist, dumb, not stupid
Listen music out from a box which sounds
Reading words on paper/ screen

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

Thank you!

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

Outstanding Matthias and team !!!
Many thanks for all these good and useful features.

Wish you a merry X-mas and hopefully a few days to rest after all this work to test / release it even in time before Xmas :-)

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

Now we know again why RME is such an outstanding company, this level of support and dedication is not seen anywhere else.

Big thanks and merry Christmas!

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

Thank you so much, it's like Christmas and birthday rolled into one. What more could a man want? The red meter matches the light on the front of my power amps and the new balance display I can actually read now from where I sit.

I had to laugh at this in the manual:

Starting at 0:27, a DC of -13 dBFS (not a typo) takes your shoes off, and at 0:51, an unbelievable -8 dBFS is unleashed on your pitiful hi-fi system.

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

First of all, thanks a lot for update.

Second, sorry for posting here, but is it possible on DAC to control volume level of both headphone outputs separately? I wanted to use this to compare headphones.

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

Thank You MC & Team!

Frohe Weihnachten!


Vintage 2018 ADI-2 DAC. "Classic AKM4490 Edition"
Cables:  Red, and White Ones.
Speakers:  Yes


Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

Argon wrote:

First of all, thanks a lot for update.

Second, sorry for posting here, but is it possible on DAC to control volume level of both headphone outputs separately? I wanted to use this to compare headphones.

Not possible.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

Merry Christmas, Matthias and the RME team! This is such a wonderful update!

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

Can we have more colours please? Maybe an RGB mixer or something. Blue or purple would be incredible.

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

mediummanting wrote:

Can we have more colours please? Maybe an RGB mixer or something. Blue or purple would be incredible.

Let’s ask Philips Hue integration while we’re at it. roll

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

Nice to see MC is making a new video! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bu-gmCilV1w

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

ning wrote:

Nice to see MC is making a new video! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bu-gmCilV1w

Useful video over viewing new firmware features.  Thank you.  I must say, RME is a very good company for their customers.


CD Transport>optical>RME ADI-2 DAC FS(AKM)>XLR balanced >GLM software>Genelec Monitors 8340A

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

Huge update!! Thank you MC and team RME! Happy Holidays!

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

A hearty thanks to Mathias and the team for another great update - not applied yet in my case.

Happy Christmas to all.


19 (edited by Johannes AU 2021-12-24 16:29:03)

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

ramses wrote:

Outstanding Matthias and team !!!
Many thanks for all these good and useful features.

Wish you a merry X-mas and hopefully a few days to rest after all this work to test / release it even in time before Xmas :-)

Yes, they need holiday and rest, we can see the timestamps at the post and the email recieved.... I doubted how many hours they worked each day in past few weeks ....

Pacifist, dumb, not stupid
Listen music out from a box which sounds
Reading words on paper/ screen

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

Johannes AU wrote:

Yes, they need holiday and rest, we can see the timestamps at the post and the email recieved.... I doubted how many hours they worked each day in past few weeks ....

This is not simply work, it's dedication and passion!

Thank you and Merry Christmas to everyone at RME!

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

Loving it, crazy how many features and options this unit has despite limited resources and yet there can always be added some more with a bit of creativity. Fantastic showcase of the skills and dedication of the RME team, thank you for your hard work and happy holidays!

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

Mac update tool is failing for me. Crashes at launch. macOS Monterey 12.1

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

Matthias Carsten - the realest G!



Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111


Matthias Carstens

25 (edited by moshc 2021-12-25 01:03:42)

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

I recently purchased my ADI-2 Pro. This is my first RME product and this update is a real gift. Thanks so much for everyone who worked hard on this. Makes me a real loyal RME supporter. Happy holidays to the team!

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

I'm using Windows Server 2022, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, and after updating to this version of firmware, the popping sound caused by quickly swiping the mouse in the UI screen has been reduced very much.

Didn't see any changes in the changelog that might be related to the popping sound, I saw the firmware update for USB, maybe USB is causing the problem? I don't know, because I tested it with LatencyMon and the DPC doesn't have much latency, but there is still a popping sound, when I quickly swipe the mouse over the UI interface.

I know I shouldn't use the Server version of the OS to enjoy music, just feedback, hope it helps others.

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

ajianhouyuan wrote:

I'm using Windows Server 2022, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, and after updating to this version of firmware, the popping sound caused by quickly swiping the mouse in the UI screen has been reduced very much.

Some found activating mouse trails might help.
It’s related to graphics hardware acceleration.

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

ning wrote:

Nice to see MC is making a new video! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bu-gmCilV1w

At 2:01, he moves his eyebows, lovely !!

Pacifist, dumb, not stupid
Listen music out from a box which sounds
Reading words on paper/ screen

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

Excellent update, happy holidays!


Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

Since this FW version,

. State display shows SPDIF level as OK!!!
. USB ASIO/SPDIF recording gets '0', '0' values, so I am missing the beef

. so fail back to the previous FW release works as expected big_smile


31 (edited by mopomiso 2021-12-25 15:36:49)

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

Nice update, thanks!

I have a request for the next (last?) FW update: When you adjust Bass or Treble on MRC remote, then could the value become big on the screen momentarily? I love being able to do this and purchased The MRC (as owner of original ADI-2 DAC FS) specificially for this function! However, it's frustrating to need to move within half a metre of the unit (especially for those with less than perfect eyesight) because then you might just as well use the knobs on the unit. Yes, you can just adjust by ear with remote but sometimes it's useful to know the B/T values too.   

Thanks...just a request, as I plan to keep this excellent dac for several more years -)

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

Thanks and Merry Christmas to everyone at RME!

33 (edited by Johannes AU 2021-12-25 15:44:36)

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

mopomiso wrote:

Nice update, thanks!

I have a request for the next (last?) FW update: When you adjust Bass or Treble on MRC remote, then could the value become big on the screen momentarily? I love being able to do this and purchased The MRC (as owner of original ADI-2 DAC FS) specificially for this function! However, it's frustrating to need to move within half a metre of the unit (especially for those with less than perfect eyesight) because then you might just as well use the knobs on the unit. Yes, you can just adjust by ear with remote but sometimes it's useful to know the B/T values too.   

Thanks...just a request, as I plan to keep this excellent dac for several more years -)

It is big (even in older FW 39).

Pacifist, dumb, not stupid
Listen music out from a box which sounds
Reading words on paper/ screen

34 (edited by mopomiso 2021-12-25 16:04:57)

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

Johannes AU wrote:

It is big (even in older FW 39).

I was referring to bass and treble, not volume. Tiny from over half a metre or more!  Unless there's another screen view I'm not aware of?


Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

mopomiso wrote:
Johannes AU wrote:

It is big (even in older FW 39).

I was referring to bass and treble, not volume. Tiny from over half a metre or more!


That is the state overview, but at the general default view(spectrum analyzer page), when use remote
to change B/T, it is big, same as vol.

Pacifist, dumb, not stupid
Listen music out from a box which sounds
Reading words on paper/ screen

36 (edited by mopomiso 2021-12-26 14:52:01)

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

Johannes AU wrote:

That is the state overview, but at the general default view(spectrum analyzer page), when use remote
to change B/T, it is big, same as vol.

You are 100% correct.  I had no idea about the big B/T but was aware of that screen of course. ..thanks and Merry xmas !!

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

mopomiso wrote:
Johannes AU wrote:

That is the state overview, but at the general default view(spectrum analyzer page), when use remote
to change B/T, it is big, same as vol.

You are 100% correct.  I had no idea..thanks and Merry xmas !!

Glad it helps, Merry Christmas to you too smile

Pacifist, dumb, not stupid
Listen music out from a box which sounds
Reading words on paper/ screen


Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

hpw wrote:

Since this FW version,

. State display shows SPDIF level as OK!!!
. USB ASIO/SPDIF recording gets '0', '0' values, so I am missing the beef

. so fail back to the previous FW release works as expected big_smile


You are missing a reproducable, detailed error description. Stereo or multichannel mode? Since when does the State Overview show levels? Sample rate? Sync state? With or without SRC?

Found it. The new Loopback functions mute the digital inputs in USB record path when using the Multi-channel mode with ADI-2 Pro. Will be fixed after New Year.

Update: the bug is now documented in the first post, and on the website download pages, with an alternative link to download the former firmware if needed.

Matthias Carstens

39 (edited by moshc 2021-12-25 23:22:05)

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

Installed the update and everything working great so far. Excellent job!

I love the new standby feature. I think it was mentioned it wasn't possible but really glad it was possible and exists now! My small request is for the standby time to be adjustable. I generally like a 2hr standby as it means it's on for most of the day but auto shuts off during the night or other long periods of being away. At 30m I feel like I'm constantly turning it on in general use. I bet 30m, 1hr, 2hr, 4hr options would be enough.

Hopefully this can be considered for the next update as I expect it will be a very well used feature.

Thanks again for all the excellent features!

40 (edited by m1k3 2021-12-26 05:33:43)

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

Wow! Thanks @MC!  So many useful updates that now allow functionality that I always wanted but had to do work-arounds to get to work (especially in the PEQ Preset maintenance, Setup volume options, and Bass/Treble integration areas).

As a software engineer, I’m always amazed at how well you implement updates without messing up what already existed. I have many work-arounds to do some things that now aren’t necessary with this firmware, and yet, you didn’t break the functionality of what I have working, so I can transition to a better way of doing things at a gradual pace.

I also love how Setups work, and how they store so many parameters, and options which don’t act as global variables, and therefore can be different across setups.

With a Harmony Elite remote, and the new firmware, I’m in heaven. I’ve never had an audio component that was so easy to get working exactly as I wanted to it to function.

Thanks again, and great video covering the changes.


Edit: and THANK YOU for the new analyzer colors! I use then exactly as you mention, as a color-code for the Setup (with associated PEQ and DSP) that I have loaded, which I can see from a distance. I needed more colors and now I have 3 more! Thanks!

41 (edited by ramses 2021-12-26 09:48:06)

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

Matthias, would it be possible to get one good functionality back ?

Up to now it was very useful to be able to keep Encoder 2 pressed when loading or saving a config,
not that you have to push the Encoder for every character in the name field again and again.

After the introduction of the very useful new option "Do not load volume" the cursor stops at that field
and by this the operation load or save does not feel so smooth / comfortably anymore.
Its somehow blocking the flow to which I got used after years of operation.

Could this be changed that the cursor does not stop at the new field and instead of this accepts the last used value?
If I want to intentionally change something, then it would be easy to only push the encoder 2 one time and then to toggle the option.

And I am pretty sure that this field will not be changed that frequently, similar like the name of a setup.

It would be very nice if this could be changed (back) with the next round of changes.

Many thanks upfront.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

Many thanks for addressing the rotary encoder issue also for the entry models. #4 feels fine here, no longer feel the need to use encoder 1, hope it will last:)

So far lovin' the new ph/line toggle option, pre/post loopback (to NG), alternate meter colors, and still there’s much more to explore in 111.

Thanks RME for considering our environment by adding auto-standby!

ramses wrote:

keep Encoder 2 pressed when loading or saving a config...


Season Greetings!

43 (edited by beat8000 2021-12-26 11:40:55)

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

Thank you @ramses, I have suggested to use the exclude option only once for all setups and execute a longpress to solve this issue in my posting yesterday https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.ph … 15#p180015

As a workaround I have defined 4 key remaps to load my favorite setups.

Win10 Pro, ADI-2 Pro, Basis 1, Adam A3X; RL 906; Grace M902B, Glockenklang Bugatti, Strauss SE-NF-3

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

> As a workaround I have defined 4 key remaps to load my favorite setups.

Nice idea for workaround wink

But my remap slots are full, the 1st button I want to leave unmapped as I am used to quickly push it 3x (blind, goes very fast) to come back to the usual display in whatever mode I am.

The rest is being used to toggle
- channels (line out / phones)
- B/T, PEQ, dyn. loudness
- global mute

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10


Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111


@Software control of the input reference levels. The 4 hardware Ref Levels of the analog inputs can now be set via I/O Control on the software side. This allows e.g. measurement software to directly control the input level range to automatically avoid too low levels or overload.

What does this mean exactly, any public API to talk to the Windows driver directly? And Output too?

And if, any chance to add the sample rate too?

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

> And if, any chance to add the sample rate too?

as a CC device, you can always change the sample rate from software.

Don't know the answer to your other question and I'm curious too. On neither Linux nor Mac I see the option to change HW level.


Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

The 'API' is a simple I/O control with 4 values, input ref levels only. Child's play to implement, we even offer the Windows code and an example program. On request, that is.

Virtin's Multi-Instrument already said they would like to add it - which makes sense as they have basic support for the ADI-2 Pro already (probe factors that match the hardware ref levels, since at least 2019). With the new feature any change in probe factor in the software would automatically change the ref level in the hardware, so no manual adjustment necessary anymore.

Additionally automatic scaling would be possible, at least within the 20 dB of the ref levels.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

Many many thanks for this great update, RME team!!

And Merry Christmas everybody! smile

ADI-2 DAC (with stock PSU) - Neumann KH 310 A monitors - Cheap USB and XLR cables

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

Can I request a Source Lock feature?

It is too easy to press the buttons for the different inputs on the remote instead of the 1/2/3 buttons so it would be good if it were possible to lock the input from the device menu. I'd imagine that most users only use one input anyway.

50 (edited by mopomiso 2021-12-28 15:23:57)

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2 DAC 66 / 47 and ADI-2 Pro 259 / 111

Just one more cheeky request: Would personally prefer an increased size of the Enable ON / OFF (BT,LD,EQ) box, when it flashes up. Have to squint a bit to see it from over a metre or so. Failing that, could you supply me a new pair of young eyes :-)  Danke.