Topic: moving Multiface HDSP PCI interface in different PCs

Is it possible to move my Multiface HDSP PCI interface from my Mac G5 to my Windows 10 Desktop?

And if so, is it possible to move it back again?

Re: moving Multiface HDSP PCI interface in different PCs

leebutler wrote:

Is it possible to move my Multiface HDSP PCI interface from my Mac G5 to my Windows 10 Desktop?

And if so, is it possible to move it back again?

Why should it not be possible ? Do you fear mechanical "breakage" or are you worried about getting your used settings / routings ?

To recover your settings quickly on each of the PCs
a) In TotalMix FX there is an option in preferences to always initialize DSP device with TM FX settings
b) you can restore workspaces that you saved to your disk, containing all routing and placement on the screen
c) you can restore from quick workspace select with ALT+1, ALT+2, .. to get 1st, 2nd saved workspace

If you need to move an interface frequently I would change to an USB or TB based interfaces.
Although PCIe sockets are quite stable it has not been designed to be moved often, is not hot pluggable like USB and you need to be careful not to touch ICs not to destroy them with electrostatic (because an PCIe card has no case around it).

If you have MAC with thunderbolt you could make it easier/more robust by placing the card into an external case connected by thunderbolt, then you can plug the thunderbolt cable between your different Apple PCs.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: moving Multiface HDSP PCI interface in different PCs

thank you for your reply ramses - my concern was that I would have to flash the card (which is an older version pci card and not pcie) to work on the windows 10 machine and then not be able to flash it back to work with the old mac G5 again