1 (edited by Bernard 2022-02-07 17:47:40)

Topic: Babyface Pro FS routing question

I was recording in Logic a session of a trio I play in, using the BPFS mics and lines inputs coupled with an ADAT 8 pres unit. I play guitar in the trio, and I wanted to record the guitar into input 3 and 4, blending both its internal pickup ( going into input 3 ) and a Rode NT5 mic to add more of its natural sound ( going into an external preamp into input 4 ). So far, so good.

But then, I also needed to be amplified to match the volume of the 2 other instruments when we play. The obvious solution was to use one of the XLR outputs of the BPFS—which we didn't need—going into a Bose S1 I have. But I just couldn't find a way to have ONLY either the pickup or the mic input of my guitar coming out of the BFPS output. I tried everything I could think of, but all inputs/tracks kept coming out of it. 

I understand that it is normal that all inputs of the BPFS are coming out of the outputs, but there must be a way in TotalMix to ouput a SINGLE input, in this case my guitar input. Since there are "submixes" that can be created in TotalMix, I take it that it must possible. Or there's an even better, simpler way to do that.

Any help would be appreciated. I have to find a way to do this, for that trio and other projects. Thanks.   

PS: I'm a fairly new user of RMEs, and definitely limited in my understanding of how TotalMix works.

Macbook Air M1, 16G Ram, 1TB SSD. Rme Babyface Pro FS. KRK Rockit 5. And a bunch of guitars.

Re: Babyface Pro FS routing question


Macbook Air M1, 16G Ram, 1TB SSD. Rme Babyface Pro FS. KRK Rockit 5. And a bunch of guitars.

3 (edited by ramses 2022-02-07 17:50:04)

Re: Babyface Pro FS routing question

Routing in submix mode is easy. Select a HW output and turn the faders of hw inputs and sw playbacks as needed.
Explained in the manual and other sources of information, see here:
RME tutorial video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkxzYlBiScA

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Babyface Pro FS routing question

OK. Thanks for the input, Ramses. I'll look more into it today.

Macbook Air M1, 16G Ram, 1TB SSD. Rme Babyface Pro FS. KRK Rockit 5. And a bunch of guitars.

Re: Babyface Pro FS routing question

Hope you got your routing situation resolved Bernard. I thought I'd just remind you that if you're not using the headphone out, it can be used as a regular output as well to your monitors smile

Post up a sample of your recording if you get a chance.


Re: Babyface Pro FS routing question

Hi Steve. I still didn't get around to test things—too busy elsewhere—but I'll get to it soon, as I have another practice with the trio coming next week. Good to know that the PH outputs can also be used for that, while in the scenario I brought up, it's not the issue as I can use one of the main output to plug into the Bose S1 since it has XLRs inputs—it's still good to know that the PH would work too, given that they use other kinds of connectors, which could come handy.

A sample of my recording... I could make one. Can we upload an audio file directly here or it can only be done using a URL linked to the file stored elsewhere?

Macbook Air M1, 16G Ram, 1TB SSD. Rme Babyface Pro FS. KRK Rockit 5. And a bunch of guitars.

Re: Babyface Pro FS routing question

Not sure about uploading files. I haven't been able to post images but I'm not sure if that's because I'm relatively new to the forum. Others use an image hosting service. I think you may have to post a link to youtube or some other site for sharing samples.

In any case, best of luck with the trio and I'll keep an eye for samples smile
