1 (edited by rpnfan 2022-03-04 11:24:20)

Topic: Feature suggestion: Fine volume control on Babyface Pro with "Select"

[from the thread: https://www.forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.php?id=25509]

MC wrote:

It depends on the fader position - around 0 dB it is 0.5 dB steps. The ARC USB will always work differently than the mouse or a hardware control. Nevertheless one feature is currently missing: holding down the shift key while turning the mouse wheel changes the step-size to fine mode. We will try to add this feature for the ARC USB as well.

I very much would like this feature with the volume wheel / encoder on the Babyface Pro as well. I tested if "Shift" on the keyboard works with the volume wheel. It does not. :-(

The logical choice would be to use the SELECT-button on the Babyface Pro.

Instead pressing SELECT on the Babyface Pro + rotating the volume wheel changes the panning. This is a function I do not need on the interface itself. It would be great to have the option in the ARC settings to choose if pressing SELECT + encoder will change panning OR will allow finer steps.

The latter I think will be more useful for most I guess!?

Re: Feature suggestion: Fine volume control on Babyface Pro with "Select"

+1. Finer steps would be great!


Re: Feature suggestion: Fine volume control on Babyface Pro with "Select"

This is a hardware limitation which can not be changed by external software (here TM FX).

Matthias Carstens

4 (edited by rpnfan 2022-03-05 10:49:30)

Re: Feature suggestion: Fine volume control on Babyface Pro with "Select"

Too bad if that is not possible with TM FX.

Would it be possible to change the hardware behavior from SELECT+WHEEL to finer volume steps instead of panning? This would take away a function for standalone-use, but this is limited regarding panning anyway (no option to route one input to two outputs for example).

If that behavior could be changed in firmware that would be welcome from my side very much. Sure there will be some people who would like to keep the current behavior, but my guess is that the majority would favour the option to fine-tune the volume.

Compiling two firmware versions could be a way to satisfy different user needs -- if one wants to go that route.