Topic: Babyface Pro USB/Digital/Ground Noise


I have searched the forum but have been unable to find a solution to the issue that I'm experiencing between the BF Pro and a custom-build Windows PC.

Both with and without external power, and without any inputs connected, operation and playback sounds great. However, while connected to the computer via USB, once I connect any powered input - synths, drum machines, etc.  (even turned off) - there is an unacceptable amount of digital noise which is further exacerbated by moving the mouse and other computer processing. This noise is not present when the input is a microphone or a phantom powered active DI (powered by the BF). With the DI there was some interference with guitars but position was able to manage it.

I've tried vitually every permutation that I have read to isolate the issue, including:

• Different USB ports
• Windows power settings (these did have some affect)
• External power
• Powered USB hub
• BIOS C-State settings
• Different outlets

I've observed that:

• There is less noise while in BIOS
• There is still some noise when the computer is turned off but the PSU is on
• The noise changes slightly with/without external power (connected into the same Furman strip)
• When I change the Windows power settings from "Performance" to "Balanced" some of the noise is reduced however some intermittent clicks are introduced

So, it appears that there is some digital noise/interference on top of a possible grounding issue between my powered input devices and the computer.

I will likely test a different interface to confirm whether this issue persists, however it appears that there is some cross-talk happening between other computer processes. Would running the BF Pro from a USB PCI card make any difference?

I'm in a bit over my head so my apologies if I've missed some details - please let me know if there is any additional information that I can provide to help get to the bottom of this!

Many thanks,



Re: Babyface Pro USB/Digital/Ground Noise

How do you listen to the BF output - amp and speakers, I assume. Is that noise there when using a headphone instead, disconnecting the amp?

Matthias Carstens

3 (edited by areized 2022-03-18 15:54:14)

Re: Babyface Pro USB/Digital/Ground Noise

Hi MC,

I’ve been listening via headphones during my tests, there are no other outputs connected.

Even with no outputs whatsoever I am able to capture these noises in recordings.

Re: Babyface Pro USB/Digital/Ground Noise

I don't know if the following will help you but that's what I faced and am still facing.
Time passed, I learnt to live with it. Somehow I have reduced it, by taking some devices off the signal chain, by using a power supply for the BBF and tidying the cables.
It's not gone, but it is less...

Ryzen5 3600XT, Nvidia 1650, Win 10, Cubase 11 pro, BBF ProFS, Rode NT1a, CC121, ADA8200

5 (edited by mkok 2022-03-18 18:38:56)

Re: Babyface Pro USB/Digital/Ground Noise

You might be better getting DI boxes for the worst offenders. I have a simple isolating transformer box which seems to work quite well if I have a noisy device.

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.

Re: Babyface Pro USB/Digital/Ground Noise

Hm thanks all for the input so far.

I've tried another USB interface, the UA Volt 276, and have found that the issue persists. So, not an RME issue fortunately but still something that I need to figure out as capturing this noise during recording definitely needs to be avoided.

Other than trying them both on a couple of other computers are there any other steps that I could take to eliminate the problem?

• USB PCI card?
• USB isolator?
• Non-USB interface?
• Re-check computer build
• Motheboard or case issues?

DI box - I tried plugging a mono output from one of the synths into my active Neve DI - same issue albeit quieter and didn't respond to ground lift. Not sure what that means for a "ground issue" diagnosis.

Not sure if it helps but my build includes:

Intel i7-11700K cpu
Asus ROG Strix Z590-A motherboard
Corsair RM750x psu

Many thanks!


Re: Babyface Pro USB/Digital/Ground Noise

First check that the USB connection is the main culprit. Use your normal setup with the BF Pro connected to a power supply, and listen to the synth with USB disconnected (you need to setup analog input monitoring at the device, see manual).

If that works without noise always run the BF with a power supply and connect USB via Galvanic Isolator like the Intona:

Meanwhile there are even cheaper options that might work (haven't tested them all), but make sure NOT to use a simple power lines cut adapter (looks like a USB dongle). These regularly fry (destroy) the USB ports.

Matthias Carstens

8 (edited by areized 2022-03-20 20:11:59)

Re: Babyface Pro USB/Digital/Ground Noise

MC wrote:

First check that the USB connection is the main culprit. Use your normal setup with the BF Pro connected to a power supply, and listen to the synth with USB disconnected (you need to setup analog input monitoring at the device, see manual).

If that works without noise always run the BF with a power supply and connect USB via Galvanic Isolator like the Intona:

Meanwhile there are even cheaper options that might work (haven't tested them all), but make sure NOT to use a simple power lines cut adapter (looks like a USB dongle). These regularly fry (destroy) the USB ports.

Hi MC,

I've tried again with different power conditioners - doesn't seem to make a difference. But yes, USB does seem to be the culprit, there is no noise with just the power supply connected.

I'm a bit confused by this whole thing, having tested two different USB interfaces (RME+UA) in two different houses on two different computers (Apple+Custom PC) with various power solutions. Is this noise present for everybody using a USB interface? That seems unbelievable to me.. prior to the BF I had used an Apogee Ensemble Firewire with no such issues.

I've seen the Intona recommended in other threads as well but am curious whether it would just be better to install a Thunderbolt PCIE? How about a USB PCIE such as the Matrix Element H, which offers power separate from the motherboard?

Or alternatively, a PCIE interface.

Thank you!

Re: Babyface Pro USB/Digital/Ground Noise

I have zero noise with my Babyface on 3 different pc's, one a laptop. So it is possible to work without problems and jumping through hoops. Sorry I can not be more helpful, but MC is the best help you can get.
Hope you can solve it.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: Babyface Pro USB/Digital/Ground Noise

Oh if the noise is on the inputs, the devices connected to that input might be causing the noise in relation to the computer via the ground via the Bf.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632