Topic: HDSPe AIO (non Pro) - Analog audio issue
Hi there.
I am quite disillusioned now. I've been using my HDSPe for multiple years now and apart from the sizzling and hissing headphone audio signal, especially when moving the mouse, I haven't been using the analog outputs so far. I have already sent in the card to RME some time ago because of the consistent noise on the headphones, but they returned it unchanged and said everything is ok. Now that my setup has changed and I run monitor speakers through the balanced XLR outputs, it is disappointing enough that the sizzling and hissing happen to occur on the speakers as well, but only on the left channel. Beside that there's also a massive difference in output volume between the right and the left channel, the right one being much louder. I need to set the output channel pan in TotalMix to L40 to make it about the same level. I have exchanged the cables to check if it's the speakers or the setup, but this is clearly not the case. The issue comes from the HDSPe AIO. I have already checked for solutions and tried to tape the card as it has been suggested. But that didn't change a thing. This leaves me with the impression that the HDSPe AIO were of minor quality, despite its quite "professional" price tag. Apparently, from what I read, RME blames the users for having bad computers. I have tried this on three computers now and the result is the same with all of them. This is a huge disappointment, especially considering the fact that I sent in the card and said it doesn't work properly some time ago.
What's that with the right channel being louder on XLR output? The breakout cable is new.