1 (edited by kelfar 2022-04-04 22:10:33)

Topic: UFX+ static burst

I have a new UFX+ connected to my PC windows 10 via USB 3. The UFX+ Madi out is connected to Madi In 12MiC Madi out to Madi In Ferrofish 16 Pulse MX Madi out to Madi In UFX+.

I am getting random static burst on channels that I am not using. The static  on ADAT (which I am not using or connected to any source) and sometimes on the main channel or even unused Madi channels.

The UFX+, 12Mic, Ferrofish 16 have been updated to the latest firmware.

I would appreciate any help or a solution.

Note:  Madiface series settings: Buffer size: 256 Samples, Clock mode is 48khz, Clock Source is Internal for UFX+


Re: UFX+ static burst

You need to explain 'static burst' in detail. Soundfile or video would be good.

The first thing I would check is that all units except UFX+ are properly syncing on their MADI input. Second is disconnecting MADI to see if the 'static bursts' happen also with the UFX+ alone.

Did you check the Settings dialog for USB errors?

Matthias Carstens

Re: UFX+ static burst

Thanks for the reply. Here is a video which I made and you can hear clearly the click in channels not even selected or used.


Re: UFX+ static burst

Ok, clicks on unused hardware output channels. What about the USB errors and the syncing state/only UFX+ test?

Matthias Carstens

Re: UFX+ static burst

MC wrote:

Ok, clicks on unused hardware output channels. What about the USB errors and the syncing state/only UFX+ test?

I think I found the problem. First, thanks for your replies. Second, the USB 3 cable was connected to the front panel USB 3 which was creating a USB [error]. I did plug the USB 3 in the rear and so far no errors have been reported. Most importantly, I do not hear the burst/click anymore. However, I will keep watching if the issue comes back.

6 (edited by ramses 2022-04-05 18:18:07)

Re: UFX+ static burst

kelfar wrote:
MC wrote:

Ok, clicks on unused hardware output channels. What about the USB errors and the syncing state/only UFX+ test?

I think I found the problem. First, thanks for your replies. Second, the USB 3 cable was connected to the front panel USB 3 which was creating a USB [error]. I did plug the USB 3 in the rear and so far no errors have been reported. Most importantly, I do not hear the burst/click anymore. However, I will keep watching if the issue comes back.

Nice that you found it, but I am really wondering how you could mix-up these ports.

The front has no USB3 connection, it's an USB2 port dedicated for DURec, so that you have it easier to plug and unplug memory/storage devices, therefore this port is labeled "memory".

The USB3 port for connecting the computer is clearly visible at the back and labeled "USB" and it has the typical shape of an USB3 type B plug.

The purpose of each of those ports is explained very early in the manual on page 9 an 10. Maybe worth a look for these and other things. When I wait for the delivery of new hardware I have always a look into the manual to become familiar with new devices and then you can deploy faster and better.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub14

Re: UFX+ static burst

Front USB port of the PC tower, not the DURec port smile

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

8 (edited by ramses 2022-04-05 21:38:25)

Re: UFX+ static burst

Aaaah :-) Sorry, got it wrong.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub14