Topic: Channel 3 for guitar does not come up in Ableton using BabyFace PRO FS

Sorry, I'm find the BabyFace Pro FS manual impossible to understand.  No videos on the internet have a clear explanation for how to assign the simplest scenario, namely the ability to pull inputs 1 or 2 for mic or inputs 3 or 4 for guitar using Ableton.  I am assuming that I am doing something wrong in Total Mix FX.  It is driving me bananas.  In Ableton when I click Input Configuration it only shows 1 and 2 which I assume to be the mic inputs.  However, I can see the Instr 3 in Total Mix FX along with the sound of the guitar plugged into IN 3 so why can't I find it in Ableton?   Please make the explanation super easy.  Thank you.

Re: Channel 3 for guitar does not come up in Ableton using BabyFace PRO FS

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Channel 3 for guitar does not come up in Ableton using BabyFace PRO FS

I appreciate your link to another page, Ramses, but that did not do the trick.  I already watched the RME videos, and none illustrate simply how to assign all channels to the DAW so that in the DAW (Ableton in my case) you can see them all listed and can choose the one you want (say, 3 for Guitar In).  The text you sent also does not explain how to do that either.  It is not a well thought out user interface.  All soundcards I have ever bought will automatically pick up on any inputs being used - surely that is what the drivers are for.  It is not consumer friendly to them have to work out a complex soundcard software simply for your DAW to list the ones available.  So, I appreciate your response, but I still don't know how to assign ALL  inputs to Ableton so that when I am in a track in Ableton I can pick the one I need (say 1 for Amp, or 3 for guitar).  I'll keep at it, but so far, it's been five hours of misery....

Re: Channel 3 for guitar does not come up in Ableton using BabyFace PRO FS

I watched the videos again.  The QuickStart video made use of Reaper but you could see all the inputs that could be picked for the recording of a new track.  I therefore assumed that this happened automatically.  This did not happen to me in Ableton - I can only see inputs 1 and 2, not 3 and 4 additionally.  I may have to call the support offered through the store on Monday.  I noticed also in the video that of the three levels, the top showing the inputs, and the bottom showing the outputs, the term AN for Analog refers to analog inputs 1 and 2, in this case microphones.  But in the bottom layer which was supposed to illustrate OUTPUTS, AN was also used to mean digital outputs 1 and 2.  That is very confusing, to use the same term for analog inputs as for outputs, as a microphone is not an output.  Very poor user interface here.  I'm sure I'll get it in time but so far it's been one long headache.  Deep breaths...

Re: Channel 3 for guitar does not come up in Ableton using BabyFace PRO FS

Sorry, but what you say is not right.

1st of all you have to differentiate between
- setup things related to TotalMix FX and
- what is related to DAW setup

The DAW preparation is not part of RME documentation. If you want to record something in the DAW you need to choose a) driver and b) what inputs and outputs you want to use in the DAW project. This is all related to the DAW and not part of RME documentation. But if I remember right RME provided even some videos for setting up a DAW.

Once you have setup the DAW properly, you can record something. TotalMix FX is completely transparent here, audio from HW inputs is passed to the application/DAW unaltered. You have nothing more to do than to arm your track in the DAW, select proper input and then you can record.

And this is e.g being explained in the link that I gave you...
"Here are the most important basic features of the operation for the impatient:
1. audio from the HW inputs is passed on unchanged to the application (DAW, ...) in the driver's default settings."

You have to deal with things a little bit.  Anyway, the tutorial videos from RME and the manual reading helped me a lot.
And the link I gave you contains all the relevant information on how best to get on.
But you also have to look at that. Nothing comes from nothing.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Channel 3 for guitar does not come up in Ableton using BabyFace PRO FS

SOLVED!   In Ableton I had to select the Asio Fireface USB option, which then led me to find ALL the inputs in Ableton.  An email from RME had recommended I use the ASIO4ALL selection, which is the one that did not work.  So, phew, hopefully now I don't have to deal with the BabyFace Total Mix page again!    I won't miss you, love, Danny

Re: Channel 3 for guitar does not come up in Ableton using BabyFace PRO FS

dannyvocal wrote:

I won't miss you, love, Danny

How am I supposed to understand this? Mad that I "only" gave you help to help yourself? Sorry, but I'm a customer like you with limited time. There is no reason to vent your frustration on me. You better be glad that I have collected a lot of information. If it is too much for you to go through the things systematically, then that is honestly not my problem.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Channel 3 for guitar does not come up in Ableton using BabyFace PRO FS

The documentation is clear in that you choose the fireface usb option. Choosing anything g else is not going to be optimal. Iā€™m not sure what you sent in an email to rme for them to come back with asio4all!

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.

Re: Channel 3 for guitar does not come up in Ableton using BabyFace PRO FS

And btw .. RME also offers video tutorials how to setup major DAWs.
All you need to do is to search in Youtube for "RME Ableton setup"

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Channel 3 for guitar does not come up in Ableton using BabyFace PRO FS

Ramses.  I was not referring to you, Ramses, when I said I would not miss you, I meant the hours of struggling over the software settings.  I would not have on the one hand thanked you and then also attacked you.  I did not mention your name.  I thought this was a Forum, and I was addressing everyone on the Forum, not you personally.  I am sorry you misunderstood me, Ramses, and I thank you very much for the time you took helping me!

11 (edited by ramses 2022-05-15 13:46:01)

Re: Channel 3 for guitar does not come up in Ableton using BabyFace PRO FS

Thanks for clarifying, only a typical misunderstanding which can happen when communicating electronically and if you do not know each other. Don't worry, all is well.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13