Topic: 12mic not passing signal out via MADI

For some time I have been using this MADI optical configuration:

UFX+ out => 12mic in
12mic out => XTC in
XTC out => UFX+ in

Today I discovered that nothing is coming into the UFX+ from the 12mic.

I can connect a mic to the 12mic front panel, and I see the signal on the front panel. I can also see it on the browser remote and on the Remote AVB app.

However, there is no signal getting through to TotalMix, and nothing coming through when I set any 12mic output as the input to my DAW.

Also, the MADI light on the UFX+ has started blinking. When I look at Input on the 12mic front panel, it is also blinking. In the driver settings app, the connection blinks between sync and lock.

Finally, the graphic lines in the browser remote that show the routing between the 12mic inputs and outputs are all gone! I manually set MADI optical input 1 to optical output 1 (up to 9 and 9) on the 12mic front and saved that as a preset. The browser remote then showed the lines, but still no sound.

I don't have a clue how to proceed from here. Any help would be much appreciated.


Re: 12mic not passing signal out via MADI

As long as the clocking is incorrect there will be no audio signal accepted. So that is your main thing to figure out. If you did not change the master/slave configuration you might have changed the sample rate and need to reconfigure that on the 12Mic.

Matthias Carstens

3 (edited by vanceen 2022-08-26 00:12:22)

Re: 12mic not passing signal out via MADI

Sample rates were all set the same.

What I had to do - and I still don't know why - was to set up the MADI routing from scratch in the browser remote.

I had saved all my settings in a Preset which I tried loading. However, it didn't do anything; there was still no routing. So I did it by hand.

It seems to be fine now.

Re: 12mic not passing signal out via MADI

Maybe you made a firmware Update? That screwed up my settings and presets some time ago.

Re: 12mic not passing signal out via MADI

No, no firmware update. I've been up to date for a while. It's very odd, and slightly disquieting. But everything's working fine at the moment.

6 (edited by georgob 2022-09-08 10:26:12)

Re: 12mic not passing signal out via MADI

I just had that today as well.
All routing was lost on the second of my 12mics. I had not used it for some time.
Loading my saved presets did not work
I had to redo all my routing from scratch using the browser remote.
Loading the saved presets with the AVB Midi remote did not work.

Very strange. Is the routing and the presets saved with an internal battery? Could it be this battery has emptied over time and so lost all memory?

Just wanted to report this, because maybe there is indeed a problem and it very much reminded me of this topic here.

My setup is: Madiface->OctamicXTC->12Mic->12Mic->Madiface


Re: 12mic not passing signal out via MADI

Thank you georgob, I'm glad it's not just me.

8 (edited by Max 2022-09-23 03:44:01)

Re: 12mic not passing signal out via MADI

Loading my saved presets did not work

If this happens again, please "Download all presets" from the WebUI and send it to our support. We can check what caused the issue. We had a bug in a previous firmware update (v1.4) that affected the preset storage, and it may be that you experienced that issue. In that case, the issue has already been resolved since 1.5 and there should be no further problems.

Is the routing and the presets saved with an internal battery?

There are no batteries in the 12Mic.