Topic: FF 802 USB & Mac OS 12.6 ?


i've searched the whole forum but couldn't find any threads on this subject.

Has anybody updated to MacOS 12.6 yet?

I'm on a MacStudio with 12.4 and got this message the other day:


Exisiting sofware on your system loaded a system extension signed by "RME GmbH", which will be incompatible with a future version of macOS. Contact the developer for support.

Now I'm refraining from updating for the moment, but I'd like to know how and when I can use my hardware properly.

Re: FF 802 USB & Mac OS 12.6 ?

The extension will be incompatible with Mac OS version 13. For 12.6 you are fine with this one.

The next generation USB driver for Mac OS is in beta testing here: https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.php?id=35957

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.


Re: FF 802 USB & Mac OS 12.6 ?

thanks, jeff!!