251 (edited by Everydayineveryway 2022-10-20 22:39:10)

Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

KaiS wrote:
Everydayineveryway wrote:
artburda wrote:

What proprietary cables? You can use standard spdif coax cables. Or XLR cables for aes

Really? I thought an spdif/aes to d-sub 9-pin adapter (proprietary) was required in order to be able to use the standard cables with the pro models?

The D-Sub breakout adapter is supplied with ADI-2 Pro.
It takes standard cables.

Yes I realise it’s supplied. Nonetheless I don’t like having to rely on such proprietary adapters. The problem with anything specialist like that is they’re available now, but in future…?

I suppose if the pinouts are available, one could always construct something, but it’s a bit of a PITA compared to just being able to plug a standard cable straight into the component, IMO!

(E.g., Meridian used an adapter very like this for their 568.2mm processor. Hasn’t been available for years - now has to be custom made. Now, as I own the Meridian 861v4, no such issue, as it always just took standard digital coax cables so is still compatible with everything)

Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

Everydayineveryway wrote:
KaiS wrote:
Everydayineveryway wrote:

Really? I thought an spdif/aes to d-sub 9-pin adapter (proprietary) was required in order to be able to use the standard cables with the pro models?

The D-Sub breakout adapter is supplied with ADI-2 Pro.
It takes standard cables.

Yes I realise it’s supplied. Nonetheless I don’t like having to rely on such proprietary adapters. The problem with anything specialist like that is they’re available now, but in future…?

I suppose if the pinouts are available, one could always construct something, but it’s a bit of a PITA compared to just being able to plug a standard cable straight into the component, IMO!

Im building a breakout box now. Got the parts, but the 9.5" steel fronts where so ugly and cheapo im back to the drawing board about the box. Im pondering routing it out of cherry wood. About the cabling ive found a 75ohm 5-way coaxial video cable I split open. AES cable a bit easier to find. Managed to squeeze them through the 8mm contact hole without too much force.

ADI-2 DAC, ADI-2 PRO, DigifaceUSB, UCXII, ARC, HEGEL.h80, KEF.ls50, HD650, ie400pro _,.\''/.,_

Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

Its just a project for my setup, not that I dont trust the supplied BO adapter. Just an upgrade to my stereo bench.

ADI-2 DAC, ADI-2 PRO, DigifaceUSB, UCXII, ARC, HEGEL.h80, KEF.ls50, HD650, ie400pro _,.\''/.,_


Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

Everydayineveryway wrote:

Yes I realise it’s supplied. Nonetheless I don’t like having to rely on such proprietary adapters. The problem with anything specialist like that is they’re available now, but in future…?

Don't worry - in case we go bancrupt this adapter is easily self made. Plus the pinout is in the manual.

You seem to have missed an important feature (described in the manual). The 2/4 Pro allows to switch the rear 1/2 TRS outputs to become outputs 3/4. This was intentionally added due to requests from studio users who wanted to have an easy way to insert analog external FX (mastering). This is more complicated with the 2 Pro as you have to use the unbalanced Phones output 3/4 for such a setup.

Matthias Carstens

Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

Thanks guys. A breakout box is actually not a bad idea, but in my case the adapter is OK if the pinouts are available and it’s easy enough to make one.

In fact, knowing me, I might just end up making a custom length adapter for my specific connection(s) anyway in the end.

Very helpful to know about the difference in outputs on the Pro 2 and 2/4, thank you for clarifying.

Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

Everydayineveryway wrote:

Thanks guys. A breakout box is actually not a bad idea, but in my case the adapter is OK if the pinouts are available and it’s easy enough to make one.

In fact, knowing me, I might just end up making a custom length adapter for my specific connection(s) anyway in the end.

Very helpful to know about the difference in outputs on the Pro 2 and 2/4, thank you for clarifying.

These cables, DB9 and XLR connectors cost next to nothing, and its mighty fun to solder. 10 thumbs up! wink

ADI-2 DAC, ADI-2 PRO, DigifaceUSB, UCXII, ARC, HEGEL.h80, KEF.ls50, HD650, ie400pro _,.\''/.,_

Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

I don't really need a 2/4 but I do have a turntable with MM cartridge so I couldn't help myself and pre-ordered today.

I've got a Pro FS R currently, will the 2/4 respond to the same Logitech Harmony codes? Thanks

Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

Hi everyone,

I'm very tempted for this one after using the Adi-2 dac fs for quite some time already.
The only thing stopping me from ordering one is the PEQ still at 7 bands. I guess I was expecting that the new unit will include 10, so that I can use the Oratory1990 presets for my headphones.
Is there any plan to update the EQ to add more bands in the near future?

Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

I presume they are out of DSP power and it won't happen. In the manual they mention that it's better/they prefer subtle curves rather than sharp boosts and cuts, and that therefore 7 bands is more than enough. I'd agree.


Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

Babaluma wrote:

I presume they are out of DSP power and it won't happen. In the manual they mention that it's better/they prefer subtle curves rather than sharp boosts and cuts, and that therefore 7 bands is more than enough. I'd agree.

Yes, I get that and it makes sense. It's just a matter of convenience, to be honest. Having so many 10 bands preset for a big variety of headphones is great. But the fact that you cannot input them in the RME and use them right away is a bit if bummer for headphone users that like to use PEQ.

261 (edited by KaiS 2024-09-18 23:52:14)

Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

sindri1980 wrote:

... It's just a matter of convenience, to be honest. Having so many 10 bands preset for a big variety of headphones is great. But the fact that you cannot input them in the RME and use them right away is a bit if bummer for headphone users that like to use PEQ.

Let’s put it this way -

Why are narrowband EQ corrections with foreign origin questionable and should be just left away?
ALL the measurement-based EQ curves from the internet are wrong above ca. 2-3 kHz, with very few single exceptions.

The measurement systems used do not supply data with a high enough VALID frequency resolution to justify narrow EQ bands.
You cannot EQ better than your measurement is.

One has to be aware of the limits of a measurement system to judge it’s results.
If you compensate above these limits you introduce errors, and leave the errors you want to compensate untouched.

• Even slight changes in headphone’s placement, on your head or the measurement coupler, yield totally different results for frequencies above ca. 2 kHz.
Which one to use then, and why?
Averaging various positions doesn’t help much, practically you don’t listen to an average, but a discrete positioning.

• The famous “Harman”- and other compensations are strongly smoothed, coarse approximations for a very certain setup, intentionally leaving out the fine details of the curve, therefore limit frequency dependent precision.

• People use Harman- or other compensations as if they were valid for other measurement rigs too, which they aren’t.

• Most compensations, except “Freefield” do use the room sound signals without any angular weighting.
That is more than 90% room sound!
Opposed to that the human brain does give a lot more weight to the direct sound from the source, above the room-reflected sounds.

• Your personal pinnae have different shapes, and therefore different HRTF (Head Related Transfer Function, angle dependent frequency response) than the measurement “ear”, coupler.

• Each human’s auditorial system permanently adapts to the sound colors it’s presented, like the eye adapts to light colors.
You have to “readjust” that from time to time with natural sounds to judge an artificial reproduction system.
The amount of ability for those adaptions is different for each individual, and there are limits.

• There are certain characteristics of a headphone or loudspeaker that are prominent and specific enough worth for correction, the famous 6 kHz peak of Sennheiser’s HD-800 comes into mind.
Even this one doesn’t annoy everybody.

Didn ‘t you notice, all these Oratory, Auto EQ Project and most other Internet fine-tweak-EQ Setups simply sound like shit (sorry for the strong word) in the upper range?
Doesn't a simple Treble Shelf EQ or broadband Peak EQ, or a combination of both, adjusted to taste, give better results?

The measurements, BTW, can give a starting point for COARSE correction above 2 kHz, and below 2kHz measurements actually are quite valid, if your can achieve a good seal on your head.

I do my EQs based on measurements on my own head, using my own compensation curve.
Even this is limited and has to be adjusted by taste over a period of several weeks or months at least.

Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

Didn ‘t you notice, all these Oratory, Auto EQ Project and most other Internet fine-tweak-EQ Setups simply sound like shit (sorry for the strong word) in the upper range?
Doesn't a simple Treble Shelf EQ or broadband Peak EQ, or a combination of both, adjusted to taste, give better results?

That's exactly my experience.
Before my first ADI-2 PRO a view years ago I had not much experience with headphones EQs. All these suggestions from audiosciencereview, AutoEQ etc. are only very, very rough approximations.

Kai, would you mind to make your post a new thread?
That would be helpful for many headphone enthusiasts.

Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

I'm EQing full program material all day long in my day job and concur, it's extremely rare that I'll use a tight boost or cut. Smooth curves just sound better.

Tip: Have a look at whichever headphone curve you want to try with ten bands or whatever, and then extrapolate from that the overall averaged curve shape. Use that as a starting point and then tweak it from there to taste.

Sharing curves is fine, but all headphones (even the same model) will be slightly different, all HRTFs will be different, all headphone amps are different, and everyone has their own subjective preferences anyway. Jump in at the deep end and don't be scared to tweak things for YOUR preference. There is and never will be such a thing as a perfectly "flat" headphone or speaker, and it's a dubious wish to try and find one, IMO.


Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

I asked the Italian distributor who I have a pre-order with if they had heard anything about the arrival of the ADI-2/4 yet, but they said they are still waiting. Fingers crossed soon!

Anyone get theirs yet?


Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

The UK distributor told me this:

"I don’t have any firm dates yet but the UK allocation is split into 2 shipments one will be in Nov 2022 and the other will be early next year.

So I would expect it to be mid to late Nov."

Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

Thanks for the update, hope the same will hold true for Italy!


Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

Anyone know if the usb input can detect a signal incoming or any other input for that matter, and change from standby power to on and thus pass a 12v trigger output to active speakers?


Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

It can't, sorry. Pretty sure no one else can as this would violate legal restrictions on standby power consumption, or force you to not have a real standby functionality.

Matthias Carstens

269 (edited by KaiS 2022-11-10 21:23:58)

Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

MC wrote:

It can't, sorry. Pretty sure no one else can as this would violate legal restrictions on standby power consumption, or force you to not have a real standby functionality.

In theory it wouldn’t be necessary to “watch” data transfer on USB.
Just a very simple circuit that triggers ADI-2’s power-on mechanism from USB bus power.

One would need to set the hosts power management accordingly.

Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

bejoro wrote:

Didn ‘t you notice, all these Oratory, Auto EQ Project and most other Internet fine-tweak-EQ Setups simply sound like shit (sorry for the strong word) in the upper range?
Doesn't a simple Treble Shelf EQ or broadband Peak EQ, or a combination of both, adjusted to taste, give better results?

That's exactly my experience.
Before my first ADI-2 PRO a view years ago I had not much experience with headphones EQs. All these suggestions from audiosciencereview, AutoEQ etc. are only very, very rough approximations.

Kai, would you mind to make your post a new thread?
That would be helpful for many headphone enthusiasts.

Agree new thread on RME  EQ process and headphones use.


CD Transport>optical>RME ADI-2 DAC FS(AKM)>XLR balanced >GLM software>Genelec Monitors 8340A


Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

KaiS wrote the following product wish early on in this thread:
"• Pentacon balanced coupled to Output 3/4 only, instead of additionally occupying Output 1/2.
The existing Dual DAC based “Balance Mode” might stay too, to squeeze out a few dB more signal quality."

Does anyone know if this ended up in the product? I want to buy this product, but need to send 1 audio stream out of the balanced headphone output and another stream out the XLR/TRS outputs on the back, meaning I have the same wish for the product as KaiS. I cant find any info in the specs listed by RME on whether or not it was implemented.

NB: I agree with KaiS' comments on using someone else's EQ settings - we all have different ears and hearing.


Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

zen wrote:

KaiS wrote the following product wish early on in this thread:
"• Pentacon balanced coupled to Output 3/4 only, instead of additionally occupying Output 1/2.
The existing Dual DAC based “Balance Mode” might stay too, to squeeze out a few dB more signal quality."

Does anyone know if this ended up in the product? I want to buy this product, but need to send 1 audio stream out of the balanced headphone output and another stream out the XLR/TRS outputs on the back, meaning I have the same wish for the product as KaiS. I cant find any info in the specs listed by RME on whether or not it was implemented...

Look e.g. at the manual page 80, you can see:
RME followed my advice smile and did it like this.


Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

KaiS wrote:

Look e.g. at the manual page 80, you can see:
RME followed my advice smile and did it like this.

Awesome! Thank you KaiS - much appreciated ^^

274 (edited by KaiS 2022-11-23 00:35:19)

Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

zen wrote:
KaiS wrote:

Look e.g. at the manual page 80, you can see:
RME followed my advice smile and did it like this.

Awesome! Thank you KaiS - much appreciated ^^

Hope it‘s clear I‘m joking - I‘m not in the position to “advice” RME.

RME did a very clever move, uses the already balanced output signal of the channel 3/4 DAC chip and extends the balanced signal path all through to the headphones power amp stage.

Manual page 80 describes this approach in detail and shows a block diagram.


Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

KaiS wrote:

Hope it‘s clear I‘m joking - I‘m not in the position to “advice” RME.

RME did a very clever move, uses the already balanced output signal of the channel 3/4 DAC chip and extends the balanced signal path all through to the headphones power amp stage.

Manual page 80 describes this approach in detail and shows a block diagram.

Well, RME appear to listen alot to input from customers/users - they mention this in youtube videos on the ADI-2/4 Prototype - they might have seen your input smile

I ended up reading through most of the manual yesterday after you mentioned it had the info. The design for balanced out seems well thought through indeed.


Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

zen wrote:

I ended up reading through most of the manual yesterday after you mentioned it had the info. The design for balanced out seems well thought through indeed.

I don’t know any manufacturer that supplies such a comprehensive user manual, even covering technical specs by far more detailed than what you can get from any other company.

If you are technically interested, it’s fun to read.
Even more fun to have the ADI-2 smile with it.

Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

Is it possible to plug an electric guitar into the input of the ADI-2/4?

278 (edited by Babaluma 2022-12-01 17:15:54)

Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

soul_freedom1111 wrote:

Is it possible to plug an electric guitar into the input of the ADI-2/4?

I mean you could but it probably wouldn't sound great due to impedance mismatch, especially if you have passive pickups. Ideally you'd use a DI and a preamp to get the unbalanced instrument signal to balanced line level, then feed that to the 2/4. Check the manual for the specs of the unbalanced input, anything below 1MOhm will load down passive pickups and give a crappy muffled sound with very little guitar knob interaction. Even if the impedance is OK, the signal from the guitar (again assuming passive pickups) will be miniscule and as the the 2/4 doesn't have any gain, you'd likely be left with a really quiet signal.

TLDR: It will work but will likely sound bad. The proper way to do it would be with a DI/pre before the RME. But try it and see!


279 (edited by Babaluma 2022-12-02 06:45:13)

Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

BTW I was browsing my Thomann wish list today and saw the 2/4 was finally in stock! I got bored waiting for my Italian distributor (and Thomann was cheaper too...) so I placed the order immediately. I just checked and it's showing "available in several months" again, so I think I just got super lucky checking when I did. Fingers crossed I actually got it (they confirmed my order but haven't charged my account yet). If it's really true I'll report back as soon as I have it, stuff usually takes about a week from Thomann to Italy. Can't wait!

[EDIT] Shipped, I should have it next week!


Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

Ok Thanks!

Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

UCXII and others have Hi-Z input for instruments, ADI have not.

ADI-2 DAC, ADI-2 PRO, DigifaceUSB, UCXII, ARC, HEGEL.h80, KEF.ls50, HD650, ie400pro _,.\''/.,_

282 (edited by KaiS 2022-12-01 18:16:00)

Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

soul_freedom1111 wrote:

Is it possible to plug an electric guitar into the input of the ADI-2/4?

Impedance mismatch was already explained, would dull the sound of a passive (no internal battery) guitar.

As guitarist you probably have one or more of these guitar effects stomp boxes:
Most of these can favorably be used as impedance matcher, even if run in bypass mode.

Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

that's helpful thanks, so I just need to use a preamp pedal in front of it then it should work fine.


Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

soul_freedom1111 wrote:

...I just need to use a preamp pedal in front of it then it should work fine.

Any pedal works that stays electronically active when it’s effect is bypassed.
If the sound cuts out WITHOUT battery this is the case.

Of course there is tons of stuff that makes fun with guitars.
I’d use a little tube screamer or something like that, even on clean sounds a little crunch can help the sounds.

Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

great thanks will give that a try when it finally arrives!

Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

So, I have received the 2/4 Pro. I have connected headphone balanced. I noticed that I have to change the volume control for 3/4 instead of 1/2 every time I turn on the device. But the manual says that the settings are saved. Is this a bug?

287 (edited by KaiS 2022-12-08 16:50:35)

Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

Cortyadln wrote:

So, I have received the 2/4 Pro. I have connected headphone balanced. I noticed that I have to change the volume control for 3/4 instead of 1/2 every time I turn on the device. But the manual says that the settings are saved. Is this a bug?

I lately stumbled across this too.

Volume control defaults to channel 1/2 after power up, even with unbalanced ‘phones.
Same like with ADI-2 Pro.

Think I’d prefer to keep the last state from before power down.


Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

Thanks, I have added this to the list.

Matthias Carstens

Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

Guten Morgen,

mein ADI-2/4 Pro SE ist angekommen. Nun stehe ich ein wenig auf dem Schlauch, was die Inbetriebnahme angeht. Ich spiele dem ADI per AES über eine UFX II zu. Die TRS Klinkenports hinten sind mit 3/4 gekennzeichnet. Über die Ports rear 3/4 soll mein externes analoges Equipment eingeschleift werden. Über den XLR Main output 1/2 möchte ich gerne meine Studio Monitore betreiben, um mein eingeschleiftes Equipment live abzuhören. Meine Kopfhörer würde ich gerne angeschlossen lassen, um "schnell mal per Kopfhörer" reinzuhören, wie bei meinem UFX II Interface. Jetzt stehe ich vor dem Problem, dass ich nicht gleichzeitig über Rear 3/4 und Mainout 1/2 ein Signal bekomme. Das Funktioniert erst, wenn ich hinten einen der beiden Ausgänge "freimache". Was habe ich übersehen?


Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

1. TRS 3/4 hinten muss im I/O Menü Settings des Phones Out 3/4 aktiviert werden (ganz unten), sonst kommt da 1/2 raus.

2. Wenn  ein Kopfhörer in 3/4 steckt wird XLR 1/2 und TRS 3/4 hinten gemutet. Außer man schaltet das in SETUP - Phones - Mute v. TRS 3/4 aus (wobei mir auffällt dass es dort beim ADI-2/4 Pro eigentlich Ph 3/4 heissen muss - das müssen wir noch ändern).

3. Das alles verschafft dem ADI aber keine 6 getrennten Ausgänge, sprich in der Praxis ist der gleichzeitige Betrieb von Phones 3/4 und TRS 3/4 hinten aus offensichtlichen Gründen mit einigen  Einschränkungen versehen.

Matthias Carstens

291 (edited by whitenoiz83 2022-12-10 13:00:52)

Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

Zu 1.:
Danke für den Tipp.

Da funktioniert der Autoref Level dann auch wie bei Main 1/2 ? Sobald ich unter PH 3/4 den Autoreflevel einstelle wird direkt der Modus "IEM" aktiv.

=> Nachtrag: Okay, der Modus verändert sich automatisch, umso höher ich ihn drehe und springt dann auf HiPower, wobei ich nicht verstehe, dass der entsprechende Referenzpegel grafisch nicht eingeblendet wird. Wenn ich nun aber über rear 3/4 Klinke mein externes Equipment angeschlossen habe mit Pegel 0dBr, und möchte dann meinen Kopfhörer an 3/4 anschließen, dann kommt direkt und logischerweise die Warnung bezüglich "High Power". Muss ich dann den anderen Kopfhörerausgang freischalten und benutzen?

Was ist best practise um externes Equipment einzuschleifen? Die Lautsprecher weiterhin am Mainout 1/2 betreiben, oder per Klinke an rear 3/4? Das externe Equipment kann bis +27,5dBu vertragen. Wie ist das konzeptionell von Euch gedacht?

Zu 2.:
Das werde ich gleich ausprobieren. Habe allerdings bei der "Spielerei" Angst, mir durch zu hohen Pegel meine Monitore zu ruinieren.

Zu 3.:
Okay, das verstehe ich. Gibt es denn hier eine Schutzschaltung, bzw. anders formuliert, merkt sich der ADI die letzte Lautstärkeinstellung für den Kopfhörer? Sonst ziehe ich den Kopfhörer raus, und die Monitore, bzw. das externe Equipment werden dann mit meiner Lautstärke des Kopfhörer befeuert?

292 (edited by KaiS 2022-12-10 17:49:11)

Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

Mit der aktuellen Firmware Version ist ein Muting/ Umschaltung auf Kopfhörer nur eines Line-Ausgangs nicht möglich.
Ich habe sämtliche möglichen Konfigurationen durchprobiert.

Im Moment schaltet ein Einstecken des Kopfhörers wahlweise gar nichts oder beide Line Outs ab.
Das Selbe gilt für manuelles “Toggle Phones/Line“.

Hallo Matthias, hier ist eine Variation des bereits früher erwähnten Falls.

Die automatische und manuelle Phones/Line Umschaltung sollte zwischen 1/2 und 3/4 komplett unabhängig werden, da beide Kanäle völlig unterschiedlichen Zwecken dienen können.

Für maximale Flexibilität sollte 3/4 auch ein I/O Menü “Line Output 3/4“ bekommen, das aktiv wird wenn “Rear TRS Source” auf “Ph. 3/4“ steht.
Dann wären beide Pfade 1/2 und 3/4 gleichberechtigt.

Beim Verändern von “Setup/.../Toggle Ph/Line” kommt bei gestecktem Kopfhörer z.T. die Logik durcheinander und schaltet die falschen Ausgänge an.
“Rear TRS Source” steht auf “Ph. 3/4“.
”Mute v. TRS 1/2 u. 3/4” war dabei aus.
Hier stellte ein Power-Cycle wieder normalen Zustand her.

Ausserdem, zum Schluss habe ich beim Testen verschiedener Konfigurationen geschafft, dass “SETUP / Options / Phones / Toggle Ph/Line” IMMER Line 1/2 abschaltet, auch wenn kein Kopfhörer steckt.
Power-Cycle nützt hier nichts.
Erst ein „Toggle“ mit der Remote brachte wieder normalen Zustand.
Der Remote-Zustand wird also persistent gespeichert, und das kann ohne Remote nicht aufgehoben werden, nicht gut.

Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

I got mine yesterday. Just scratching the surface (and scratching my head a lot) but it certainly sounds great! It will take a while to get to know such a complex device and set it up how I like, but the manual is great and I will get there!

Main annoyance so far is a quick way to change the input source from SPDIF optical (my TV with streaming services etc.) to my PC with USB, going to the main 1/2 outputs. It seems multiple screens and button pushes are needed at the moment, but there must be an easier way.

Also need to investigate how to get it to SRC everything to 96kHz, but it will just be a lot of time with the manual I think.



Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

1. Basic mode DAC, then input buttons on remote.

2. USB can not be resampled from the device, only from the used player or (worse) the OS.

Matthias Carstens


Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

KaiS wrote:
Cortyadln wrote:

So, I have received the 2/4 Pro. I have connected headphone balanced. I noticed that I have to change the volume control for 3/4 instead of 1/2 every time I turn on the device. But the manual says that the settings are saved. Is this a bug?

I lately stumbled across this too.

Volume control defaults to channel 1/2 after power up, even with unbalanced ‘phones.
Same like with ADI-2 Pro.

That last bit was not correct. The ADI-2 Pro remembers the last cursor position. But if you did not have a phones plugged in it will automatically (and better that is) change from 3/4 to 1/2.

The 2/4 Pro misses these memories, they should come back soon with a firmware update.

Matthias Carstens

Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

In case it hasn't been said yet: I noticed that the volume setting (3/4 and 1/2) is not only changed on reboot, but also when I have e.g. headphones at balanced and switch to 3/4 - and vice versa.

Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

Thanks for the info, all making a bit more sense today!

One question: The Mute button on the remote doesn't seem to work. When I press it, the screen says Mute 1/2 ON or Mute 1/2 OFF, but the sound continues to play from the main out 1/2 to my speakers. Is it another manual page/setting I missed?



Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

Please have a closer look at the display. It clearly shows that the Mute button works - but mutes output 3/4 instead. Will be fixed...

Matthias Carstens

Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

Thanks MC! Will report any other strange things I find, glad to have found two bugs already. smile

I am LOVING how this things sounds BTW, a definite step up from my 11 year old Crookwood system. Most noticeable is the extra clarity in the mids in and highs.


300 (edited by Babaluma 2022-12-13 09:16:45)

Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp

I'm using an external stereo DI/mic preamp where the maximum output level is 21dBu, plugged into the 2/4 analogue inputs/ADC with balanced XLR cables. It seems the 2/4 reference level of 24dBu or 19dBu suit it well. I'd like to match it exactly to 21dBu if possible, but am finding the L/R Trim Gain settings a little confusing. Should I:

A) Set it to 19dBu and both the Trim Gains to +2.0dB to achieve 21dBu
B) Set it to 24dBu and both the Trim Gains to +3.0dB to achieve 21dBu

Thanks in advance!

BTW, I am using a pair of the Shure A15AS attenuators between the outputs of the 2/4 and the inputs of my active ATCs, the Shures set to -25dB, and I can report it works very well. On the 2/4 main volume, I can have raw mixes set to -12dBfs, dynamic masters around -15, louder masters around -18, and slammed modern masters around -21 to achieve my reference level in the room (around 77dB SPL), with the ATC's sensitivity set to 2V. That also leaves me another 12dB for very quiet sources.

I am stunned by this thing, gonna plug the turntable in soon!
