EDIT: changed 1st sentences to make it easier to understand.
The ADA8200 channels are represented by the ADAT input and output channels, as you connect the external preamp to the ADAT ports -> ADAT1..8 IN.
I only know Cubase, there you need to choose, which I/O channels you want to use in the project.
In Protools you see either all I/O ports or you need to choose the ports there as well.
Proactive proposal for further operation
You might want to read about TotalMix routing capabilities.
In some cases you might want to route through the DAW, for some monitor mixes it might be more feasible to route directly through the Interface which has a much lower latency.
I can recommend you the RME Tutorial videos to get a 1st very good overview about TotalMix FX's capabilities.
The Videos are really "to the point" (no bla bla) not much time consuming...
https://www.tonstudio-forum.de/blog/ind … al-Videos/
After that you can check, whether my TotalMix FX primer for a 1st time setup contains some points of interest for you.
https://www.tonstudio-forum.de/blog/ind … rnal-equi/
Then you should definitively download the latest version of the manual in PDF format and make yourself familiar, what this interface can do. First I would browse through the manual, to get a 1st impression what information you find where.
Then I would start with the 1st chapters which give you a good overview about the UCs capabilities and explain basic functions. I think this you should regard as "mandatory task".
The next very interesting section is about TotalMix FX.
Have fun with your new recording interface, RME products are very good.
Take your time with TotalMix, the RME videos, manual, my primer will give you a guidance what a good 1st setup could be for you.
Very important is to understand that you configure on a per output (aka "submix") base.
For every output you provide a mix of signals coming from
- either HW inputs (TM FX top row)
- and/or SW playback channels / from PC/apps (TM FX middle row).
Audio from HW inputs are per default always passed to the DAW/applications.
Audio from PC will show up 1st on the SW playback channel (an "additional Layer" between application and HW output) with the goal to give you the flexibility to route audio to different HW outputs as you like...
If you think this is all to much you can even enter DAW mode, then TM FX routing is gone (no SW playback channels anymore), then you can only route in the DAW ... tbh ... get better acquainted with TM FX routing, you do yourself a favour by this, much more flexibiltity by that.
BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10