1 (edited by phielsagend 2023-02-02 21:34:18)

Topic: Is it possible to use two different buffersizes at the same time

we all know the situation: we load lots of midi-instruments and audio effects into our DAW (e.g. Ableton) and at some point have to increase the buffersize in order to avoid ASIO overload. But then we can't play with low latency anymore.
The guy in the video (link at the bottom) says that there's a way to work around that issue by playing the midi-instrument in another VST host called Gig Performer. He uses an RME Card and the Loopback function - and as far as i understood, he uses a high buffersize for Ableton and a very low buffersize for Gig Performer. How on earth does that work, would anyone be so kind to explain? smile
I have a Babyface, first generation, and i can't even choose two different buffersizes for different applications, as the Fireface USB Settings window adjusts buffersize for every application at the same time.

Besides, i also can't comprehend the logic behind all this: when a DAW is already showing signs of ASIO overload and therefore you increase buffersize - how is it possible that another audioprogram can simultanuosly use the same ASIO driver, playing highly demanding plugins, at a very low buffersize?

Re: Is it possible to use two different buffersizes at the same time

One app can use WDM (the higher latency app) and the other can use ASIO.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

3 (edited by ramses 2023-02-02 22:14:43)

Re: Is it possible to use two different buffersizes at the same time

Jeff wrote:

One app can use WDM (the higher latency app) and the other can use ASIO.

Jeff, but doesn't the WDM driver also use the buffersize that you set in the driver for ASIO?

If I remember right, MC suggested in some threads an ASIO buffersize of 128 or 256 at single speed for WDM to work best.
But then you have the same buffersize for ASIO and WDM.

I only found these two postings which might be related to this:

https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.ph … 23#p175123
"[...]WDM does have limits and does not support buffer sizes above 256 AFAIK. Then just use 128. Also note that WASAPI Event or Push will work (I think Event was flawed), so make sure to use the correct one."

And this shows, at least, that ASIO and WDM driver are not independent of each other:

https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.ph … 79#p148079
"Using ASIO and WDM simultaneously the buffer size change is blocked as that is not possible during ongoing WDM operation. ASIO will stop/start for the change, WDM won't. So, you have to do this manually."

But maybe I misunderstand this, then please be so kind as to clarify, many thanks.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Is it possible to use two different buffersizes at the same time

Maybe you're right. On Windows there is only one buffer size in the driver. Maybe the other user was on a Mac, there you can set the buffer per application.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

5 (edited by the19thbear 2023-02-03 14:10:32)

Re: Is it possible to use two different buffersizes at the same time

I have now opened up 2 instance of reaper.
One is set to use ASIO driver.
The other is set to use WaveOut driver.
I can record audio from one instance into another with loopback
I suspect that somehow I can record stuff internally from on reaper instance to another. I just don't know how.

Very interesting! That means that I could use one instance for recording and another for mixing and have different buffer sizes.
And I can seamsless copy (ctrl c and v) and paste stuff (audio and midi) from one instance to another.

Re: Is it possible to use two different buffersizes at the same time

Jeff wrote:

Maybe you're right. On Windows there is only one buffer size in the driver. Maybe the other user was on a Mac, there you can set the buffer per application.

So there is no hope for window users? That's so sad, to know that the interface COULD do it - but not with my PC.

It seems that ASIO + WDM can be used parallel, but that's specifically not the solution for latency workarounds, which need double-ASIO driver usage.

Re: Is it possible to use two different buffersizes at the same time

I must admit as a windows user it’s not something I would consider doing anyway. Far too complicated and surely it would cause problems having two programs open eating resource defeating the object if your computer is underpowered.

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.