Topic: Is it possible to use two different buffersizes at the same time
we all know the situation: we load lots of midi-instruments and audio effects into our DAW (e.g. Ableton) and at some point have to increase the buffersize in order to avoid ASIO overload. But then we can't play with low latency anymore.
The guy in the video (link at the bottom) says that there's a way to work around that issue by playing the midi-instrument in another VST host called Gig Performer. He uses an RME Card and the Loopback function - and as far as i understood, he uses a high buffersize for Ableton and a very low buffersize for Gig Performer. How on earth does that work, would anyone be so kind to explain?
I have a Babyface, first generation, and i can't even choose two different buffersizes for different applications, as the Fireface USB Settings window adjusts buffersize for every application at the same time.
Besides, i also can't comprehend the logic behind all this: when a DAW is already showing signs of ASIO overload and therefore you increase buffersize - how is it possible that another audioprogram can simultanuosly use the same ASIO driver, playing highly demanding plugins, at a very low buffersize?