1 (edited by Chris H 2023-03-29 20:55:34)

Topic: Driver and TotalMix seems happy but there is no sound

Fireface UFX, MacOS 13.2.1, driver and firmware updated.

The driver is recognized and totalmix behaves normally. There is signal on playback channel AN1/2, and it can be routed to output channels.

The only problem is that there is no signal on the physical outputs. And when I put a signal on a physical input, it is does not show up in TotalMix.

I have tested on a windows computer with same result.

I hope someone has an idea of what I'm doing wrong :-)

Re: Driver and TotalMix seems happy but there is no sound

Did you connect XLR cables from analog output of the UFX to XLR AES inputs at the monitor speakers ?

Did you lift-up the output channel faders in Totalmix ?
Sure that output channel is not muted ?
Try headphones ?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Driver and TotalMix seems happy but there is no sound

I don't use XLR.
I lifted all channal faders, and tried diferent outputs. Including headphones.
I tried direfrent assignments.
No channels are muted

Re: Driver and TotalMix seems happy but there is no sound

Chris H wrote:

I don't use XLR.
I lifted all channal faders, and tried diferent outputs. Including headphones.
I tried direfrent assignments.
No channels are muted

Can you do a screen dump of tmfx, with sound coming in please?

Babyface Pro FS, MSI GS66, Studio One

5 (edited by Chris H 2023-03-29 21:44:53)

Re: Driver and TotalMix seems happy but there is no sound

Screen dump: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kcfg9y9oajb2w … 6.png?dl=0

6 (edited by waedi 2023-03-29 22:06:50)

Re: Driver and TotalMix seems happy but there is no sound

From the user manual :
Possible causes for a Fireface not working

• The FireWire or USB cable is not, or not correctly inserted into the socket
Driver installation and Settings dialog/TotalMix work, but a playback or record is not possible

• While recognition and control of the device are low bandwidth applications, playback/record needs the full FireWire transmission performance. Therefore, defective FireWire cables with limited transmission bandwidth can cause such an error scheme. The same is true for USB cables.

How do you connect the unit, with Firewire or USB ? not both

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Driver and TotalMix seems happy but there is no sound

In the screenshot all inputs are non-functional. Looks like a failing power supply to me, I think your FF UFX needs service.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: Driver and TotalMix seems happy but there is no sound

Jeff wrote:

In the screenshot all inputs are non-functional. Looks like a failing power supply to me, I think your FF UFX needs service.

Could the power supply have gone when the VU meter on the FF is active? On the other hand... when I send signal into a physical channel the VU-meter on the FF does not move.


Re: Driver and TotalMix seems happy but there is no sound

A power supply does have multiple voltage rails. Here the +5 V for AD and DA conversion seem missing.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Driver and TotalMix seems happy but there is no sound

That sounds reasonable. One more try. The faders in Mac Audio Midi Setup does not respond to how the faders in TotalMix are set. See Screen dump. https://www.dropbox.com/s/xlp82f70mjjjq … 5.png?dl=0 Doesn't that indicate a driver problem?

Re: Driver and TotalMix seems happy but there is no sound

This device is defective, sorry. All the analog inputs are showing "UFL", which means no AD conversion happening, and it seems DA is also dead. This will require service.

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Driver and TotalMix seems happy but there is no sound

RME Support wrote:

This device is defective, sorry. All the analog inputs are showing "UFL", which means no AD conversion happening, and it seems DA is also dead. This will require service.

Thank you for your help.