Topic: UCX II: Question/Suggestion for gain setting

Today, I got my UCX II - other than my UFXII and FF800, which are installed in my studio to my perfect satisfaction, this one is supposed to run mostly in standalone mode using DuRec at home and on location . That's where my question originates:

I know how to adjust gain in standalone mode. Unfortunately, when trying to adjust gain to a get decent level, this is a constant going back and forth between each channel's individual settings and the main screen, checking the small level meters (which are sufficient for me for that purpose). As you sure can imagine, this can get annoying.

Of course, in a fixed setup like in my studio, I work with Total FX and can adjust gain whilst looking at the level meter without any back and forth.

My question is: is there a way how to change gain for a selected channel with the encoder knob whilst the front display shows the level meters? As far as I understood the manual: no (I hope I did not miss anything!)

So my suggestion is: please give us a mode, where in "level meter display", we can use the encoder knob to scroll horizontally to each channel/level meter, push the knob to select that very channel, do a gain adjustment by rotating the encoder knob, and push it again to store the gain setting and leave the adjustment function to go on scrolling through the display to the next channel/level meter. All other settings for the channel still can be done in each channels individual setup page, gain being the one that imho is vital to be adjusted looking at a level meter.

Or, alternatively, if the above is not possible: when being inside each channel's individual settings page and selecting to adjust the gain, then please show us a level meter for that very channel at the edge of the screen or a horizontal level meter below the gain level display - then we could still see the value of the gain setting AND check the level meter.

Thanks for discussing or even considering this.
Kind regards!


Re: UCX II: Question/Suggestion for gain setting

I not fully understand your post. It reads like you missed the Mic/Gain display menu, which gives exactly that - gain setting while checking the level meters for inputs 1 to 4. So are you only talking about channels 5 to 8?

Matthias Carstens

Re: UCX II: Question/Suggestion for gain setting

Thank you Carsten for your answer - I am sorry to not have been more specific about this. My bad!
Yes, I was only talking about channels 5 to 8. I have left inputs 1 to 4 free so far do it quick access, that’s why I not immediately jumped to the comparison - my question should have been “…a display similar to inputs 1-4”.
Again, I am truly sorry for causing confusion. Do you think there might be a chance to get some sort of similar display for channels 5-8?
Kind regards!

MC wrote:

I not fully understand your post. It reads like you missed the Mic/Gain display menu, which gives exactly that - gain setting while checking the level meters for inputs 1 to 4. So are you only talking about channels 5 to 8?


Re: UCX II: Question/Suggestion for gain setting

Yes, especially as we upped the gain range for these channels to 24 dB. We have added this to the list.

Matthias Carstens

Re: UCX II: Question/Suggestion for gain setting

big_smile great news - thank you! cool