Topic: RME Digiface USB-Focurite 18i20 3rd Gen- behringer ADA8200- How?

Hi, just bought the RME Digiface USB but im having trouble figuring out how to get all working in totalmix and focusrite control panel.

currently trying some of the old suggestions on this and other forums.
I can see audio playing on the ADAT channels in totalmix, ive routed all current outputs to ADAT1 in the 18i20 in totalmix,but i cannot hear any audio from the 18i20, ive set audio out in focusrite to ADAT1.
any ideas or pointers that may help. scratching my head a bit, all lights green on the digiface.

thanks for any help, really appreciated.


Re: RME Digiface USB-Focurite 18i20 3rd Gen- behringer ADA8200- How?

Where are your loudspeakers connected to ?
Do you want to listen with a headphone at the Focusrite, then send your audio to the Headphone output, not to the Adat1.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: RME Digiface USB-Focurite 18i20 3rd Gen- behringer ADA8200- How?

Hi, thanks for the reply, Speakers are on outputs 1/2 on the back panel of the 18i20, Id like to use speakers and headphones if possible.

Re: RME Digiface USB-Focurite 18i20 3rd Gen- behringer ADA8200- How?

From your first post it is very unclear to me what your setup is.
There is too much mixed up.
Speaking of Totalmix and Focusrite etc.
You say you sent audio in the Focusrite to ADAT1, thats where I think you should step in and do another routing.
Send to Output 1/2 and also to Headphone output.
At moment it seems to be a Focusrite problem you try to get help in the RME user forum...!

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: RME Digiface USB-Focurite 18i20 3rd Gen- behringer ADA8200- How?

thanks waedi,

I was only following an old thread on this forum and on reddit from someone who has a similar setup.

I currently want to use the Focusrite not just for the 8 ADAT inputs into the RME digiface but also as an audio interface as the digiface does not have speaker connections.  hate wearing headphones for extended periods.

i also have 2 ADA8200 for the extra 16 ADAT inputs via the digiface and want to record all 24 channels into my DAW (Nuendo at the moment).
only got the digiface today, ive watched a few vids on the RME channels but finding it a bit confusing at the moment.

hope this explains everything.

Ill try the focusrite forums as well.


6 (edited by waedi 2023-04-08 21:54:33)

Re: RME Digiface USB-Focurite 18i20 3rd Gen- behringer ADA8200- How?

Connect the loudspeakers to the first ADDA8200 output 1/2.
This ADDA8200 connect to the Adat ports input and output 1 at the Digiface.
Send Audio from Nuendo to output channels 1/2.
Disconnect the Focusrite from all, let the Digiface be the audio interface until you are advanced enough to change the setup.

Also keep Totalmix open for having incoming signals from those ADDAs visual. They are connected correctly and are working...?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: RME Digiface USB-Focurite 18i20 3rd Gen- behringer ADA8200- How?

ADA8200's working correctly, no audio out on these so cannot connect speakers to  them, only audio outs on the focusrite 18i20., ill try without the 18i20 to see if i can get that up and running and use headphones until i can get it to work.


8 (edited by mkok 2023-04-09 14:17:08)

Re: RME Digiface USB-Focurite 18i20 3rd Gen- behringer ADA8200- How?

There is audio out on the ada8200 as I use it just for the audio out. You have to connect the in and out fibres. The 18i20 is an audio interface in its own right so I’m not sure what or why you are doing. Can it be use as just an adat slave?

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.

Re: RME Digiface USB-Focurite 18i20 3rd Gen- behringer ADA8200- How?

mkok wrote:

Can it be use as just an adat slave?

Thats what i read in another forum, was hoping to get 24 inputs on the cheap...;-), was using the 18i20 plus ada8200 previously, wanted to get an extra few channels to connect all my old analogue gear

not heard of using the ada8200 that way, will look into it.

finally got some audio via totalmix, nearly blew my eardrums our with all inputs at half or less,

if i connect the in/out adat on the ada8200, where do i do this, in totalmix or physically with toslink cables. then how do i get audio out?
Sorry for being so 'dumb', new to me...

10 (edited by ramses 2023-04-09 17:40:53)

Re: RME Digiface USB-Focurite 18i20 3rd Gen- behringer ADA8200- How?

As a side note, there are many of such threads in the RME forum, where the gory details of clock synchronization and TM FX routing have been explained already in detail.

In terms of the physical setup:
- both external devices (Behringer, Focusrite) have ADAT inputs, so they can get clock synchronization via ADAT
- your ADA8200 supports only single speed, so you need only one TOSLINK cable per device and transfer direction

So, you need in total 4 TOSLINK cables, 2 per device to perform proper cabling:

Digiface USB (clock master)+---ADAT1 OUT------->-audio+clock-----------ADAT IN---+ADA8200 (clock slave via ADAT)
                                           +---ADAT1 IN---------<------------------------ADAT OUT---+
                                           +---ADAT2 OUT------->-audio+clock-----------ADAT IN---+Focusrite 18i20 (clock slave via ADAT))
                                           +---ADAT2 IN---------<-------------------------ADAT OUT---+

On the ADA8200, you need to check the DIP switches to configure the clock and from where the device gets the clock.
On the Focusrite - if I remember right - you configure the clock via the Mixcontrol application.

ADAT supports 8ch per link, the DIGIface USB has 4x ADAT I/O = 32ch in and out.

In TotalMix FX, the mapping of ADAT channels is as follows.
- ADAT1: ch 1…8
- ADAT2: ch 9…16
The channels of the other two ADAT I/O ports are currently of no relevance, you do not have anything connected to it.

Check in the RME driver settings, that you see under "Input status" (or similar) that the devices connected to ADAT1 and ADAT2 are in status "sync". This means you receive a clock synchronized signal from them.
By this, you validate that they are configured as clock slave and send a clock signal back which is synchronized to your clock.

Audio coming from the Behringer you will easily see in TotalMix FX on ADAT1…8 IN.
Audio coming from the Focusrite you will easily see in TotalMix FX on ADAT 9…16 IN.

In TotalMix FX, check that you are in submix mode (routing mode submix):
To send audio to the Behringer, click to any of the HW outputs ADAT1…8 OUT
To send audio to the Focusrite, click to any of the HW outputs ADAT9…16 OUT

move the faders of HW inputs and SW playbacks (audio from PC/applications) as needed to create the submix for each of the HW outputs individually.

On the Behringer there will be a fixed routing, that Audio from 1st ADAT channel goes to the first analog output and so on.
On the Focusrite the routing might be a little more flexible, you need to fine tune it to your demands.

More information about TotalMix Setup and Routing, check this sticky posting:
Check all information resources, you get all the needed information from there.
Don't worry too much, Rome has not been built in a day as well, take your time.
Once you understand the basics, all will be much clearer and easy to operate.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: RME Digiface USB-Focurite 18i20 3rd Gen- behringer ADA8200- How?

Brilliant reply Ramnses, very much appreciated.

ill give that a go.

I do have 2x ada8200 and 1x 18i20 so i assume just adding the other ada8200 to adat 2 and 18i20 to adat 3 and routing as you explained.

cant thank you enough

Re: RME Digiface USB-Focurite 18i20 3rd Gen- behringer ADA8200- How?

You're welcome Tony, yes you can add two more devices / ADA8200, no problem.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: RME Digiface USB-Focurite 18i20 3rd Gen- behringer ADA8200- How?

Yes two toslink cables in and out. Ada8200 is both in and outs which will show in TotalMix and can be used

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.

Re: RME Digiface USB-Focurite 18i20 3rd Gen- behringer ADA8200- How?

yeah, seems to be working so far, Ive got audio coming into nuendo form all my inputs frm both ADA8200 and the Focusrite and out through my speakers and headphones via the digiface. took a bit of fiddling. thanks again ramses.

just need to sort DAw audio, i can hear incoming signals but not any effects im applying to the audio channels etc in nuendo. guess i need to learn fx sends  and other audio routing properly now. ;-)
great fun...

Re: RME Digiface USB-Focurite 18i20 3rd Gen- behringer ADA8200- How?

If Nuendo handles it the same way as Cubase then check if Direct monitoring is off.
It should be off for having the FX plugins on the monitoring sound during recording.
In the Menu Studio, Studio Setup, Audio System Device

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: RME Digiface USB-Focurite 18i20 3rd Gen- behringer ADA8200- How?

thanks waedi,

seems to be working today via headphones, but not the speakers again... hey ho..

17 (edited by Tonymax9911 2023-04-11 17:57:19)

Re: RME Digiface USB-Focurite 18i20 3rd Gen- behringer ADA8200- How?

well ive tried everything, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt.
Im reinstallig my whole sytem after a rebuild so lots of reboots. but everytime i reboot audio dissapears from the speaker and/or headphones. Ive used snapshots to remember the setup when working.
I have the grasp of totalmix but it doesnt seem to relate to what is happening n the real world.

ive now just tried the digiface with just the ADA8200 I can hear the audio in the heaphones but now nothing from the DAW.
Confounding me this is. ive tried switching on things in a certain order to see if this helps, no.
Expensive brick is the digiface.
Ive noted some random panning in some of the channels in TM, and random changes in the fader levels, things I have not done physically myself, could something be 'interfering'  with TM.


Re: RME Digiface USB-Focurite 18i20 3rd Gen- behringer ADA8200- How?

Did you realize that when you click onto an output channel in Totalmix (the bottom row of faders ) then the faders from the top and middle row can change ?
Click different output channels and play around with the upper faders.
You will learn they don't move randomly the have their position to one output channel.
And to another output channel they can have total other positions.
Every output channel has it's own submix (positions of the upper rows faders)

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

19 (edited by Tonymax9911 2023-04-11 19:42:55)

Re: RME Digiface USB-Focurite 18i20 3rd Gen- behringer ADA8200- How?

waedi wrote:

Did you realize that when you click onto an output channel in Totalmix (the bottom row of faders ) then the faders from the top and middle row can change ?
Click different output channels and play around with the upper faders.
You will learn they don't move randomly the have their position to one output channel.
And to another output channel they can have total other positions.
Every output channel has it's own submix (positions of the upper rows faders)

yes, ive sussed that out already, each channel has its own submix of fader settings.
I think the problem is more focusrite now, just spent an hour with no audio from speakers on the 18i20 from output 1/2, but was from output 7/8, Then 1/2 started working, sometimes only headphones, but.... now all working. sometimes have pc sound, but no DAW sound and vice versa.
only started doing this since using the Digiface though but still having problems even when using the Digiface on its own.

geesh, every thing is breaking, first my laptop, then desktop, now ? 18i20, been a flippin expensive month so far..

Re: RME Digiface USB-Focurite 18i20 3rd Gen- behringer ADA8200- How?

Sorry to hear that.
Before spending more money, the Digiface together with these Addas has all you need.
The Digiface has a headphone output and the Addas have analog outputs for the loudspeakers (8 outputs)
Better focus on what you have and is working.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: RME Digiface USB-Focurite 18i20 3rd Gen- behringer ADA8200- How?

waedi wrote:

Sorry to hear that.
Before spending more money, the Digiface together with these Addas has all you need.
The Digiface has a headphone output and the Addas have analog outputs for the loudspeakers (8 outputs)
Better focus on what you have and is working.

yeah im gonna have to, cant afford anything for a while.

tell me again how i get audio out of the Behringer ADA8200 to get to my monitors please, thanks

22 (edited by waedi 2023-04-11 20:00:15)

Re: RME Digiface USB-Focurite 18i20 3rd Gen- behringer ADA8200- How?

Connect the ADDA to the Digiface with toslink cables. Let's take Input 1 and output 1 at the Digiface.
On the backside of the ADDA there is a switch, move it to the position "ADAT IN".
Connect the loudspeakers to analog output 1 and 2 at the ADDAs backside.
Totalmix :
Play a music in the computer
Can you see the signal in Totalmix ?
In the first channel in the middle ? Software playback channel 1/2
Click onto output channel AS1/2 in the bottom row, then pull up fader of playback channel 1/2, sending the music to the ADDA and to the loudspeaker.
In the Digiface settings Clock-source shall be internal.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: RME Digiface USB-Focurite 18i20 3rd Gen- behringer ADA8200- How?

aah, thats great info waedi.
Ill have to invest in a  couple of XLR cables as the back panel only accepts those, dont have any as yet, TRS so far.
Amazon has become my friend this month..

thank you again

Re: RME Digiface USB-Focurite 18i20 3rd Gen- behringer ADA8200- How?

One pair of XLR cables is a must have ! Cordial is a brand that I mostly choose, it's not that expensive and good quality.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: RME Digiface USB-Focurite 18i20 3rd Gen- behringer ADA8200- How?

waedi wrote:

One pair of XLR cables is a must have ! Cordial is a brand that I mostly choose, it's not that expensive and good quality.

great advice, thank you