Topic: Babyface + Catalina freezes and CPU load

Hi, I have Macbook 2019 i9 with Ableton 11.
When I work with babyface I have dropouts and freezes when I press play button.
If I work without sound card everything works fine and CPU loads for 40-50%.
I have the latest drivers installed.
What is the reason?

2 (edited by stromkraft 2023-04-10 12:30:34)

Re: Babyface + Catalina freezes and CPU load

dartrayne wrote:

Hi, I have Macbook 2019 i9 with Ableton 11.
When I work with babyface I have dropouts and freezes when I press play button.
If I work without sound card everything works fine and CPU loads for 40-50%.
I have the latest drivers installed.
What is the reason?

macOS 11/12 USB series DriverKit driver, v. 4.07 and USB 2/3 Kernel Extension driver for macOS 11 and up. Version 3.28A are both "the latest". There's also a firmware version that might need updating and the OS version is relevant. What do you have specifically installed in which OS version?

With "CPU load" do you mean the Live CPU meter or have you measured with system tools or something else? What happens if you increase the audio buffer?
What do you mean "freezes"?

RME Babyface v226 | 4.07 | MacBook Pro 13" 2020 | 16gb/1tb

Re: Babyface + Catalina freezes and CPU load

Catalina 10.15.7

When I press play and press stop after some time it 'freezes' for 3 seconds then it works. Cpu meter shows overload.
Buffer size doesn't help, I've tried all options up to 2048.

4 (edited by stromkraft 2023-04-12 04:36:45)

Re: Babyface + Catalina freezes and CPU load

dartrayne wrote:

Catalina 10.15.7


dartrayne wrote:

Catalina 10.15.7
When I press play and press stop after some time it 'freezes' for 3 seconds then it works. Cpu meter shows overload.

Well, if there is an actual CPU overload, that's possibly a Live issue. That would be rare for a driver to cause a cpu overload. Especially if you have a loop active as I've noticed CPU overloads in Live when going from the end to the start. The question is why this happens, but you should talk to Ableton support as well. I do recognise this and similar issues, but I never think I got to the bottom of it. I don't have it now.

Have you noticed if you create a test set, that if you remove any plug-ins or switch instruments this kind of symptom goes away? If so, could certain plug-ins/devices be involved?

Does this happen at any load capacity? 25, 30, 45 or 50%? What is running in the background when this happens?

What happens if you set the Babyface into class compliant mode? Does that change anything?

Also, you say this doesn't happen with internal audio. But what are the actual latencies if you compare them? If you set internal audio to the same latencies as when using the Babyface, is this still true?

RME Babyface v226 | 4.07 | MacBook Pro 13" 2020 | 16gb/1tb

Re: Babyface + Catalina freezes and CPU load

I work with no apps on the background.
Buffer size 1024 for Core audio and only 2048 for Babyface(The only that can work normally).
But again: Stock audio card can handle everything in project with no effort.
While Babyface causes glitches and freezes.
Tried class compliant mode and there is no sound. I switch Babyface in audio settings and session plays with no glitches but with no sound from Babyface.

6 (edited by stromkraft 2023-04-24 15:43:41)

Re: Babyface + Catalina freezes and CPU load

dartrayne wrote:

Tried class compliant mode and there is no sound. I switch Babyface in audio settings and session plays with no glitches but with no sound from Babyface.

How can you have switched to the Babyface in class compliant mode, have no sound and yet be able to determine you have no glitches?

What did you do specifically?

RME Babyface v226 | 4.07 | MacBook Pro 13" 2020 | 16gb/1tb

Re: Babyface + Catalina freezes and CPU load

dartrayne wrote:

Hi, I have Macbook 2019 i9 with Ableton 11.
When I work with babyface I have dropouts and freezes when I press play button.
If I work without sound card everything works fine and CPU loads for 40-50%.
I have the latest drivers installed.
What is the reason?

Hi, what clock settings for the Babyface do you have? Internal clock? And what firmware is installed?

UCX - FF 400 - Babyface pro - Digiface USB - ADI-2 (original)
Mac mini M1 - Macbook pro - iPad Air2