Topic: ADI 2/4 SE mute headphones & line outs independently
Hi all,
I am currently enjoying my ADI 2/4 se as my mixing/mastering interface. I ve ended up using the 1/2 in/out as my hardware loop & the 3/4 for my monitoring output. The quality is amazing. I have two questions/suggestions that would take the workflow to a next level.
1) I would love to ideally mute the 3/4 headphones & the 3/4 line outs independently. This would be handy for checking things in headphones without having to turn of the speakers. If this is not possible, a workaround could be to have third Rear TRS source to the menu as a "No trs out" in order to mute the speakers & listen to headphones. Setting it to 1/2 wouldn't work if it is currently used as a hardware loop.
2) There is a loopback option where you can feed an input based on this output. It could be handy to be able to route this to an output instead in order to connect a digital meter to the pre FX of 3/4. Or an alternative would to route this to the SPIDF input as it already is, and be able to route the SPIDF In directly to the SPDIF output (for example).
If any of this is already available, I would love to hear how. Using the 1/2 as HW is crucial for pro tools since, it requires the in/out to match I think. Thanks in advance.