Topic: [Solved] 48V and PAD not appearing in TotalMixFX inputs

The manual seems so simple. I've spent over an hour pouring thru the manual and I CANNOT find the 48v on off switch in TMX or on the UFX II screen. I can't find a master on/off. The manual makes it seem like they will appear on the input channels by clicking on the spanner. DOES NOT WORK.

I need some help, badly.

Re: [Solved] 48V and PAD not appearing in TotalMixFX inputs

Sure you clicked the right wrench tool on the right channel ?
48 V only appears on Hardware Input channels that have a microphone input

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: [Solved] 48V and PAD not appearing in TotalMixFX inputs

yes, absolutely

Re: [Solved] 48V and PAD not appearing in TotalMixFX inputs

You can download the latest version of Totalmix separately from here : … 72#p202472

and just drag it into your applications folder.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: [Solved] 48V and PAD not appearing in TotalMixFX inputs

Maybe I'm not understanding, but that download did nothing. Attempting to run the .exe only opened the same TotalMixFX. No update or change took place.

6 (edited by waedi 2023-07-14 17:37:49)

Re: [Solved] 48V and PAD not appearing in TotalMixFX inputs

No worry, then you had already the latest version.
May you provide a screenshot of your Totalmix ?
What happens when you click the spanner ?
Is the channel opening with missing buttons or is it not opening at all ?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue


Re: [Solved] 48V and PAD not appearing in TotalMixFX inputs

One needs to exit TM FX first before replacing the app.

I am still wondering if channels 9 to 12 were tried.

Matthias Carstens

Re: [Solved] 48V and PAD not appearing in TotalMixFX inputs

Correct! After hours of effort, I called Synthax and within 15 minutes Ryan Coalson from sales, filling in for the tech support guy, Jeff called med. Not much later the issue was solved. I'm going to scour the manual again to see where I missed this. Thanks for the replies!