Topic: Question on Auto Level
I have an UFX II and have experimented with the Auto Level function in the Dynamics section of the output channels. I would like to use Auto Level in order to protect my headphones / loudspeakers and my hearing in case my DAW crashes or a plugin misbehaves. The problem seems that the lowest value I can give to headroom is 3 dB which means that any audio signal that reaches more than -3 dBFS (e.g. most commercially normalized productions) gets the case of classical music where more than - 3 dBFS are only occasionally reached it means that every really loud peak gets reduced whereas the rest stays at the original level - this is obviously not what I want. I would like to set auto level as a protection that kicks in only when 0 dB or more is reached - is this possible?
And another question: would this auto level output protection really work in the case of a complete driver crash e.g. is this a hardware function that works independently of the driver and the computer?
Thank you very much for your help!