1 (edited by kim 2023-08-12 09:44:35)

Topic: RAYDAT and 802

I have now tried in nearly  2 days to get a sound out of my newly bought RAYDAT connected with RME 802 connected headphones via (CH11/12) of the 802.

even in the matrix of the RAYDAT i have even "connected" all input and outputs

I have even tried "Digital audio workstation moden and used adobe audition an selected ASIO RAYDAT

I have tried assigned Phones 1 and 2 and so on to every channels in RAYDAT - no sound out of CH11/12 of the RME 802

I have tried Full mode, because still no sound out of the headphones of 802, what have i forgotten, because it is possible..?

I can see sound come in RAYDAT TOTALMIX, but no sound out of RME 802 CH11/12....

RME 802 does work, i tried it on a other computer, and i have used it for years, via FIREWIRE, and it works perfect in usb mode.

what have i not tried ? :-)

Re: RAYDAT and 802

The routing from Adat input to headphone output has to be done prior.
The unit needs a computer and Totalmix to perform and store this.
Then the standalone usage is working.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

3 (edited by ramses 2023-08-12 10:16:28)

Re: RAYDAT and 802

May I suggest to get some basics as a refresher to TM FX and routing ..
Sources of information here: https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.php?id=34394

Another thing. What do you expect from the combination of RayDAT and 802?
It might be easier to use one Recording interface, esp. if your TM FX skills are a bit "rusty".
Ok, the HDSPe driver even allows for 32 samples at single speed but the difference to 48 samples as a minimum for the 802 (older) USB driver is not that big and stability and RTL (round trip latency) with RME USB drivers is on par with PCIe.

To setup both interfaces you should keep both manageable, so to say also install the RME USB driver for the 802 and then you can either open a 2nd instance of TM FX to have TM FX #1 for RayDAT and TM FX #2 for 802.

Then you need to configure the routing step by step.
Lets leave out the control room (assign operation) for a while. It only adds a HW output to the control room to offer control room features, do it last.

First of all you need to configure the routing for both interfaces.
For the RayDAT to send something through ADAT.
For the 802 to route something received through ADAT to be routed to one or more HW outputs (aka "submixes") remember, each HW output in TM FX has its individual routing.

Do not mess up everything with the limited DAW mode, use Full mode and become acquainted to it.
Reason, otherwise you have to route EVERYTHING through the DAW with the Full RTL over USB, there are use cases where you would get unwanted / not needed additional latency.

If I may give you another tip.
Go to matrix view and remove all routings of both interfaces and establish only the needed routings.
By this you will also have an excellent overview in the Matrix view.
If you have many standard routings additionally, then matrix view is IMHO of limited use, you see too much of routings that you will never ever use.

What I mean proposing this, here a real-life example:
https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.ph … 00#p192400

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

4 (edited by kim 2023-08-12 10:23:26)

Re: RAYDAT and 802

thank you for helping

to be clear on this:

I dont want to use USB, i hate it :-) - usb is only for testing on my other PC ( i have 2 PC´s, which i dont use  at the same time).
i always used Firewire on the one PC for years to ´802.

Now its ADAT via RAYDAT to ´802 on the one PC.

I bought the RAYDAT to use ADAT to ´802 ADAT to get faster latency, (and because i dont have to buy new PC again) i have connected ´802 to RAYDAT via adat

802 is sync to RAYDAT

"What do you expect from the combination of RayDAT and 802?" - to get more in and outputs (i have more ADAT equipments to connect, and futureproof it for a long time - yes i love RME :-) )

I will read your help again to see if i missed something

5 (edited by ramses 2023-08-12 10:39:33)

Re: RAYDAT and 802

OK, take what you want, but regarding latencies, PCIe is not that much better, see my overview.
Otherwise, UFX / UFX II / UFX + / UFX III etc would be bad products … but in fact they are not, they are true "flagship" products.
https://www.tonstudio-forum.de/blog/ent … cts-en-de/

See also this synthetic DAW load test, running on a meanwhile 9y old system:
https://www.tonstudio-forum.de/blog/Ent … cks-de-en/

In addition to the said … I would keep the USB connection for simpler operation and to be able to perform routing adjustments whenever necessary. The USB driver does not disturb in any way. And you can much easier perform firmware upgrades on the 802.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

6 (edited by kim 2023-08-12 11:02:53)

Re: RAYDAT and 802

Yes it worked!

(But I choosed PCIe RAYDAT because it was either that or thunderbolt, or a brand new PC which i cant afford - the onboard thunderbolt is too old, and the card cant be bought anymore. and the driver for the old firewire card...)

"To setup both interfaces you should keep both manageable, so to say also install the RME USB driver for the 802 and then you can either open a 2nd instance of TM FX to have TM FX #1 for RayDAT and TM FX #2 for 802."

Ok i didnt know I could do that - connect it sort of twice, thats usually a no go for hardware :-)

(I automatically thought that the RAYDAT´s Totalmix would take care of all that, because it could see all I/O´s)

but connect it twice : I WORKD! YES ! thank you! :-)

I have to say RME tuturials is for almost engineers, i have seen many of them... :-)  too difficult to understand

i recommend:

Barry Johns Studio Talk - "RME TotalMix Training Session - Session One - The Fundamentals" and on

Much more down to earth for ordinary people to understand :-))

Re: RAYDAT and 802

Nice that it works.

Did you read the intro and information sources here?


All RME Youtube Videos, also the older from Syntax, are excellent and to the point, not chattey like the usual Youtube Stuff.

There you can also find my Youtube primer, step by step guide for a good initial setup.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13