Topic: Simple explanation for midi control????

Hi all.  I've been working with midi for 25 years,  have setup many controllers to work with DAWs and digital mixers. I'm running loop midi to create virtual ports,  and then routing them with midi ox , etc.

I've never encountered anything like the instructions for midi control of total mix fx. What is a hex? A decimal? I only want to accomplish a couple of simple commands

I want to toggle mute on the master fader.

I want to toggle mute on channel 11.

Can anyone explain how to accomplish this with the terms I understand,  such as.

Midi channel
Midi note number
Midi cc
Midi cc value

I'd love it if I could get a better understanding of how this works,  but failing that,  just a clear list of commands would be amazing,  and my Google searches haven't gotten me anywhere.

Thanks in advance for any help you all can offer

2 (edited by waedi 2023-08-22 19:47:00)

Re: Simple explanation for midi control????

These commands have to go over Midi-channel 1

For the channel 11 ( input channel or output channel ?)
you have to do this in Totalmix and save it as a snapshot, then recall that snapshot from the piano note from the list above.

You can ignore hex, Hexadecimal system numbering is used in sysex programming you probably don't need that.
Without knowing your interface, I just screenshotted the list out of the user manual Babyface Pro FS, it's related to Totalmix in general.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Simple explanation for midi control????

Adding a comment to note, the MIDI notes need to be maximum velocity for MIDI control.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: Simple explanation for midi control????

I appreciate you guys chiming in trying to help. I'm running a UFX FWIW.

That snippet of the manual just gives a confusing list of 19 commands that I would never use. I know however, through trial and error, that CC7 controls the MAIN fader. I don't see it listed anywhere though that CC7 controls the MAIN fader.  Is there a list that includes all of these functions?

The suggestion to use snapshots to mute input channel 11 doesn't really allow me to mute a channel without completely changing every other fader to where it was positioned when I created the snapshot, so is not something I can really use.

Is there a way to toggle mute on Input Channel 11 without using snapshots which effect every other parameter on the mixer?

Also, thank you for letting me know that maximum velocity is required. This was not in the manual.

Re: Simple explanation for midi control????

vsthem wrote:

I've been working with midi for 25 years, ... What is a hex? A decimal?

Really? Without knowing the difference between hexadecimal and decimal?

vsthem wrote:

I'm running a UFX FWIW

never heard of "FWIW". Did i miss sth?

vsthem wrote:

I know however, through trial and error, that CC7 controls the MAIN fader. I don't see it listed anywhere though that CC7 controls the MAIN fader.

Did you really read your manual?
chapter- 28.5 MIDI Control

The hardware output which is set up as Main Out can be controlled by the standard Control
Change Volume via MIDI channel 1. With this, the main volume of the Fireface is controllable
from nearly any MIDI equipped hardware device.

...first sentence

vsthem wrote:

Is there a way to toggle mute on Input Channel 11

Yes. Via Mackie. Unsure, if via Standard MIDI.

“Do It For Her”
My Gear: Bontempi Magic light Keyboard


Re: Simple explanation for midi control????

That''s not FireWire In Windows, but For What It's Worth. wink

Matthias Carstens

Re: Simple explanation for midi control????

OK, I do see that it does say that it is controlled by the "Standard Control Change Volume". I was looking for a reference to CC7, to see if other CCs were listed. My mistake there. I'll also avoid using abbreviations.

Is there a way to control the volume for Phones 1 via MIDI?

8 (edited by maggie33 2023-08-28 18:47:56)

Re: Simple explanation for midi control????

i thought, vsthem slipped on the keyboard - ok - my scool english... tongue

edit: vsthem, our posts seem to overlapped (sry, do not know the exact word, maybe)

“Do It For Her”
My Gear: Bontempi Magic light Keyboard

Re: Simple explanation for midi control????

Is there a way to control the volume for Phones 1 via MIDI?

Seriously? Please read the manual!
Same section:

The first row in TotalMix is addressed by MIDI channels 1 up to 4, the middle row by channels 5
up to 8 and the bottom row by channels 9 up to 12.
16 Controller numbers are used: 102 up to 117 (= hex 66 to 75). With these 16 Controllers (=
faders) and 4 MIDI channels each per row, up to 64 faders can be controlled per row (as re-
quired by the HDSPe MADI).

Ch 9 CC 110/111 should do it.

“Do It For Her”
My Gear: Bontempi Magic light Keyboard

Re: Simple explanation for midi control????

Thank you for the tip on the headphone mix. I now have everything setup except for one thing.

Is it possible to control Mics 1 and 2 volumes, to only the headphone mix? These mics will never go through the mains, and if they did, it would create awful feedback. 

I thought I had the CC/Midi Channel/Row thing figured out, but on ch 1, CC107 controls inputs 5/6, and 106 jumps back over to the 3rd row to the overall volume of the headphone mix. I can't find a CC to control mics 1 and 2.

I apologize for my inability to solve this for myself. I've read dozens of manuals and learned how to operate as many devices. This manual reads like gibberish to me. For the life of me, I can't figure out what 5D/96/A6 means, likewise what a hex or a decimal is, and neither this forum, the manual, or a google search has given me an answer that I'm capable of understanding.

I appreciate the help here on this forum, and have relied on forums for help for many years. I try to offer that help back on the Reaper forums, where I can say that I have some expertise now after several years. So thank you.

Re: Simple explanation for midi control????

Is it possible to control Mics 1 and 2 volumes, to only the headphone mix? These mics will never go through the mains, and if they did, it would create awful feedback.

Yes, but you have to understand the concept behind submixing in TMFX first. There are a lot of tutorials in this forum or the official RME youtube channel. You can set the current submix via MIDI, too

I thought I had the CC/Midi Channel/Row thing figured out, but on ch 1, CC107 controls inputs 5/6,

Yes. right. CC107 = AN6

and 106 jumps back over to the 3rd row to the overall volume of the headphone mix.

CH1 CC106 = AN5 (1st Row) while CH9 CC106 =  AN5 (3rd Row). Maybe you did not select the according channel?

I can't figure out what 5D/96/A6 means, likewise what a hex or a decimal is

I think you mean 93 instead of "96"?

Fortunately a Mackie Control compatible controller is not
required to control these buttons, as they are steered by simple Note On/Off commands on MIDI
channel 1.
The notes are (hex / decimal / keys):
Dim: 5D / 93 / A 6

Again: RTFM! And: It means that you can Trigger the "Dim" via an A6 NoteON/OFF on Channel 1.
A6 Note is in Decimal (according to MIDI Standard): 93
93 is in hex Format: 5D

Play around with your Calculator App... and have a look at:

“Do It For Her”
My Gear: Bontempi Magic light Keyboard

Re: Simple explanation for midi control????

CH1 CC106 = AN5 (1st Row) while CH9 CC106 =  AN5 (3rd Row). Maybe you did not select the according channel?

Just discovered that MIDI OX was changing the channel on the way in. This problem is solved.

A6 Note is in Decimal (according to MIDI Standard): 93
93 is in hex Format: 5D

This is hugely helpful. I thought that it was a long command string, but now I understand that these numbers are different ways of communicating the same information. I think that was a roadblock in my brain from understanding this.

Yes, but you have to understand the concept behind submixing in TMFX first. There are a lot of tutorials in this forum or the official RME youtube channel. You can set the current submix via MIDI, too

I understand how to submix using the app. What I was looking for was a way to send volume changes via MIDI for the volume of Ch 1 and 2 to only effect the Phones 1 mix, without having to select Phones 1 mix, but perhaps this is not possible.

If this is not possible, I guess the next best bet would be to figure out how to select Phones 1 Mix via MIDI, and then adjust the parameters. I'll look into this and see if I can figure it out

Re: Simple explanation for midi control????

What I was looking for was a way to send volume changes via MIDI for the volume of Ch 1 and 2 to only effect the Phones 1 mix, without having to select Phones 1 mix, but perhaps this is not possible.

Ch 1 and Ch 2 = AN1/2? Because before, you was Talking about Mic1/2....
Sure, it is possible, but i do not really understand what you exactly need...

Maybe a screenrecord would help?

Anyhow, you can hide all channels, which you dont need in the Channel Layout for this specific controller:
Inputs: Only the Inputs you want to control shoud be visibe for your specific controller.
Playbacks: Only PH9/10 visible...
Outputs: Only PH 9/10 visible...

Submix Selection in Input/Playback Row should be off for this controller (under MIDI Settings).
Submix linked to Midi Controller shoud be unchecked for it.

“Do It For Her”
My Gear: Bontempi Magic light Keyboard

Re: Simple explanation for midi control????

Thank you again for your help.

I was actually able to achieve what I wanted (midi control of my input channels 1 and 2 for my Phones 1 Mix), by creating two groups with channels I wasn't using.

AES controlled with CC114, grouped with Input 1 Phones Mix
ADAT 1/2 controlled with CC 116, grouped with Input 2 Phones Mix

Really good to know that channels need to be visible to be MIDI controlled.

I think my quest is over for now. Thank you again