1 (edited by plusacht 2023-11-14 14:17:53)

Topic: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

Hey all, got the RME ADI-2 FS DAC today and I am blown away - love it.

I played with the settings and watched a series of YouTube videos but I still have questions. First of all I am using the following setup iPAD (via USB) - ADI2 - NAD C3050 - NAD M23. I do have DIRAC enabled on the NAD so I am not sure if I need EQ enabled ? Besides I do have Revel F208 speaker.

I am using the following settings on the ADI2:
Fixed Output Level
Auto Ref Level: off
Ref Level: +13dBu
Lock volume: on
Volume: -5dB
Parametric EQ: on
Bass/Treble: off
Loudness: off
All other settings are left at default values

What else am I missing here or what else can be optimized?

Thanks in advance

Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

What is the question?

RPi4 | RME ADI-2 Pro FS R BE | Senn HD600 | Sugden Masterclass AA | Teddy Pardo i80d | Naim SBL

Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

plusacht wrote:

Hey all, got the RME ADI-2 FS DAC today and I am blown away - love it.

I played with the settings and watched a series of YouTube videos but I still have questions. First of all I am using the following setup iPAD (via USB) - ADI2 - NAD C3050 - NAD M23. I do have DIRAC enabled on the NAD so I am not sure if I need EQ enabled ? Besides I do have Revel F208 speaker.

I am using the following settings on the ADI2:
Fixed Output Level
Auto Ref Level: off
Ref Level: +13dBu
Lock volume: on
Volume: -5dB
Parametric EQ: on
Bass/Treble: off
Loudness: off
All other settings are left at default values

What else am I missing here or what else can be optimized?

Thanks in advance

There is no such product like ADI-2 FS DAC, do you mean ADI-2 FS or ADI-2 DAC FS?

What's the reason to combine NAD C3050 and NAD M23?
Do you use the C3050 only as a preamp and the M23 as a more powerful power amp?

You could also think about using only a combination of ADI-2 DAC FS (as preamp) and M23 (as power amp).
If you need to connect a turntable, you could also think about the combination of ADI-2/4 Pro SE and M23.

If you require more digital inputs (for any of ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS or ADI-2/4 Pro SE), you could use a TOSLINK switcher to switch between 4 TOSLINK inputs with a remote. The newer version from Oehlbach (Optosel 4:1 Mk III) supports up to 192 kHz and has a better design than other less expensive products.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

4 (edited by KaiS 2023-11-14 23:20:34)

Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

plusacht wrote:

I am using the following settings on the ADI2:
Fixed Output Level
Auto Ref Level: off
Ref Level: +13dBu
Lock volume: on
Volume: -5dB
Parametric EQ: on
Bass/Treble: off
Loudness: off
All other settings are left at default values

What else am I missing here or what else can be optimized?

Looks all reasonable.

Parametric EQ can boost the overall level quite some.
So either keep an eye on the output meters and adjust your volume accordingly – or better switch on Auto Ref Level and let ADI-2 take care to avoid overloads.

Check the ADI-2 Remote for iPad app, it’s a great addition that simplifies ADI-2’s settings on a graphic interface.
https://apps.apple.com/de/app/adi-2-rem … 6449708476

Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

KaiS wrote:
plusacht wrote:

I am using the following settings on the ADI2:
Fixed Output Level
Auto Ref Level: off
Ref Level: +13dBu
Lock volume: on
Volume: -5dB
Parametric EQ: on
Bass/Treble: off
Loudness: off
All other settings are left at default values

What else am I missing here or what else can be optimized?

Looks all reasonable.

Parametric EQ can boost the overall level quite some.
So either keep an eye on the output meters and adjust your volume accordingly – or better switch on Auto Ref Level and let ADI-2 take care to avoid overloads.

Check the ADI-2 Remote for iPad app, it’s a great addition that simplifies ADI-2’s settings on a graphic interface.
https://apps.apple.com/de/app/adi-2-rem … 6449708476

Thanks - I also found an older article from you:

CASE 1, analog volume control:
To maximize ADI-2's dynamic range (S/N ratio) it's best to have ADI-2’s volume control at 0 dB, using the external ANALOG AMP’s volume control to set listening level:
• Set external amp's volume control to middle position or some above.
• Switch OFF ADI-2's "Auto Reference Level".
• Set ADI-2's volume control to 0 dB.
• Select the reference level that fits best to your loudness demands.
• Use the ext. amp's volume dial to control the final loudness.
• Once you start to use any of ADI-2's DSP functions like e.g. the EQ:
- Compensate possible level boosts with ADI-2's volume control until the Level Meter does not show overs.
- Or switch back On “Auto Reference Level" and let ADI-2 calculate the best value.

A couple of questions, first of all I kept "Auto Ref Level" and I also like case 1 because easier to control and my daughter keeps playing with the volume knob on the pre-amp so keeping it on a fixed level is hard smile

1. Would you advise on case 2 over case 1 or the configuration I shared? I solely use the Line Out (no headphones)
2. I am using an NAD C3050 as the pre-amp and another NAD C23 as the power amp, do you advise to keep DIRAC live on the NAD "ON" or use RME ADI2 DAC FS smile to optimise the sound? in that case DIRAC Live "Off"
3. What is the relationship between EQ (Bass / Treble) and EQ? Do I need to switch "On" Bass/Treble in order to use it in EQ? (I might got this wrong)

I think these would be my basic questions I need to sort out before starting to delve deeper into the EQ settings.

Lastly, I downloaded the app already is super helpful.

Appreciate the support.

6 (edited by KaiS 2023-11-15 01:17:30)

Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

Case 1 and 2 are “pure” configurations, one way or the other.
https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.ph … 21#p161721

Of course a mix of both is possible, to adapt to a certain situation.
I think if you follow my first posting here you’ve got your own optimum.

If you don’t run other sources through your C3050, you could even try direct connection of ADI-2 to the power amp, bypassing the pre, for a cleaner signal path.

Dirac is different to manual EQ, so if you like it, keep it.
ADI-2’s PEQ could do the job, but only if set using measurement equipment.

Still, it would affect only sources running through ADI-2, nothing plugged directly to the NAD C3050 like e.g. a turntable.

To avoid “loudness-accidents”, you could consider the use of passive attenuators between pre- and power-amp, to limit the maximum loudness level and even improve SNR a little.
https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.ph … 42#p120442

Bass/Treble can be used and activated fully independent of the PEQ, or integrated into PEQ with the option: Bass/Treble: “Load with EQ”.

Then B/T’s effect becomes visible in the EQ graph too, while still maintaining their independent controls on the IR Remote.

I prefer it that way.

ADI-2 works nicely in any configuration, all this is no “Make or Break” stuff.

Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

KaiS wrote:

Case 1 and 2 are “pure” configurations, one way or the other.
https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.ph … 21#p161721

Of course a mix of both is possible, to adapt to a certain situation.
I think if you follow my first posting here you’ve got your own optimum.

If you don’t run other sources through your C3050, you could even try direct connection of ADI-2 to the power amp, bypassing the pre, for a cleaner signal path.

Dirac is different to manual EQ, so if you like it, keep it.
ADI-2’s PEQ could do the job, but only if set using measurement equipment.

Still, it would affect only sources running through ADI-2, nothing plugged directly to the NAD C3050 like e.g. a turntable.

To avoid “loudness-accidents”, you could consider the use of passive attenuators between pre- and power-amp, to limit the maximum loudness level and even improve SNR a little.
https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.ph … 42#p120442

Bass/Treble can be used and activated fully independent of the PEQ, or integrated into PEQ with the option: Bass/Treble: “Load with EQ”.

Then B/T’s effect becomes visible in the EQ graph too, while still maintaining their independent controls on the IR Remote.

I prefer it that way.

ADI-2 works nicely in any configuration, all this is no “Make or Break” stuff.

Thanks a lot and very interesting especially connecting the RME directly via balanced cable to the M23. The only thing I would lose is DIRAC but not sure how important this is. Then I would use the C3050 for Apple TV and turntables.

In summary this is what I would use:
Fixed Output Level
Auto Ref Level: on
Ref Level: +13dBu
Lock volume: on
Volume: -5dB
Parametric EQ: on
Bass/Treble: Load with EQ
Loudness: off

One last question on the volume, I read in another article that +13dBu and -5dB is giving you +2 Volt output.
https://www.audiosciencereview.com/foru … 0-s.15478/

How important is that?

Thats a good starting point before I go deeper into EQ.

Thanks really helpful

8 (edited by KaiS 2023-11-15 07:22:57)

Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

You might already know, but just to be sure:

You cannot use Fixed Output Level / Lock Volume with direct connection to a power amp, “Case 2”.
Only if you use a preamp with volume control, “Case 1”.
https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.ph … 21#p161721

For direct connection of ADI-2 to the NAD M23 I strongly suggest to use passive attenuators to limit the maximum power and optimize SNR.
Else sooner or later this strong amp will fry your speakers.

https://www.thomann.de/de/shure_a15as.h … JIQAvD_BwE


2 V is no better or worse than any other random voltage BTW, so don’t hang on that figure.

9 (edited by plusacht 2023-11-15 07:52:33)

Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

KaiS wrote:

You cannot use Fixed Output Level / Lock Volume with direct connection to a power amp, “Case 2”.
Only if you use a preamp with volume control, “Case 1”.

For direct connection of ADI-2 to the NAD M23 I strongly suggest to use passive attenuators to limit the maximum power and optimize SNR.
Else sooner or later this strong amp will fry your speakers.

https://www.thomann.de/de/shure_a15as.h … JIQAvD_BwE


2 V is no better or worse than any other random voltage BTW, so don’t hang on that figure.

Hey, thanks so much. I actually followed your advise exactly outlined in case 2 and created a direct connection between ADI2 and M27 poweramp via balanced output.

Three more questions:
1. Do I need 2 passive attenuators one for Left and one for Right?
2. In case I would bring back the pre-amp then no attenuators needed, correct? (just asking since I have to order them from Germany)
2. My external subwoofer Revel Performa3 B112 I connect via RCA out on the ADI2? My understanding is that subwoofers are mono but in some of the forums I read both RCA (Left and Right) need to be connected to the sub. So do I need both or just one RCA cable?

thanks a lot.

10 (edited by KaiS 2023-11-15 12:30:41)

Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

You need 2 passive attenuators, one for each channel.
For the moment the pre-amp could replace the attenuators.

ADI-2 to power-amp direct even works without the attenuators, but be very careful with the power handling.

The sub should be connected to ADI-2 with 2 RCA‘s, or you will miss the bass signal from the other channel.
Bass is NOT fully mono in most music tracks.

11 (edited by plusacht 2023-11-15 11:25:30)

Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

KaiS wrote:

You need 2 passive attenuators, one for each channel.
For the moment the pre-amp could replace the attenuators.

ADI-2 to power-amp direct even works without the attenuators, but be very careful with the power handling.

The sub should be connected to AD-2 with 2 RCA‘s, or you will miss the bass signal from the other channel.
Bass is NOT fully mono in most music tracks.

I have to say I learned a lot in the last 24 hours - thanks a lot. For now no more immediate questions.

12 (edited by plusacht 2023-11-15 15:38:20)

Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

Made all the changes and ordered 2 passive attenuators in Germany. I observed that all my music streams on high res (Apple Music) or MQA and Flac 24 Bit (tidal) are just displayed on the adi2 as INT 88.2 is this correct ?

Edit: just found this
A 24-bit digital music sample taken 88,200 times per second (88.2 kHz). Twice the sampling rate of the regular 44.1 kHz music CD, this is a standard format for downloadable high-definition music that was converted from a DSD master.

So I guess this is the highest I can get out of high res streaming ?

13 (edited by KaiS 2023-11-15 17:45:49)

Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

plusacht wrote:

Made all the changes and ordered 2 passive attenuators in Germany. I observed that all my music streams on high res (Apple Music) or MQA and Flac 24 Bit (tidal) are just displayed on the adi2 as INT 88.2 is this correct ?

Edit: just found this
A 24-bit digital music sample taken 88,200 times per second (88.2 kHz). Twice the sampling rate of the regular 44.1 kHz music CD, this is a standard format for downloadable high-definition music that was converted from a DSD master.

So I guess this is the highest I can get out of high res streaming ?

Tidal (-MASTER) on iPad/iPhone goes from 44.1 up to 192 kHz here, depending on the music track.

I’m not aware of any certain “standard” for DSD to PCM-streaming conversion.
Is it said to be an Apple-Music thing?

14 (edited by plusacht 2023-11-16 01:50:02)

Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

KaiS wrote:
plusacht wrote:

Made all the changes and ordered 2 passive attenuators in Germany. I observed that all my music streams on high res (Apple Music) or MQA and Flac 24 Bit (tidal) are just displayed on the adi2 as INT 88.2 is this correct ?

Edit: just found this
A 24-bit digital music sample taken 88,200 times per second (88.2 kHz). Twice the sampling rate of the regular 44.1 kHz music CD, this is a standard format for downloadable high-definition music that was converted from a DSD master.

So I guess this is the highest I can get out of high res streaming ?

Tidal (-MASTER) on iPad/iPhone goes from 44.1 up to 192 kHz here, depending on the music track.

I’m not aware of any certain “standard” for DSD to PCM-streaming conversion.
Is it said to be an Apple-Music thing?

I never got more than 88.2 on Tidal on either MQA or Flac 24 Bit 192 KHZ tracks and on Apple Music on high res 96. Anything in the settings I missed out? Double checked both Apple Music and Tidal are set to max when on wifi. Also iPad is connected via Wire to ADI2.

UPDATE: I figured Apple Music - you have to switch off Dolby Atmos in the settings where immediately I get 192k. I believe there might be a similar switch in Tidal?

Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

Sorry for a little bit off topic. But I wanted to ask this for a long time.

Attenuators, quality, installation:

Is there a difference in quality between the JTS-123 (25 bugs) and Sure A15AS (75 bugs)?

Regarding resistance, these attenuators should be placed at the end of the cable, direct connected to the target device, for example monitor speakers or power amp. These attenuators are very long and need a lot of space behind the monitors or power amps and there is a risk of mechanical damage (long lever).

Is there a good, recommended way to install these attenuators behind these devices without needing so much space and minimizing the risk? Maybe a short XLR-Cable (1 meter, 3 ft) between attenuator and target device?
But I would be concerned about the additional connectors degrading signal quality.


16 (edited by Babaluma 2023-11-16 07:32:20)

Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

1) I went with the Shure because I've used their products for decades and trust them. I've never heard of JTS.

2) I have mine sticking out the back on my Pro 2/4, before 2m XLR cables to my ATC monitors. Was also a little worried about the strain, but they've been there a year now and everything seems fine. I think if I was more worried I'd do what you suggest and just use a very short cable so the attenuators could rest on the table and not cause any strain.

3) I noticed no difference in sound quality. It's just a tiny bit of metal, wire and a switch with high quality resistors.


Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

Babaluma wrote:

1) I went with the Shure because I've used their products for decades and trust them. I've never heard of JTS.

2) I have mine sticking out the back on my Pro 2/4, before 2m XLR cables to my ATC monitors. Was also a little worried about the strain, but they've been there a year now and everything seems fine. I think if I was more worried I'd do what you suggest and just use a very short cable so the attenuators could rest on the table and not cause any strain.

3) I noticed no difference in sound quality. It's just a tiny bit of metal, wire and a switch with high quality resistors.

Was discussed months/years ago with the reply of MC that this is neutral to sound.
Finally, no need to spend the extra money on the Shure, of course, feel free to get the Shure if you want to stick to this brand.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

ramses wrote:

Was discussed months/years ago with the reply of MC that this is neutral to sound.
Finally, no need to spend the extra money on the Shure, of course, feel free to get the Shure if you want to stick to this brand.

I was just answering the OP with my own recent experience. Am sure the JTS is great, but can't speak about it because I haven't tried it. The Shure works great. The main difference between the two is that the Shure offers -15, -20 and -25dB attenuation, whilst the JTS offers -10, -20, and -30dB attenuation, which may or may not be important depending on what amp/active monitors you are using it with. I have the Shure set to -25dB with my ATC actives, which allows me to have the Pro 2/4 set to around -27 to -6 volume (depending on the source) for a nice level in the room.

Not really sure why you singled out my post, I was just offering advice/experience to the OP...


Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

Babaluma wrote:
ramses wrote:

Was discussed months/years ago with the reply of MC that this is neutral to sound.
Finally, no need to spend the extra money on the Shure, of course, feel free to get the Shure if you want to stick to this brand.

I was just answering the OP with my own recent experience. Am sure the JTS is great, but can't speak about it because I haven't tried it. The Shure works great. The main difference between the two is that the Shure offers -15, -20 and -25dB attenuation, whilst the JTS offers -10, -20, and -30dB attenuation, which may or may not be important depending on what amp/active monitors you are using it with. I have the Shure set to -25dB with my ATC actives, which allows me to have the Pro 2/4 set to around -27 to -6 volume (depending on the source) for a nice level in the room.

Not really sure why you singled out my post, I was just offering advice/experience to the OP...

I meant no offense. It sounded to my ears as if you were recommending Shure as a brand, as if one would or could take any risk with the purchase of the JTS. I just wanted to set the record straight, that's all.

Incidentally, I share your observation that the attenuators also have different adjustment ranges:
-15/-20/-25 vs -10/-20/-30
-30 might be an advantage in cases where needed.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

As originally stated, I went with the Shure because I've been using their products for decades and they have all been solid. Indeed, it's a brand that I trust! I have never heard of JTS. That wasn't meant to be a dis on JTS, just that I have never used their products so do not have an opinion. If people who own the JTS would speak up, that would be great.

Both units also have different input and output impedances, which may also affect the sound and how they react with the gear they are attached to. I seem to remember when I asked MC a year ago about it, he said lower impedance would be better. Another reason I went with the Shure.

https://pubs.shure.com/guide/A15AS/en-U … AxMjg1NjE.

https://www.jts-europe.com/products/mic … es/ma-123/


Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

All good guys, valuable input. Just to get the attention back to the original question:

UPDATE: I figured Apple Music - you have to switch off Dolby Atmos in the settings and immediately I get 192k. Tidal remains on 88.2 even on FLAC and MQA. Any idea why is this the case?

Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

Thank you very much for the helpful information.

Sorry for hijacking. ;-)

Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

fermion wrote:

Thank you very much for the helpful information.

Sorry for hijacking. ;-)

No issues hahahaha

Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

plusacht wrote:

All good guys, valuable input. Just to get the attention back to the original question:

UPDATE: I figured Apple Music - you have to switch off Dolby Atmos in the settings and immediately I get 192k. Tidal remains on 88.2 even on FLAC and MQA. Any idea why is this the case?

Do you have the latest iPad Tidal app?
The earlier ones don’t support 192 kHz, are limited to 96 kHz.

Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

KaiS wrote:
plusacht wrote:

All good guys, valuable input. Just to get the attention back to the original question:

UPDATE: I figured Apple Music - you have to switch off Dolby Atmos in the settings and immediately I get 192k. Tidal remains on 88.2 even on FLAC and MQA. Any idea why is this the case?

Do you have the latest iPad Tidal app?
The earlier ones don’t support 192 kHz, are limited to 96 kHz.

Yes latest version, any specific track that I should try out?

26 (edited by KaiS 2023-11-17 00:19:35)

Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

plusacht wrote:
KaiS wrote:
plusacht wrote:

All good guys, valuable input. Just to get the attention back to the original question:

UPDATE: I figured Apple Music - you have to switch off Dolby Atmos in the settings and immediately I get 192k. Tidal remains on 88.2 even on FLAC and MQA. Any idea why is this the case?

Do you have the latest iPad Tidal app?
The earlier ones don’t support 192 kHz, are limited to 96 kHz.

Yes latest version, any specific track that I should try out?

Check my Tidal 192 kHz playlist:
https://tidal.com/playlist/b1f86534-4c3 … ca557e6f05

Just a loose collection I did when I stumbled across true 192 kHz stuff.

Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

KaiS wrote:
plusacht wrote:
KaiS wrote:

Do you have the latest iPad Tidal app?
The earlier ones don’t support 192 kHz, are limited to 96 kHz.

Yes latest version, any specific track that I should try out?

Check my Tidal 192 kHz playlist:
https://tidal.com/playlist/b1f86534-4c3 … ca557e6f05

Just a loose collection I did when I stumbled across true 192 kHz stuff.

It works ! 192khz - puzzled but it did work. Thx

Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

Moving now towards EQ since the foundation is setup and working incl. I ordered the passive attenuators.

Is there any pre-set I can use for my Revel F208 and Revel B112 sub?


29 (edited by KaiS 2023-11-18 12:05:24)

Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

plusacht wrote:

Moving now towards EQ since the foundation is setup and working incl. I ordered the passive attenuators.

Is there any pre-set I can use for my Revel F208 and Revel B112 sub?


The primary thing would be to check the transition and teaming of mains and sub, in context with the room.

First you should max out the optimization of the speaker/sub-internal settings - and maybe speaker/sub placement in the room.
Then EQ adds option for tweaks that the speakers don‘t offer.

You absolutely need a measurement system, else it‘s all fishing in muddy waters.

For iDevice all you need is the $12 app FFT, from StudioSix / Andrew Smith:

It changes the iPhone / iPad into a self contained, complete audio analysis system, nothing else needed.

You can run it on both iPad (as stationary source for the pink noise) and iPhone (for the portable measurement mic and analysis) at the same time, and have a result in a minute without any complicated setup.

You don’t need to be an expert for this - once you see what’s going on, corrections of all kinds are much easier to achieve.

Here’s a comprehensive “how to” for the process:
https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.ph … 12#p155312

Here’s an explanation why I suppose this approach:
https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.ph … 14#p173214

Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

Great. Thx

Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

Is there a way to convert a DIRAC LIVE measurement I did a few weeks back before I received the ADI2?

32 (edited by KaiS 2023-11-19 15:10:47)

Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

plusacht wrote:

Is there a way to convert a DIRAC LIVE measurement I did a few weeks back before I received the ADI2?

Do you have access to the Dirac curve / setting in any form?

Even if not, by running a reference speaker measurement trough NAD. e.g. with AudioTools.
Then repeat the measure through ADI-2, and adjust it’s PEQ to the same result - this would replicate the Dirac-EQ-curve.

AudioTools has a compare-function that simplifies this process.

33 (edited by plusacht 2023-11-20 05:38:14)

Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

KaiS wrote:
plusacht wrote:

Is there a way to convert a DIRAC LIVE measurement I did a few weeks back before I received the ADI2?

Do you have access to the Dirac curve / setting in any form?

Even if not, by running a reference speaker measurement trough NAD. e.g. with AudioTools.
Then repeat the measure through ADI-2, and adjust it’s PEQ to the same result - this would replicate the Dirac-EQ-curve.

AudioTools has a compare-function that simplifies this process.

I do have the Dirac curve:


How do I translate the curve now into ADI-2 measure?

34 (edited by KaiS 2023-11-20 16:48:32)

Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

Id‘d go with acoustic measurements, because it‘s the real thing, compared to any more abstract approach.

• Measure the in-room response with Dirac active.
• Replace the NAD with ADI-2.
• Replicate the Dirac in-room response with ADI-2’s PEQ.

All you need is an iPhone /AudioTools FFT and a tripod mount for it, as it may not move between the measurements.

Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

KaiS wrote:

Id‘d go with acoustic measurements, because it‘s the real thing, compared to any more abstract approach.

• Measure the in-room response with Dirac active.
• Replace the NAD with ADI-2.
• Replicate the Dirac in-room response with ADI-2’s PEQ.

All you need is an iPhone /AudioTools FFT and a tripod mount for it, as it may not move between the measurements.

I bought the FFT Tool but I think this is one level above what I am able to handle. I read your description in the other forum post but honestly I am too stupid to replicate this - I basically gave up. Still happy that I made it this far.

Should I just use the standard settings (factory settings) or is there any advise on some basic changes I should do on PEQ especially on the PEQ Band Type (peak, shelf, high cut, high pass) per band type?

36 (edited by KaiS 2023-11-22 14:11:35)

Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

Sorry to hear the FFT doesn’t help - the Dirac usage look at least equally complex to me.

Maybe if you play around with FFT a bit you will find out what it can give you.
You live and learn- and nothing can break!

The standard settings give a good starting point for general use as versatile tone controls, adjusted to taste.
Of course detailed adjustments to your specific situation is mandatory for replicating what DIRAC does.

Consider to even combine DIRAC and ADI-2’s PEQ - DIRAC claims to go a little beyond simple EQ.

Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

KaiS wrote:

Sorry to hear the FFT doesn’t help - the Dirac usage look at least equally complex to me.

Maybe if you play around with FFT a bit you will find out what it can give you.
You live and learn- and nothing can break!

The standard settings give a good starting point for general use as versatile tone controls, adjusted to taste.
Of course detailed adjustments to your specific situation is mandatory for replicating what DIRAC does.

Consider to even combine DIRAC and ADI-2’s PEQ - DIRAC claims to go a little beyond simple EQ.

That is true nothing can break smile

On your last point, just to confirm you mean by combining Dirac and Adi I use my nad m17 as a preamp? So no direct connection into poweramp to leverage the power of Dirac ? Just double checking here.

Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

plusacht wrote:

On your last point, just to confirm you mean by combining Dirac and Adi I use my nad m17 as a preamp? So no direct connection into poweramp to leverage the power of Dirac ? Just double checking here.

Whatever sounds best to you.

The NAD M17 offers Dirac, which might or might not improve the sound.
At least, reading through Dirac’s manual, it‘s capable to sort out room related bass issues.

Without being aided by measurements a manually adjusted PEQ can‘t do the same.
This is where the FFT was intended to come into play.

Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

KaiS wrote:
plusacht wrote:

On your last point, just to confirm you mean by combining Dirac and Adi I use my nad m17 as a preamp? So no direct connection into poweramp to leverage the power of Dirac ? Just double checking here.

Whatever sounds best to you.

The NAD M17 offers Dirac, which might or might not improve the sound.
At least, reading through Dirac’s manual, it‘s capable to sort out room related bass issues.

Without being aided by measurements a manually adjusted PEQ can‘t do the same.
This is where the FFT was intended to come into play.

Ok let me play around with FFT again.

40 (edited by plusacht 2023-12-02 10:36:23)

Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

I got my Shure Attenuator's and also refined PEQ - picture attached.


1. What DB do I set on the attenuators (-15, -20, -25)
2. What do I need to adjust on the ADI? Incr. DBr?


41 (edited by KaiS 2023-12-02 19:06:33)

Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

plusacht wrote:

I got my Shure Attenuator's …
1. What DB do I set on the attenuators (-15, -20, -25)

If the picture represents your normal listing level, -25 dB attenuation.
Then your ADI-2 volume setting gets into the optimum range beween -25 and 0 dBr.

plusacht wrote:

2. What do I need to adjust on the ADI? Incr. DBr?

All set correctly, just dial the Volume to your listing level (if I got the question right).

The important point is, “Auto Ref Level” should be on, which is the case, as volume is shown in dBr instead of plain dB without r.

Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

KaiS wrote:
plusacht wrote:

I got my Shure Attenuator's …
1. What DB do I set on the attenuators (-15, -20, -25)

If the picture represents your normal listing level, -25 dB attenuation.
Then your ADI-2 volume setting gets into the optimum range beween -25 and 0 dBr.

plusacht wrote:

2. What do I need to adjust on the ADI? Incr. DBr?

All set correctly, just dial the Volume to your listing level (if I got the question right).

The important point is, “Auto Ref Level” should be on, which is the case, as volume is shown in dBr instead of plain dB without r.

Done all of it - see new screenshot. The only thing I observed and maybe it is just my ears this morning is that suddenly everything is more bass heavy. Can this be? Which would lead me to another question, on the backside of my Revel B112 I have a switch for subwoofer gain control (FROM MANUAL: Subwoofer Gain control: Use this control to adjust the volume of the subwoofer relative to the system’s other speakers. The Gain control can be disabled using the Revel LFO programming software). What level do I set this considering that I want ADI to be the brain for all controls.

As usual - thanks a lot.


43 (edited by KaiS 2023-12-03 08:14:25)

Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

plusacht wrote:

Done all of it - see new screenshot. The only thing I observed and maybe it is just my ears this morning is that suddenly everything is more bass heavy. Can this be? Which would lead me to another question, on the backside of my Revel B112 I have a switch for subwoofer gain control (FROM MANUAL: Subwoofer Gain control: Use this control to adjust the volume of the subwoofer relative to the system’s other speakers. The Gain control can be disabled using the Revel LFO programming software). What level do I set this considering that I want ADI to be the brain for all controls.

You likely have attenuated the mains now, but not the subs.
So, the subs are much stronger now, relatively to the mains.

You would need to attenuate the subs the same amount the Shure attenuators do for the mains.

Which configuration / cabling did you finally settle on?

ADI-2 XLR out -> Shure Attenuators > (Mains, Sub)?
ADI-2 Rear TRS out -> ???
NADs ???

My preferred version would be:
ADI-2 XLR out-> XLR cables -> [optional: XLR to RCA adapter -> NAD for Dirac -> XLR cable] -> Shure attenuators -> Sub XLR in > Sub XLR out -> XLR cables -> Main Speakers.

44 (edited by plusacht 2023-12-03 07:44:06)

Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

KaiS wrote:
plusacht wrote:

Done all of it - see new screenshot. The only thing I observed and maybe it is just my ears this morning is that suddenly everything is more bass heavy. Can this be? Which would lead me to another question, on the backside of my Revel B112 I have a switch for subwoofer gain control (FROM MANUAL: Subwoofer Gain control: Use this control to adjust the volume of the subwoofer relative to the system’s other speakers. The Gain control can be disabled using the Revel LFO programming software). What level do I set this considering that I want ADI to be the brain for all controls.

You likely have attenuated the mains now, but not the subs.
So, the subs are much stronger now, relatively to the mains.

You would need to attenuate the subs the same amount the Shure attenuators do for the mains.

Which configuration / cabling did you finally settle on?

ADI-2 XLR out -> Shure Attenuators > (Mains, Sub)?
ADI-2 Rear TRS out -> ???
NADs ???

My preferred version would be:
ADI-2 XLR out-> XLR cables -> [optional: XLR to RCA adapter -> NAD for Dirac -> XLR cable] -> Shure attenuators -> Sub XLR in > Sub XLR out -> XLR cables -> Main Speakers.

This makes a lot of sense what you are saying.

My setup:
ADI-2 XLR out -> NAD M27 XLR IN -> Front Speakers
ADI-2 RCA out -> NAD B112 RCA IN (Subwoofer)

For your preferred version I need longer RCA cables since the sub is on the other side where the ADI / NAD is like 4x 3 meters. I can order them but might take some time. In the meanwhile I just play with the subwoofer gain control? Or anything I can temporarily adjust on the ADI?

Besides, any preferred XLR cable brand I should consider (without triggering this forum)?

45 (edited by KaiS 2023-12-03 08:17:59)

Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

As the NAD is still in play, the configuration has to be reconsidered.
Meanwhile use the sub’s gain, as mentioned.

XLR brands: Klotz, Sommer cable, good professional stuff, non-audiophile which is just rip-off.

Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

KaiS wrote:

As the NAD is still in play, the configuration has to be reconsidered.
Meanwhile use the sub’s gain, as mentioned.

XLR brands: Klotz, Sommer cable, good professional stuff, non-audiophile which is just rip-off.

Yes, I will follow the preferred configuration. Thanks

47 (edited by KaiS 2023-12-03 21:32:03)

Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

plusacht wrote:

My setup:
ADI-2 XLR out -> NAD M27 XLR IN -> Front Speakers
ADI-2 RCA out -> NAD B112 RCA IN (Subwoofer)

Sorry, I think I mixed something.

You have the NAD M27 poweramp in service now, not the C3050/M23 pre-/power-amp combo mentioned in your 1st posting.

So cabling is all fine as it is, leave it.
Just bring down the sub’s input gain to match with the mains again after inserting the Shure Attenuators - that’s all!

48 (edited by plusacht 2023-12-04 14:13:00)

Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

KaiS wrote:
plusacht wrote:

My setup:
ADI-2 XLR out -> NAD M27 XLR IN -> Front Speakers
ADI-2 RCA out -> NAD B112 RCA IN (Subwoofer)

Sorry, I think I mixed something.

You have the NAD M27 poweramp in service now, not the C3050/M23 pre-/power-amp combo mentioned in your 1st posting.

So cabling is all fine as it is, leave it.
Just bring down the sub’s input gain to match with the mains again after inserting the Shure Attenuators - that’s all!

Ahh just saw this!! I bought all these XLR cables now hahah

So let's try your suggestion? I assume ADI -> Revel Input connectors -> Revel High Pass out -> NAD M27 power amp?


49 (edited by KaiS 2023-12-04 16:09:42)

Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

plusacht wrote:
KaiS wrote:
plusacht wrote:

My setup:
ADI-2 XLR out -> NAD M27 XLR IN -> Front Speakers
ADI-2 RCA out -> NAD B112 RCA IN (Subwoofer)

Sorry, I think I mixed something.

You have the NAD M27 poweramp in service now, not the C3050/M23 pre-/power-amp combo mentioned in your 1st posting.

So cabling is all fine as it is, leave it.
Just bring down the sub’s input gain to match with the mains again after inserting the Shure Attenuators - that’s all!

Ahh just saw this!! I bought all these XLR cables now hahah

So let's try your suggestion? I assume ADI -> Revel Input connectors -> Revel High Pass out -> NAD M27 power amp?


Yes, this is the other option:

ADI-2 DAC XLR out -> NAD B112 XLR in -> NAD B112 XLR (HPF) out ->
Shure Passive Attenuators -> NAD M27 XLR IN -> Front Speakers

The default value for the B112 mains’ out High Pass Filter is 80 Hz.
IMO this is way too high, as your mains are quite bass-capable.

B112 software allows for tuning this, 30 Hz would allow the mains to contribute significant bass to the result, improving room-couping and bass transients.

Thinking about it:
The signal path would be cleaner not running the mains through the sub.
Probably a lot is going on in there (AD-DA?) to provide a tunable High Pass Filter.

Re: Configuration recommendation iPAD/ADI/NAD

KaiS wrote:
plusacht wrote:
KaiS wrote:

Sorry, I think I mixed something.

You have the NAD M27 poweramp in service now, not the C3050/M23 pre-/power-amp combo mentioned in your 1st posting.

So cabling is all fine as it is, leave it.
Just bring down the sub’s input gain to match with the mains again after inserting the Shure Attenuators - that’s all!

Ahh just saw this!! I bought all these XLR cables now hahah

So let's try your suggestion? I assume ADI -> Revel Input connectors -> Revel High Pass out -> NAD M27 power amp?


Yes, this is the other option:

ADI-2 DAC XLR out -> NAD B112 XLR in -> NAD B112 XLR (HPF) out ->
Shure Passive Attenuators -> NAD M27 XLR IN -> Front Speakers

The default value for the B112 mains’ out High Pass Filter is 80 Hz.
IMO this is way too high, as your mains are quite bass-capable.

B112 software allows for tuning this, 30 Hz would allow the mains to contribute significant bass to the result, improving room-couping and bass transients.

Thinking about it:
The signal path would be cleaner not running the mains through the sub.
Probably a lot is going on in there (AD-DA?) to provide a tunable High Pass Filter.

So keep everything as it is?
ADI-2 XLR out -> Shure Passive Attenuators -> NAD M27 XLR IN -> Front Speakers
ADI-2 RCA out -> NAD B112 RCA IN (Subwoofer) and use Sub gain to regulate
