polar_light wrote:Hello RME community,
I am new to this whole recording world and I was wondering if you could help me with a few questions.
1. When I connect the Inputs 5/6 of my Fireface with the Outputs 1 and 2 of my Tone Master Pro there are a few things I noticed.
At first I was using instrument cables. With these cables the volume level was rather quiet (I checked the level of Analog 5/6 and its on 0db). Therefore I switched to speaker cables and the volume level was getting louder. Now my question is: What is the best way to connect my Tone Master Pro with the Fireface and what kind of cables should I use?
2. With my connection described above I tried to play along to some songs. My main output volume level is on -15db in order to hear my guitar sound from my Tone Master Pro. At the same time I have to reduce the volume in my playback software (Apple Music). Otherwise the music would be way too loud and I would not be able to hear my guitar. Is there another way to control this in Totalmix?
Thank you for your help!
According to the Fender Tone Master Pro manual, Output 1 and 2 support balanced operation.
https://www.fmicassets.com/Damroot/Orig … PRO_EN.pdf
Balanced connections are preferable over unbalanced connections because a special circuit eliminates noise out of the signal which is sent in different (+/-) polarity. Also beneficial, the higher signal level, which is good when you have to use longer cables in the studio or on stage.
Side note: Output 1 can also be used unbalanced (not so sure about Output 2) then the signal level is also lower. But as we would rather not use an unbalanced connection, we skip this option and concentrate on the balanced connections.
So you can use on Output 1 either an "XLR to TRS" or "TRS to TRS" cable, depending on what cable you have / prefer.
Output 1 and Output 2 support different signal levels.
The default is "line" level, but you can also configure "instrument" level, which is lower.
Output1: balanced, "Line" (default): 12.0V = 23.8 dBu
Output1: balanced, "instrument": 3.9V = 14.0 dBu
Output2: balanced, "Line" (default): 4.7V = 15.7 dBu
Output2: balanced, "instrument": 2.8V = 11.2 dBu
The calculation you can repeat yourself using: https://sengpielaudio.com/Rechner-db-volt.htm
Now look into your UCX II's manual, ch 39.1: https://www.rme-audio.de/downloads/fface_ucx2_e.pdf
There you see the different supported reference levels of analog inputs:
AD, Line In 5-8, rear
- Input sensitivity switchable to +19 dBu and +13 dBu
So, the maximum supported input level of AN5/6 is +19 dBu.
Settings on UCX II in TM FX
For AN 5/6 you need to choose the reference level "+19 dBu" to make the analog input as insensitive as possible to support hot signals up to +19 dBu.
Settings on Fender Tonemaster
Configure "instrument" level for Output 1, so that the signal is not higher than 14 dBu (3.9V max). Then you have still a headroom of 5 dB up to 19 dBu which is good.
The default, "line" level, with up to ~24 dBu would overload the input and distortion would be the result.
BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub14