Topic: RME Fireface UCX with Pro Tools Intro

Hi There,

I'm having a hard time getting Pro Tools Intro to work with my Fireface UCX; I'm essentially not getting any output from PT into Totalmix, so no metering displaying in TM from PT. I do however get input from a microphone into PT and can record this.

The playback wiring on my setup is TRS outs from 5/6 of the fireface into a headphone amp which also splits into a passive monitor controller. This works fine for Windows sound, and I've also tested this with Reaper using the Fireface ASIO and works fine.

I'm using the latest Fireface ASIO driver (V.1.29) and the firmware of the FF is updated to the latest version (V.49 and DSP: V.26). The PC is running Windows 10 Home 64bit (V. 22H2).

I'm leaning towards the problem being that PT isn't being given exclusive use of the ASIO driver - playback works fine with the PC's built in playback engine. I've searched how to configure the ASIO's multi client functionality, but I've had no luck. I believe this feature is potentially causing issues with PT for me.

Things I have done, or tried:

- Ensured all Windows sound I/O related to the FF is set to exclusive mode and allowing exclusive mode applications priority.
- Setting WDM devices to 0 in the FF USB settings.
- Plugging in headphones to the output/mic jack on the pc to allow Windows Sound to default to the built in sound.
- Trailed Dante Virtual Soundcard to give Windows an alternative I/O to default to.
- Switching between DAW mode and Full mode in Totalmix
- Checking the routing matrix in TM to ensure continuity.

Basic setups I have run through

- Run through all the PT optimisations as recommended on AVID's website
- Ensured PT I/O is defaulted on the In's, Outs and Buss'
- PT Hardware set to Fireface ASIO

I'm wondering if anyone else has had this issue in the past, could direct me to a previous forum topic (I had a good search) or if there is a way to disable multi client functionality?

The only way, if I remember right from my old PC, to get my RME to work with PT was to use ASIO4ALL which is exclusive only (I think). Which was fine before as I only needed PT to mix then, but now I want to take advantage of the Fireface ASIO low latency for recording.

Thanks for your time, any help would be appreciated. If any more info is required to help diagnose this issue I'll happily provide

Re: RME Fireface UCX with Pro Tools Intro

- Setting WDM devices to 0 in the FF USB settings.

This should be set to 1 or more. Try

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: RME Fireface UCX with Pro Tools Intro

Hi Waedi,

Thanks for the suggestion; I changed the WDM devices from 0 to 1, restarted and still no output into Totalmix from PT unfortunately. When I originally started troubleshooting the issue my FF USB settings was set to 9, this displayed all the I/O in Windows sound settings.

My logic was that if I set it to 0 then Windows wouldn't have the option of using any of the Fireface's I/O, which would have solved what I believe to be the problem

Re: RME Fireface UCX with Pro Tools Intro

I would try disable onboard audio in the BIOS

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: RME Fireface UCX with Pro Tools Intro

Hi Waedi,

No luck annoyingly. I tired the device manager route first without success and then disabled it via the BIOS but still no signal into Totalmix

Re: RME Fireface UCX with Pro Tools Intro

May be this dante virtual thing is in the way ?
I would try to disable this as well for a test

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: RME Fireface UCX with Pro Tools Intro

Hi Waedi,

Funnily enough I disabled Dante while I was making the onboard audio inactive via device manager - which I then disabled via the BIOS. So when I ran that test Dante was inactive

8 (edited by ramses 2024-04-10 08:20:25)

Re: RME Fireface UCX with Pro Tools Intro

Disabling of audio on the mainboard is unnecessary, this is being recommended for other reasons but not required.

It is also unnecessary to think about Protools getting exclusive access to the Fireface. The ASIO driver works multi-client and this is also needed because otherwise RME DIGICheck would not work. It works also as an ASIO client. So this has also nothing to do with the issue.

Sorry, but for my taste, you are fiddling around too much, for example:
1. what should a Dante virtual driver change in this setup? You want to use the ASIO driver with your recording interface, nothing else. So you should concentrate on troubleshooting that. This has nothing to do with neither Dante nor with any "virtual" driver.
2. Crazy to think about using ASIO4ALL, as this leads to an unsupported setup. It adds another driver layer over all other types of audio drivers. This is completely against the idea of ASIO, to have direct access to the hardware with stability and lowest latencies in mind. This is only an "ugly" workaround for those guys who still want to use their USB microphones because they have no budget to correct this mistake and to buy and connect normal mics.

Rather than that, I would stick to the more "usual topics" and ensure that the setup is ok.

If I understood you correctly, then audio from Windows works after you enabled the WDM driver in the RME driver settings.
This means audio transport from PC over USB seems to work in principle.

Protools is sometimes a little strange. To be able to exclude any potential Protools issue and not to change too many things on the PC I would propose 1st of all to crosscheck with another application with ASIO support. You can use another DAW program like Reaper, a demo of Cubase or MusicBee music player.

I hope that the submix to AN5/6 is correct, that this is not a routing problem.
Nevertheless, did you try to reset TM FX?

If the issues persist even when trying with another application with ASIO support,
then you should also check the following:
- USB transport/connection, keep driver settings window open, look whether CRC counter increase
  if there are CRC errors this indicates cabling issue, too long or damaged cable
  its also worth to check the placement of plugs on both ends
- [driver and firmware you updated already you told]

By a driver update you are also getting the latest "bundled version" of TM FX, which RME put into the driver.
Sometimes there are even newer versions of TM FX available over forum, you could also test such a new version.
I am currently running on TM FX 1.93

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

9 (edited by ramses 2024-04-10 08:32:52)

Re: RME Fireface UCX with Pro Tools Intro

deltablue88 wrote:

Hi There,
Things I have done, or tried:

1- Ensured all Windows sound I/O related to the FF is set to exclusive mode and allowing exclusive mode applications priority.
2- Setting WDM devices to 0 in the FF USB settings.
3- Plugging in headphones to the output/mic jack on the pc to allow Windows Sound to default to the built in sound.
4- Trailed Dante Virtual Soundcard to give Windows an alternative I/O to default to.
5- Switching between DAW mode and Full mode in Totalmix
6- Checking the routing matrix in TM to ensure continuity.

to 1 - not needed, you have an issue with ASIO, audio from PC is even not visible in SW playbacks (middle row)
         this is not related to WDM/Windows sound, this has to do with ASIO.
         Remember: an ASIO driver has direct access to the recording interface and excludes windows sound completely

to 2 - not needed, see 1 .. you need a WDM device to get a windows compatible device Windows to make it to the default sound device for Windows and all application which use Windows audio but have no ASIO support.

to 3 - not needed, you are not troubleshooting windows sound

to 4- not needed, how should this fix any issue related to the transport of audio via ASIO to your UCX? Makes no sense.

to 5- nice try but unnecassary, you should see audio from the application in the middle row (SW playbacks)
         if this doesn't work, then expect, that also DAW mode will not work

to 6- are you that familiar with routing matrix? From my experience it is much easier to use mixer view and submix mode.
        Select any HW Output and check its ** individual routing/submix **
       according to the fader positions of HW inputs and SW playbacks.
       Pressing / toggling the "sub" button on the right side helps, then you see only those channels in top/middle row
       which route audio into this submix.

      BUT .. the main problem is, that you do not see any audio from DAW in the Middle Row / SW playbacks.
      If no audio arrives there, no audio can be routed to any output.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: RME Fireface UCX with Pro Tools Intro

Hi Ramses,

Yeah, the extra fiddling began after trying most of the basic fixes I could research.

I hoped a background Dante I/O would allow the PC to control this and leave the RME alone while PT took exclusivity over the FF ASIO driver, but this didn't yield any results and is disabled now. I've also re-enabled the PC's audio.

I've cross checked the driver/interface's functionality with reaper again. Audio passes out into analogue puts 5/6 into TM and I can hear it. Tested inputs 1/2 and I get signal in and can monitor it via outs 5/6 (This was tested using TM in DAW mode).

Opened PT straight after this test, checked the I/O and it does not pass audio out into TM with the same routing.

TM's submix appears to be normal, I have used the total reset function. I'm also running Version 1.93 of TM FX, firmware and drivers are up to date, checked that yesterday

Re: RME Fireface UCX with Pro Tools Intro

I'm not very well versed in the TM matrix to be honest, my main experience has been with Mac's using PT and I've not had the same issues. Except when using ASIO4ALL on PC's where I didn't encounter this playback issue.

I'll check the submixes now as you've advised and get back to you

Re: RME Fireface UCX with Pro Tools Intro

I've checked the submixes. I have PT playing in the background and Toggled TM to submix. When selecting AN 5/6 I can see that it's fader is at unity and so is it's respective software playback fader.

Though, like you said - There's no levels on the meters though so no audio is passing from PT to TM. So my problem is that not audio can be routed anyway

Re: RME Fireface UCX with Pro Tools Intro

I've always got the option of going nuclear and doing a fresh windows install and just installing RME drivers and PT. All my data I want to keep is on separate drives. Just windows updates that will take time.

I could also test ASIO4ALL to see if that works

Re: RME Fireface UCX with Pro Tools Intro … 95#p199995

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: RME Fireface UCX with Pro Tools Intro

Thanks Waedi,

That's probably not a bad shout to reset the drivers. I'll follow what that guy and uninstall/reinstall. I'm just taking my two year old out for a walk now so I'll report back once he's down for his nap

Re: RME Fireface UCX with Pro Tools Intro

deltablue88 wrote:

I've cross checked the driver/interface's functionality with reaper again. Audio passes out into analogue puts 5/6 into TM and I can hear it. Tested inputs 1/2 and I get signal in and can monitor it via outs 5/6 (This was tested using TM in DAW mode).

Opened PT straight after this test, checked the I/O and it does not pass audio out into TM with the same routing.

TM's submix appears to be normal, I have used the total reset function. I'm also running Version 1.93 of TM FX, firmware and drivers are up to date, checked that yesterday


If it works with Reaper
     - you see audio metering activity in SW playbacks and
     - you can route this audio to a HW output of your choice and you hear it
then you have a protools related issue with ASIO.

I would make sure, that the ASIO setup in Protools is ok, but also contact AVID support.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: RME Fireface UCX with Pro Tools Intro

Hi Waedi,

Thanks for your suggestions. I tried a driver reinstall following the directions, no luck unfortunately sad I think I'll have to go over to AVID support with this one

All the best

Re: RME Fireface UCX with Pro Tools Intro

Hi Ramses,

Thanks again for your help on this one. It's annoying there's no issues with another DAW, but it does confirm I have an issue with the RME ASIO and PT.

I've probably checked my ASIO setup too many times at this point. I'll have to dive into the AVID support forums to see if anyone else has had this issue.

I loath to contact AVID from my prior experiences, but it might be the way to resolve this...or learn a new DAW... potentially that's the easier option

Re: RME Fireface UCX with Pro Tools Intro

Thanks again Waedi and Ramses, it's really appreciated

Re: RME Fireface UCX with Pro Tools Intro

Did you try uninstall ProTools and re-install ?
May be the installer is checking the system and was confused by too much audiodriver ?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: RME Fireface UCX with Pro Tools Intro

Not sure I totally understand all the limits in PT Intro, but maybe this is just due to trying to use outputs 5/6.

From what I have gathered, you can only have 8 tracks with this version, and you can only access Inputs 1-4 and Outputs 1-4 on the audio interface.

Could you try using output 1/2 instead? Then with TotalMix, you can patch that playback to any physical output channels.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.