Topic: sync problem with ADI-8 DS

Ok, so I need help.

I suddenly found a few days ago that I get "clock-like" clicks from my inputs on my ADI-8 DS when running signals into it. They occur consistantly every second or so. It does not occur during playback, so I figure it's on the the A/D-side of things. It is only present when inputs are active. If I turn off gear going in the "front" it goes away.

I use the ADI-8 DS to convert signals from my pre-amps, route to hardware inserts etc.. I've also noticed that the 'SYNC' light is off.

Clock is set to input both ways. It runs in and out of a Madiface USB via ADAT.

The Madiface USB shows 'SYNC' in the control panel and has it's clock set to internal and the problem is not present with my Focusrite Clarett Octorpre, which is set up the same way as the ADI in terms of clocking from Madiface, obviously. Despite this I've flashed the Madiface and updated the driver - no joy.

Apart from swapping the ADAT cables, I think I've gone through and checked everything. I fear the actual hardware is failing.

Has anyone experienced anything similar and found a solution?

Thanks for any replies and best regards

Re: sync problem with ADI-8 DS

Update: I swapped to new cables. No joy sad

3 (edited by waedi 2024-06-08 16:07:20)

Re: sync problem with ADI-8 DS

The Madiface USB has no Adat and the ADI-8 DS has no Madi !
May you clear up what devices exactly you use ? I guesss it's a Digiface USB, right ?
Try the clock the other way around.
ADI-8 internal clock
Madiface or Digiface clock-mode external optical.
Rule of thumb : let the DA-converter be clock master

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: sync problem with ADI-8 DS

Digiface USB of course, sorry!

Thanks for the idea. Tried swapping it around to clock from the ADI, but problem persists and the 'SYNC' on the ADI still doesn't light up, despite the Digiface software control panel claiming they are synced.

Re: sync problem with ADI-8 DS

Internal power unit may be dying...?
How old is the unit ? Was the power supply ever replaced ?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

6 (edited by jesperjacobsen84 2024-06-08 22:03:52)

Re: sync problem with ADI-8 DS

Yeah, I was worried it was the hardware starting to fail somehow. I've had the unit for at least 10 years and I bought it used so hard to say exactly how old it is.

The problem is completely new. Haven't had any issues during ten years. Kinda points towards hardware failing...

-- Edit --

I haven't replaced anything in the time I've owned it. Can't speak to prior owner, but it never came up when I bought it.

Re: sync problem with ADI-8 DS

I would ask support :

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: sync problem with ADI-8 DS

Thanks for your help. I'll give it a try.